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Guatemalan War Criminal (an American Citizen!) Is Sentenced to Prison in California

On Monday, a Guatemalan ex-soldier, Jorge Sosa (pictured), was sentenced to ten years in prison for lying about his past in order to enter this country and become an American citizen. The jail time sounds pretty slim for a man who took part in the massacre of at least 160 people in the village of Dos Erres in 1982, but the real accounting will hopefully occur when he is deported to Guatemala where wartime atrocities are still remembered.

Sosa is a perfect example of how the worst war criminals on earth can waltz in to stupid-generous America and make themselves at home. The details about the massacre makes for gruesome testimony, such as how villagers thrown into a well, followed by a grenade. But Sosa lied on his asylum application that he was a morally upstanding fellow, suitable for American admittance, and he got it.

Some of the diverse war criminals admitted to America include:

● Bosnian Sulejman Mujagic, was accused of murder and torture while an Army commander during the ethnic war in the former Yugoslavia. He was arrested in Utica in 2012, where 6500 Bosnians reside in one of the largest settlements of that tribe in the country.

Gonzalo Guevara Cerritos was arrested in 2006 for being an illegal alien and also a member of the Salvadoran military death squad that brutally murdered six priests in 1989.

Kelbessa Negewo was an Ethiopian government official who participated in torture of political enemies who objected to the marxist regime. After immigrating to the US, he was later recognized in a New York City elevator by one of his torture victims.

Marko Boskic was a Serb militia triggerman who helped execute thousands of residents of Srebrenica in the 1995 massacre. Even so, he entered the US in 2000 using his real name and settled in Peabody Massachusetts where he had numerous arrests for drunk driving and such, but was only tracked down when Boston Globe reporter Elizabeth Neuffer investigated him. In 2010, the US extradited Boskic to Bosnia where he was tried and imprisoned.

Over the last few days, citizens have learned that the administration plans to loosen the standards by which asylum is granted, with an eye toward the million of Syrians who have been displaced. Persons who have “limited terrorist ties” will now be eligible to enter this country and become American citizens.

In fact, this nation has a terrible history of letting bad guys in, whether they are categorized as terrorists or mass-murdering war criminals. The idea that US screening is too tough is ludicrous, given the record.

A segment from Fox News on Monday listed several terrorists who received asylum in the United States, namely Ramzi Yousef (perpetrator of 1993 World Trade Center bombing), Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer (part of 1997 New York subway bomb plot), Mir Amal Kansi (the 1993 shooter at CIA headquarters), Nuradin Abdi (planner of an Ohio shopping center bombing) and the Tsarnaev brothers (bombers of the Boston Marathon):

As despicable as ordinary war criminals are, most lead quiet lives in the United States where they seek to hide from their shameful pasts. But the jihadists that the administration will most certainly admit with its new permissive policy are active, willful enemies who want to kill infidel Americans.

Here’s the AP report of Sosa getting sentenced:

Ex-Guatemalan soldier sentenced to 10 years in US, Associated Press, February 10, 2014

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) — A former Guatemalan special forces soldier was sentenced Monday to a decade in an American prison for lying on a U.S. citizenship application about his role in a civil war massacre that decimated a village more than three decades ago.

Jorge Sosa, 55, who taught martial arts in Riverside County, was also stripped of his American citizenship after being convicted of failing to disclose his alleged participation in the killing of at least 160 people in the village of Dos Erres.

The former second lieutenant was not formally tried in California for war crimes, but U.S. District Court Judge Virginia A. Phillips noted that a jury found Sosa committed crimes in Dos Erres after comrades testified that he fired a weapon into a well filled with screaming villagers and stood by as soldiers under his command raped and killed women.

“These are the crimes the defendant lied about and didn’t disclose,” Phillips told the court before handing down the maximum 10-year sentence. “The particular facts of what occurred on Dec. 7, 1982, at Dos Erres cannot be characterized in any other way than as crimes.”

The case is one of several aimed at perpetrators of the massacre that took place at the height of Guatemala’s 36-year civil war. In that nation, five former soldiers have each been sentenced to more than 6,000 years in prison for the killings, while one of Sosa’s former comrades is also serving a decade-long sentence in a U.S. prison for lying on his immigration forms. Continue reading this article

Mexico Tries to Block Texas Execution of Cop Killer

Our unfriendly neighbor has been making a regular pest of itself by repeatedly insinuating itself into American domestic affairs where its big nose does not belong.

Within the last week, for example, the Mexican legislature passed a resolution urging the United States to admit more Mexes as asylum cases. Mexico cannot protect its own people, so let Uncle Sucker take care of them, that seems to be the message.

In another subject, Mexican behavior is yet more morally reprehensible, namely its efforts to protect its murderous citizens from American justice. The current criminal is illegal alien cop-killer Edgar Tamayo Arias whose case has gotten 20 years of legal review, and he is still guilty and needs to get his sentence carried out.

Incidentally, the Houston Police Department officer whom Arias murdered, Guy Gaddis (pictured) was only 24 when he died, so Arias has been housed and fed on the taxpayers’ dime in prison for nearly as long as his victim’s entire life.

Furthermore, the killer had earlier imprisonment in California but was not deported upon release, so he remained in this country to murder a police officer.

Note to Mexico: if you don’t want your criminals executed, then keep them at home, where the courts are famously more forgiving.

Mexican who gunned down Houston cop WILL be executed tonight despite last-minute pleas from Mexico government, Daily Mail, January 22, 2014

A Mexican held on death-row in a Texan prison for murdering a policeman will be executed tonight despite last-ditch appeals from lawyers for clemency.

Edgar Arias Tamayo, 46, was set for lethal injection this evening for shooting of Guy Gaddis, 24, in January 1994.

The case has been a focus of protests in his home town and diplomatic pressure, with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry calling for a delay to Tamayo’s execution.

Tamayo’s lawyers had lodged an appeal arguing that he was ineligible for the death penalty due to mental impairment.

But a court ruled the appeal had been filed too late.

Gaddis, who had been on the force for two years, was driving Tamayo and another man from a robbery scene when evidence showed the officer was shot three times in the head and neck with a pistol Tamayo had concealed in his pants.

The car crashed, and Tamayo fled on foot but was captured a few blocks away, still in handcuffs, carrying the robbery victim’s watch and wearing the victim’s necklace. Continue reading this article

Victim Visa Quickly Reaches Limit

This year’s allotment of 10,000 U visa for crime victims has been used up since the visas opened up in October, so naturally the liberal open-borders types thinks America needs more additional slots for the fraud magnet category. Most of the U visas go to illegal aliens with the only qualification being claims of victimhood, so it’s just another scheme for scammers to get the keys to the kingdom.

For example, last spring a Mexican woman living in Marin County staged an armed robbery with a male relative to get a victim visa. There must be many more such cases that are not discovered by the police.

Word is getting out that America is the welfare agency for the world and permanent admittance can be gained via the victim visa. Several Saudi women in this country as students utilized the U visa to stay here permanently.

Congresswoman Diane Black had the right idea when she introduced the U Visa Reform Act of 2013 H.R. 463 which would limit chain migration, require that U visa holders be actual crime victims, and make the U visa a true nonimmigrant visa.

Rep Black sensibly observed, “While a criminal act against any individual in this country is inexcusable and reprehensible regardless of immigration status, it is not good immigration policy to staple green cards to police reports for those in the country illegally.”

Right, a black eye trumps a college degree in the United States of Victims.

If that isn’t bad enough, Washington also offers a T-1 visa for sex workers looking for a better life. Just the job skill America needs.

US Quickly Reaches Cap on Visas for Crime Victims, Associated Press, December 14, 2013

The federal government has already reached its cap on special visas for crime victims, just a few months into the fiscal year, the fastest the limit has been reached since the U.S. government started issuing them in 2008, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The visas are meant to help authorities investigate crimes committed against people who are not legally in the U.S. and to provide a level of security to crime victims who otherwise might fear they could be deported if they come forward.

Some advocates say it’s a positive sign that the program is being used. It may also suggest that Congress should revisit the statutory cap of 10,000 on the so-called U visas.

The agency announced the cap was reached Wednesday, less than 2 ½ months into the fiscal year. The second-fastest year to the cap was 2010 — the first year it was reached — but that took 9 ½ months.

Although the cap has been reached, the agency continues accepting and reviewing petitions. Those initially deemed eligible are placed on a waiting list and will be in line to receive a U visa when next year’s allotment is offered beginning Oct. 1.

The visas were created in legislation passed in 2000, and the agency has issued them to more than 89,600 victims and family members since 2008. About 75 percent of U visas are granted on the basis of domestic violence or sexual assault crimes. Continue reading this article

Tijuana Tent City of Deported Lawbreakers Alarms Catholic.org

Typically, professional Catholic handwringers fret about Mexicans suffering in Mexico, and conclude it’s America’s fault. The specific Mexicans are deported individuals, so they are willful lawbreakers exhibiting hostility to American sovereignty and to the people of this country.

Tijuana’s tent city of deportees, aka La Mapa, is filled with hundreds of dome camper tents.

Plus, the writer insists upon calling them “refugees” as if they were victims rather than persons who created their own unfortunate situation through lawbreaking.

The “refugee” usage is only one of a number of melodramatic, inaccurate characterizations.

The evil pit of despair that awaits illegal immigrants deported to Tijuana, Catholic Online, December 6, 2013

Tijuana is home to a massive number of refugees awaiting a chance to return to the United States after being deported. Many of those refugees are making their homes in a semi-permanent tent city where drugs and violence are rampant.

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – As a virtual civil war continues in Mexico and the economy improves in the U.S., illegal immigrants are once again eying the United States as a destination for a better life. those who are caught are dumped in Tijuana where they must settle into a tent city.

Although many are entering the country illegally, they are doing what they can to assimilate. In the infamous “El Mapa” tent city in Tijuana, more than half of the residents speak English and have family waiting for them north of the border.

California authorities say most of the deportees, about two-thirds, have criminal convictions. This appears to be true, except those criminal convictions are not for violent crimes. Many are for misdemeanors including traffic infractions. A full one-third have no criminal record at all.

Mexican immigrants are lured to the United States with the tempting prospect of work and an opportunity to raise children in a place that isn’t riddled with gang violence. The southwestern border of the U.S. has always been porous with waves of immigrants passing both directions with the seasons since people can remember.

When Mexicans settle en masse in the United States, gang violence often follows. They bring it.

Continue reading this article

California: Criminal-Friendly TRUST Act Is Signed into Law

In Demorat-run Mexifornia, Governor Jerry Brown is on a roll to shred law enforcement’s ability to protect public safety. After enacting driver’s licenses for illegal aliens a few days ago, he finalized the so-called TRUST Act ending the partnership, known as Secure Communities, in which local police hand over already arrested foreign lawbreakers to the feds.

Liberal advocates for touchy-feely policing claim that illegal immigrants are too shy about their status to report crimes and therefore the foreign invaders should be cut more slack regarding their lawbreaking behaviors, kindly treatment that mere citizens don’t get. Soft enforcement on foreign criminals is a major price we Americans pay for the questionable addition of diversity into our society.

However a September paper from the Center for Immigration Studies (Immigration Enforcement and Community Policing) demonstrates that the “chilling effect” from police cooperation with ICE is a fiction. For example, hispanics are more likely than other groups overall to report crimes, according to Justice Department figures. Local studies are examined in the CIS piece and show similar attitudes toward police among foreigners.

And whatever happened to the idea of “broken windows” policing? The idea was to grab beginning criminals doing minor crimes before they grew into dangerous felons. The new TRUST law turns that policy on its head by instead protecting lesser criminals.

The San Jose Mercury News noted a local murder case that showed the flaws of the squishy liberal view. (The crime victim, Martha Casillas, is pictured at right with her three children, back when she was alive.)

San Jose killing entangled in immigrant policy fight over Trust Act, SJM, September 29, 2013.

SAN JOSE — A month before authorities say he killed his wife, 40-year-old Mario Chavez was in jail after a heated domestic argument that ended with him threatening their 6-year-old son with a knife.

His family got a protective order. He made bail. When a judge later raised the amount, so did Chavez.

In the weeks since the Sept. 7 slaying that left three San Jose children virtually orphaned, some of the sadness gave way to a pointed question: Should Chavez — who was in the country illegally — have been able to post bail in the first place?

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials contend they could have kept Chavez off the street, but were stymied by a county policy that severely curtails their access to inmates. But the local leaders who championed that policy say it remains an important protection against federal overreaching, and argue the criminal justice system has plenty of other ways to keep dangerous individuals locked up.

It’s likely that fellow hispanics will be the most frequent crime victims resulting from weakened law enforcement, simply because the illegals swim in the ocean of the Spanish-speaking community.

Of course, life will become more dangerous for all California residents because the state welcome mat is now firmly in place for diverse criminals.

California won’t turn arrested illegal immigrants over to feds, San Jose Mercury News, October 5, 2013

Reversing his position from a year ago, Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday signed a law that shields illegal immigrants arrested on suspicion of many crimes from being turning over to immigration authorities.

Coming on the heels of Brown signing a bill allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, Brown’s signature on the so-called Trust Act signaled a personal turnaround. It also highlighted the dramatic shift in Californians’ views toward illegal immigration since voters in 1994 overwhelming approved Proposition 187, which barred illegal immigrants from receiving public benefits but was ultimately overturned in court.

Brown said that AB4 by Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, “protects public safety and yet also protects immigrants who are basically living upright lives and working hard for the people.”

The bill prohibits placing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement holds on jail inmates who are otherwise eligible for release. Brown said he now felt comfortable signing the bill because the Legislature had added several provisions to the Trust Act since he vetoed it last year that will allow those charged or convicted with serious and violent felonies to be held for ICE agents. Crimes added to the list that expose immigrants to deportation include child abuse, gang-related crimes, drug trafficking, weapon sales, using children to sell drugs and aggravated federal felonies.

The bill extends statewide what Santa Clara County and some other jurisdictions around the country have already put into practice, sometimes raising controversy when immigrants who might have been deported are later arrested on suspicion of committing serious crimes.

Law enforcement agencies, which opposed the bill, and immigrant advocates both had energetically lobbied Brown on Ammiano’s bill. Continue reading this article

Mexican Authorities Increase Sentence for Drunk Driver Who Put Jersey Woman in a Coma

We don’t see many instances of efforts toward justice coming from Mexico when the victims are American, so sightings are welcome and deserve commendation.

In 2003, 21-year-old Christina Applegate (pictured) was struck by a drunk-driving illegal alien Mexican in Franklin Township New Jersey. Newly married at the time, Christina has been in a coma ever since and lives on a feeding tube and ventilator under the care of her father.

Juan Luis Bautista, the drunk-driving illegal, was arrested, posted bail and escaped to Mexico — apparently local authorities didn’t think he was a flight risk. He was rearrested there in 2010, thanks in part to the diligence of county police who fed information to Mexican officers about Bautista’s background.

In 2011, Bautista was sentenced to 2 ½ years in a Mexican prison for the injury to Applegate, four years for use of a fraudulent driver’s license and a fine of around $600. More recently federal prosecutors decided that the punishment was insufficient for the permanent injuries caused, and added three more years to the sentence.

Of course, less than ten years for the complete destruction of a life is hardly adequate, but any increase in punishment is a move in the right direction. Bautista is not a particular threat to Mexicans so you have to conclude the the prosecutors’ act was one of decency.

This case is a pleasant change from the meddling of the Mexican government to protect its criminal exports: the murders of two Texas girls comes to mind. Jennifer Ertman, 14, and Elizabeth Pena, 16, were brutally raped and murdered in a 1993 gang initiation, after which the Mexicans went to great lengths to stop their guy Jose Medellin from being executed.

Bur we should never forget the preventable crimes allowed by Washington’s open borders. Christina Applegate got a life sentence of existing in a vegetative state.

The 2011 news segment reported the relief of Christina’s friends at the arrest of Bautista in Mexico:

Sentence increased for drunken driver in 2003 Franklin crash, Daily Journal, September 25, 2013

FRANKLIN — A Bridgeton man convicted in a 2003 alcohol-fueled car crash that put a Franklin Township woman in a decade-long coma will spend more time in a Mexican jail for the offense.

The Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office said 32-year-old Juan Luis Bautista will serve an additional three years on top of the 6 ½ he was sentenced to in 2011.

The additional prison time was added after an appeal was filed by Mexican federal prosecutors.

Bautista fled to Mexico after he was charged with first-degree vehicular injuries in 2003. The television show “America’s Most Wanted” filmed a segment on the case in 2004. He was picked up there in 2010.

Applegate, then 22, sustained severe head injuries in the September 2003 crash. She was married and living in Franklin Township at the time. Applegate remains in a coma and is now in the care of her father in another state, authorities said. Continue reading this article

Your Tax Dollars at Work: PBS Amnesty Agitprop

Don’t look now, but PBS is about to dump six hours of diversity propaganda TV on the American public, curiously timed around the amnesty debate in Washington. How convenient for them.

In FY 2012, the feds spent $445 million to fund PBS TV and NPR radio, aka the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Clearly, no expense was spared in the production of Latino-Americans, with dual-language websites, a pretty picture book, numerous videos with the liberally conventional stories of suffering and success, blah blah.

Below, PBS heroically pictured Pancho Villa when he was a general in the Mexican revolution, but didn’t mention his attack on the town of Columbus New Mexico in 1916 when 19 Americans were killed by Villa’s army.

The blog section is odd indeed.There are individual blog postings, but the comments are all identical, at least when I looked on Sunday. They appear to all come from the item on Jewish Latino music. They are strange responses when read following the hateful blog about the illegal aliens who came to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina (and never left). Residents of the Crescent City didn’t want their unique culture overrun with illegal Mexicans imported for cheap exploitable labor while local residents, black and white, were pushed aside for rebuilding jobs.

But to PBS, it’s all about the victimhood, whether truthful or not. (Contact PBS ombudsman Michael Getler if you have an opinion about such propaganda TV on the taxpayer tab.)

The blog item about New Orleans could be torn from the pages of the Raza handbook, being so full of lies, distortions and the complete disregard of American sovereignty. It’s pretty rich for the race-obsessed author to cite hispanics’ “black brothers and sisters” when the foreigners invaded New Orleans and snatched rebuilding jobs from local people of color.

Hard Living in the Big Easy: Latino Immigrants & the Recovery of Post-Katrina New Orleans, by Jose Torres-Tama, September 1, 2013

At no other time since my arrival in 1968 have I been witness to such blatant defamation of immigrants as I am seeing today, and the passing of Arizona’s SB 1070 by the Republican Governor Brewer in 2010 has spawned other copycat anti-immigrant laws in states like Georgia (May 2011), Alabama (June 2011), and South Carolina (June 2011).

I call these states the New Confederacy of the South passing Juan Crow laws that redirect their previous vitriol and racial poison towards African Americans towards brown Latinos today.

Basically, people who look like me because I’m a brown Mestizo Latino male, and based on the discretion of local police in any of these states, I could be detained and made to present my passport or green card to prove my status.

Imagine, if we were to see laws being passed where we required people of Jewish descent to have to show proof of their rightful status, if the many Hasidic Jews in New York were stopped and questioned about their legal status. There would be a very loud political fallout about racial profiling or living while Jewish. It is not like the Jewish people have not experienced this before in freedomlandia.

We, brown people, like our black bothers and sisters, know too well what it means to be stopped while simply being the colored other. Continue reading this article

Senate Amnesty Bill Coddles Illegal Alien Criminals

We already know that the Gang of Eight amnesty bill contains a full trough of goodies for foreign job thieves. But evidence is accumulating that favoritism toward dangerous criminal aliens is also written into the legislation, which is not exactly a new trend (see Criminal Protection Is a Historic Element of Congressional Amnesties).

Did La Raza’s cartel division help write S.744? The notion that government’s top job is to protect public safety has been diminished greatly by the open-borders extremists.

Fortunately the criminal-friendly aspect of the bill is beginning to come to light. The legislation allows a great deal of discretion to the DHS Secretary about who may be deported. For example, if a drunk driver’s removal might cause inconvenience to his US-residing familia, he could be permitted to stay, despite the obvious danger to Americans.

The open-border gang has always been squishy on public safety and particularly so on drunk driving illegal aliens, probably because hispanics disproportionately drive drunk (at least according to NPR). It’s just easier for DHS boss Janet Napolitano cover up shocking cases like the Virginia nun Denise Mosier killed by previously arrested illegal Carlos Montano who had been released from jail.

The video above mentioned a couple of preventable deaths, one being that of Phoenix Police Officer Daryl Raetz (shown below with his wife and five-year-old daughter), killed by a hit-and-run driver, an illegal alien with priors.

But to the Gang of Eight and other friends of diverse crime, the preventable deaths of Americans killed by criminal aliens are unimportant, so the plan is to lessen the immigration enforcement that protects public safety.

Debate grows over deporting illegal immigrants with rap sheets after police officers killed, By William La Jeunesse, Fox News, June 17, 2013

As the House and Senate continue to debate overhauling America’s immigration system, new differences are emerging between the two chambers over how to handle criminal illegal immigrants.

The controversy is emerging after two police officers were killed, allegedly by illegal immigrant drunk drivers with prior DUI arrests.

“There are thousands of Americans killed intentionally and accidentally by illegal immigrants who have already been arrested and could have been deported from the U.S.,” said Kris Kobach, an attorney representing Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who claim the Obama administration is preventing them from deporting law-breakers.

In Houston, police say 23-year-old Andres Munos was driving drunk on May 20 when he struck and killed 47-year-old Sgt. Dwayne Polk, a Harris County sheriff’s deputy. Munos, who is in this country illegally, was previously arrested in 2010 for drunk driving and unlawful carrying of a weapon.

In Phoenix, Jesus Cabrera-Molina admitted he was drunk and high on cocaine the night his SUV struck and killed Phoenix Police Officer Daryl Raetz — but he denies he was behind the wheel. Witnesses disagree, and Phoenix police have charged Molina with manslaughter.

Under a House bill now being debated, drivers like Munos and Molina would likely get deported immediately by ICE or local police, who would have the authority to enforce federal immigration statutes.

Under the Senate bill, however, illegal immigrants accused of non-violent crimes are entitled to a hearing and a taxpayer-funded lawyer. Those with three or fewer misdemeanors and some felonies would be allowed to remain if they had children or wives in the U.S. Continue reading this article

Criminal Protection Is a Historic Element of Congressional Amnesties

One of the worst parts of the Senate amnesty bill is the disregard of public safety and the coddling of foreign criminals. And because this item has appeared in at least two previous amnesties, one must conclude that protecting illegal alien gangsters is a priority of the bill’s authors — the the special interests, both business and ethnic who actually wrote the legislation.

This kind of a pattern shows a suspicious friendliness toward brutal drug gangs that have made Mexico a killing field in the last few years. You have to wonder who in La Raza defends hispanic gangsters with such zeal and why. In many cases of gang crime in this country, hispanics are the victims, so why the permissiveness toward a real danger to the fellow members of The Race?

In 2011, Senator Jeff Sessions warned that the new DREAM Act was worse than the previous version, and provided a list to show it. One important item was the forgiveness for gangsters with just a promise to behave. (Surely Mexican Mafia members now incarcerated in American prisons would love a deal like that.)

3. The DREAM Act Provides a Safe Harbor for Any Alien, Including Criminals, From Being Removed or Deported If They Simply Submit An Application
Although DREAM Act proponents claim it will benefit only those who meet certain age, presence, and educational requirements, amazingly S.952 protects ANY alien who simply submits an application for status no matter how frivolous. The bill forbids the Secretary of Homeland Security from removing “any alien who has a pending application for conditional nonimmigrant status”—regardless of age or criminal record—providing a safe harbor for millions. Though the bill requires a modest “prima facie” showing of eligibility, this is the lowest standard of legal proof and could likely be satisfied by the alien’s signature. This loophole will open the floodgates for applications that could stay pending for many years or be litigated as a delay tactic to prevent an illegal alien’s removal from the United States. Such delays will increase the number of those released on bail and will increase the number of absconders. The provision will further erode any chances of ending the rampant illegality and fraud in the existing system.

In 2007, that year’s bill also contained a coddle card for criminals, as analyzed by Senator Sessions in a list of 20 loopholes, detailing three categories that related to the care of criminals:

Loophole 6 – Some Child Molesters Are Still Eligible:
Some aggravated felons – those who have sexually abused a minor – are eligible for amnesty. A child molester who committed the crime before the bill is enacted is not barred from getting amnesty if their conviction document omitted the age of the victim. The bill corrects this loophole for future child molesters, but does not close the loophole for current or past convictions. [See p. 47: 30-33, & p. 48: 1-2]

Loophole 7 – Terrorism Connections Allowed, Good Moral Character Not Required:
Illegal aliens with terrorism connections are not barred from getting amnesty. An illegal alien seeking most immigration benefits must show “good moral character.” Last year’s bill specifically barred aliens with terrorism connections from having “good moral character” and being eligible for amnesty. This year’s bill does neither. Additionally, bill drafters ignored the Administration’s request that changes be made to the asylum, cancellation of removal, and withholding of removal statutes in order to prevent aliens with terrorist connections from receiving relief. [Compare §204 in S. 2611 from the 109th Congress with missing §204 on p. 48 of S.A. 1150, & see missing subsection (5) on p. 287 of S.A. 1150].

Loophole 8 – Gang Members Are Eligible:
Instead of ensuring that members of violent gangs such as MS 13 are deported after coming out of the shadows to apply for amnesty, the bill will allow violent gang members to get amnesty as long as they “renounce” their gang membership on their application. [See p. 289: 34-36].

Back to the present, the President of the ICE agents union, Chris Crane, has been doing media appearances to warn about the bill’s extreme laxity regarding criminals. He appeared on the John and Ken radio show on Monday to draw attention to the gang member waiver:

Chris Crane: It’s a lot bigger than just the gang members of course but on the gang member part of this, if they come forward and allegedly claim to renounce their gang affiliation, their gang membership, then they have a path to citizenship, and it’s pretty much that simple. [. . .] Continue reading this article

Rep. Steve King and Other Border Stalwarts Present Anti-Amnesty Arguments

Are the House friends of American sovereignty waking up to the looming amnesty danger? Perhaps.

On Thursday, several of the more spine-enhanced members had a low-key presser, called a “pen-and-pad” by Roll Call (new scribbler shop talk to me). Organized by Congressman Steve King (R-IA, pictured), the event included Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Lou Barletta (R-PA), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Mo Brooks (R-AL).

There’s no video of the event, at least so far, or transcript either. Why so shy? Millions of citizens are starved for leadership supporting the well-being of the nation, rather than an immigration amnesty deal made in secret for powerful special interests. Congressman King was involved in an outdoors press conference in 2011 spotlighting the crime victims of illegal aliens; that format could be usefully be followed for a presentation on American joblessness, for example.

Anyway, the pen-and-pad is a welcome step in the right direction. Hopefully there will be more leadership forthcoming to maintain a recognizable America.

Steve King Leads House Reps’ Fight against Amnesty, Breitbart.com, April 11, 2013

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) on Thursday pulled together a group of conservative colleagues to fight back against Democratic Party and GOP establishment efforts to grant amnesty to at least 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.

King organized an invitation-only press conference for reporters from several different publications, including Breitbart News, at which he and Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Lou Barletta (R-PA), and Michele Bachmann (R-MN), declared opposition to any and all efforts by career politicians inside the beltway to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants in the country.

In the 113th Congress’s immigration debate, only a handful of conservative Senators, led by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), have been fighting back against the amnesty attempts, especially without real border security or interior law enforcement reform. But now at least a small House contingent is joining Sessions and his conservative colleagues on the other side of Capitol Hill.

King said he is speaking up now because of the “inertia” of pro-amnesty lawmakers. “[W]e’re concerned about having this wash over us and not have the opportunity for the constitutional conservatives in this country and in this Congress to have their voice heard,” he said.

King also discussed the many erroneous conclusions drawn by colleagues, such as that the presidential election was lost because of certain misstatements or verbal gaffes, such as “self-deport” or “47 percent.” He also questioned the efficacy of using the fact that George W. Bush received a high percentage of the Hispanic vote as an excuse for the disappointing results in November.

[“I think it’s high time we had this discussion,” King added. “A number of us have sat back and watched with amazement at how quickly some of our colleagues leaped to erroneous conclusions. One of them would be on the morning of November 7, when a good number of them concluded that Mitt Romney would be president-elect that morning if we had just not said ‘self-deport.’ Continue reading this article

More Nails in the Moral Coffin of Cardinal Mahony, the Anti-Borders Protector of Pervert Priests

The case of Cardinal Roger Mahony is a reminder that justice delayed is justice denied; if a perp can slow down the functioning of the legal system for years, then memories fade, the urgency to prosecute dissolves and the statute of limitations kicks in. Mahony has been involved in a continuing cover-up of criminal activity since the mid-1980s, the facts of which are gradually coming to light even now.

He was named by a Stockton jury in 1998 as allowing a pedophile priest to continue working with no steps taken to keep him away from children. Later it was learned that Mahony let a dozen pervert priests work around children. In 2007 Mahony signed a $600 million check to settle sex abuse claims against the Los Angeles Catholic Diocese, the largest payout anywhere for priest crimes against children.

Recent revelations from a Los Angeles court shows communications from Mahony to Msgr. Thomas Curry about how to cover up the widespread sexual abuse of kids. Nothing was done to protect the children; the only action taken was to shield the Catholic church from public disapproval and legal repercussions.

Meanwhile, this same pervert protector assailed American citizens who want their immigration laws enforced, even comparing them to Nazis on his blog by hysterically misrepresenting Arizona’s enforcement law:

The law is wrongly assuming that Arizona residents, including local law enforcement personnel, will now shift their total attention to guessing which Latino-looking or foreign-looking person may or may not have proper documents. That’s also nonsense. American people are fair-minded and respectful. I can’t imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation. Are children supposed to call 911 because one parent does not have proper papers? Are family members and neighbors now supposed to spy on one another, create total distrust across neighborhoods and communities, and report people because of suspicions based upon appearance?

When Cardinal Mahony retired in 2011, he vowed to spend his later years working for an illegal alien amnesty, all the better to keep hispanics coming to fill the church’s pews.

Below, in 2010 Cardinal Mahony protested Arizona’s immigration enforcement law in Los Angeles.

The latest news about the sordid story shows hypocrisy of biblical proportions. While Mahony was claiming to be the friend of illegal hispanics, he allowed their status to be used as a club against them to protect his pervert priests. Msgr. Peter Garcia raped at least a dozen illegal immigrant boys whom he believed would not report him to authorities because of their illegality, and he threatened one boy with deportation if he notified police.

Such is the moral universe of one of the Catholic church’s most illustrious leaders.

L.A. church leaders sought to hide sex abuse cases from authorities, Los Angeles Times, January 21, 2013

Documents from the late 1980s show that Archbishop Roger M. Mahony and another archdiocese official discussed strategies to keep police from discovering that children were being sexually abused by priests.

Fifteen years before the clergy sex abuse scandal came to light, Archbishop Roger M. Mahony and a top advisor plotted to conceal child molestation by priests from law enforcement, including keeping them out of California to avoid prosecution, according to internal Catholic church records released Monday.

The archdiocese’s failure to purge pedophile clergy and reluctance to cooperate with law enforcement has previously been known. But the memos written in 1986 and 1987 by Mahony and Msgr. Thomas J. Curry, then the archdiocese’s chief advisor on sex abuse cases, offer the strongest evidence yet of a concerted effort by officials in the nation’s largest Catholic diocese to shield abusers from police. The newly released records, which the archdiocese fought for years to keep secret, reveal in church leaders’ own words a desire to keep authorities from discovering that children were being molested.

In the confidential letters, filed this month as evidence in a civil court case, Curry proposed strategies to prevent police from investigating three priests who had admitted to church officials that they abused young boys. Curry suggested to Mahony that they prevent them from seeing therapists who might alert authorities and that they give the priests out-of-state assignments to avoid criminal investigators.

One such case that has previously received little attention is that of Msgr. Peter Garcia, who admitted preying for decades on undocumented children in predominantly Spanish-speaking parishes. After Garcia’s discharge from a New Mexico treatment center for pedophile clergy, Mahony ordered him to stay away from California “for the foreseeable future” in order to avoid legal accountability, the files show. “I believe that if Monsignor Garcia were to reappear here within the archdiocese we might very well have some type of legal action filed in both the criminal and civil sectors,” the archbishop wrote to the treatment center’s director in July 1986.

The following year, in a letter to Mahony about bringing Garcia back to work in the archdiocese, Curry said he was worried that victims in Los Angeles might see the priest and call police.

“[T]here are numerous — maybe twenty — adolescents or young adults that Peter was involved with in a first degree felony manner. The possibility of one of these seeing him is simply too great,” Curry wrote in May 1987. Continue reading this article

Illegal Alien Arrest Delayed until after Election to Help Democrat

One might think that a prudent public official with an important job like Senator would normally do a background check of all persons working in his office. Apparently Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) didn’t, and as a result welcomed an illegal alien who was also a sex-offender to volunteer in his Washington office.

What’s notable in this case is how the DHS was told not to arrest and deport the guy until after the election, where Menendez was running for another term. The intern was arrested on December 6, which was reported a few days later, but the administration tut-tutted away any suggestion that there was a political delay.

The perp is question is Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, a Peruvian visa overstayer who was arrested for numerous sexual assaults on an eight-year-old boy.

Senator Menendez is on the Foreign Relations Committee, which has national security functions, so checking everyone’s identity in his office seems a no-brainer.

Photos of the perp haven’t appeared in the American media, but the Spanish-speaking press has been more forthcoming:

The following report notes that Zavaleta was arrested and then released, presumably to show up for deportation at a later date. Or will be amnestied under Obama’s DREAMer free-for-all for which he applied? Is child molestation a serious enough crime to warrant deportation under Democrat values? We will see, if the media will diligently follow up on the case.

Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, Bob Menendez Intern, Had Arrest Delayed By Washington Officials, Associated Press, January 15, 2012

WASHINGTON — Federal immigration agents were prepared to arrest an illegal immigrant and registered sex offender days before the November elections but were ordered by Washington to hold off after officials warned of “significant interest” from Congress and news organizations because the suspect was a volunteer intern for Sen. Robert Menendez, according to internal agency documents provided to Congress.

The Homeland Security Department said last month, when The Associated Press first disclosed the delayed arrest of Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, that AP’s report was “categorically false.”

Sanchez, 18, was an immigrant from Peru who has overstayed a visitor visa that allowed him to enter the United States. He eventually was arrested at his home in New Jersey on Dec. 6. He has since been released from an immigration jail and is facing deportation. Sanchez has declined to speak to the AP.

After the AP story, which cited an unnamed U.S. official involved in the case, Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and six other Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee asked the Obama administration for details about the incident.

According to those documents, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in Newark had arranged to arrest Sanchez at the local prosecutor’s office on Oct. 25. That was fewer than two weeks before the election.

Noting that Sanchez was a volunteer in Menendez’s Senate office, ICE officials in New Jersey advised that the arrest “had the possibility of garnering significant congressional and media interest” and were “advised to postpone the arrest” until officials in Washington gave approval. The documents describe a conference call between officials Washington and New Jersey to “determine a way forward, given the potential sensitivities surrounding the case.”

The senators, in a letter to the Homeland Security Department, said the agency documents showed that Sanchez’s arrest “was delayed by six weeks,” as AP had reported. They asked for details about the department’s review of potentially sensitive, high profile immigration cases when arrests are delayed. Continue reading this article