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Gang of Eight « Limits to Growth

Open-Borders Republicans Gear Up to Fight President Trump’s Enforcement Agenda

It sounds good when talking heads on TV jabber that the Republicans control the government, but the reality is more complex. While the GOP dominates the House, the party’s hold on the Senate is a slim 52-seat majority.

Worse, amnesty-hack Repubs are determined to shred US borders and sovereignty — do the names Jeff Flake, […]

Amnesty Opportunist Marco Rubio Says “Hasta la Vista, Suckers” — for Now

How sweet it is to see one of the worst examples of Washington evil get squashed like a bug in his own state, a “humiliating Florida loss” where Little Marco got a measly 27 percent of primary votes while northerner Trump got an impressive 46 percent.

Take that, Amnesty Man! The people won’t forget lying […]

Automation Mentioned at Republican Debate — by Marco Rubio

The fundamental transformation of the American workplace by smart machines has gone undiscussed in the Presidential campaign until now: one tiny mention occurred in Tuesday’s Republican debate by a man who characterizes himself as the fresh voice for the 21st century.

RUBIO: The problem is that today people are not successful working as hard […]

Amnesty Man Rubio Hints Cuba-Themed Campaign Kick-Off in Miami to Win Presidency (of USA)

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a top quisling in the Gang of Eight amnesty scheme, thinks appealing to his tribe the Cubans will be a plus for obtaining the American Presidency in 2016. It’s an odd strategy, but one which will likely find favor with the media elites.

Hey, Rubio, most Americans don’t care squat about […]

Senator Sessions: Senate Amnesty Bill’s Enforcement Weakens Existing Law

The Senate Gang of Eight promote their immigration legislation as balanced between goodies for foreign intruders and enforcement of American law.

But as sovereignty defender Senator Jeff Sessions has noted, “Like 2007, this bill is amnesty before enforcement. It’s immediate legality with the promise of enforcement.”

On Monday, a press release explained the failure […]