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liberal press « Limits to Growth

New York Times Bashes Coronavirus Disbelievers

The New York Times is shocked, shocked that some Americans are suspicious of the politicization of the coronavirus illness. The press is stirring up an absolute panic over a sickness that is minor in terms of deaths — now in the low dozens in this country while the seasonal flu has killed 18,000 Americans.

As […]

Sharyl Attkisson Explains How the Mainstream Media Created Massive Mistrust in Itself among the Public

Sharyl Attkisson was an award-winning reporter during her career in the mainstream media, including 21 years at CBS. At some point in her time with the MSM, she found her freedom as a journalist was being compromised and she resigned to pursue an independent career.

She has written two books critical of the media: Stonewalled: […]

Jeb Bush Gets a Semi-Friendly Look from the Washington Post

Is the Washington Post developing a lib-crush on Jeb Bush? The paper featured a curious piece about Bush on Monday’s front page (“For Jeb Bush, a family decision”), celebrating his appeal to diversity via the Mexican wife, but the article brings up ancient history that may have been forgotten by the public. One item: daughter […]