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Mexico: Pope Promotes Illegal Immigration on Border

Pope Francis has toured Mexico over the last few days, preaching about this and that, with the grand finale planned from the start to be a poke in the eye of American law and sovereignty, and indeed it was. The pope stood in Juarez — the city where hundreds of women have been murdered — which he briefly mentioned, but the Very Important Victims according to Francis are the illegal aliens “expelled by poverty and violence, by drug trafficking and criminal organizations.”

Funny how the professional do-gooders regard America as the world’s flophouse and full-service social service agency. Meanwhile, the influx of millions of low-skilled oppression-accepting foreigners harms our own poor people the most. But the pope doesn’t care about American poor; job #1 for him is virtue display with a thick religion overlay.

Anyway, America is a traditionally Protestant nation (being diminished, as a result of immigration) and the pope is all about boosting the welfare of his people the catholics by encouraging them to move north. And he wouldn’t mind if the US becomes more catholic as a result.

Cassock elites believe national law and sovereignty take a back seat to church tenets. Those supremacist beans were spilled by border priest Michael Seifert when he observed, “Any family in economic need has a right to immigrate, that’s our posture, if a family is hungry and the family needs work, then society should provide a way for people to do that.”

Meanwhile, polling shows that catholic parishioners agree with the rest of Americans that the government should be doing more to bring illegal immigration under control.

On Thursday, the big front-page photo on several major newspapers, including the New York Times (shown below), Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, was of the pope endorsing open borders to benefit poor people to the south. Those emotional images will stick with illiterate third worlders, giving them permission to illegally enter America and steal citizens’ jobs.


Interestingly, the pope denounced corruption in Mexico during his trip, yet he wants America to admit millions of criminals to our country. Since the DoJ reported several years ago that Mexican drug gangs operate in more than 200 US cities, we appear to have plenty of Mexican crime diversity already.

As it happens, Mexico is rich, consistently ranking around #15 in world GDP, and could well afford to take better care of its citizens. But it pretends to be poor, because the position offers advantages for begging in Washington.

CNN gushed with foretgner love in its coverage:

CNN HOST WOLF BLITZER: He’s now being taken to the border fence and is getting ready to offer a very, very special blessing. This is a moment that will have great significance along the US/Mexico border for Pope Francis as he walked over there. You see the cross. I want to bring in Father Edward Beck, our CNN religious commentator, the host of the Sunday mass. Explain the significance, Father Beck, of this moment in the pope’s trip to Mexico.

PRIEST EDWARD BECK: Well, it kind of is the hallmark of his whole papacy thus far, Wolf: immigration, welcoming the stranger, the refugee. Here on this border of the Rio Grande, where so many lives have been lost, Mexican lives, of those fleeing to the United States, this pope is offering a blessing for those on both sides of that border. And it is symbolic because he is standing there in prayer right now saying, we have to do better. It’s not about chastising and punishing people for fleeing to something more prosperous, something more safe. So he is saying that by being here right now and offering this blessing that we are all strangers. Remember when he came and spoke before Congress he said, I am the son of immigrants. We were all once foreigners in a strange land, and this pope thinks that we need to welcome those who flee political and social oppression.

That’s a strange kind of religion, where third-world poor stealing jobs from first-world poor is considered virtuous. Maybe it’s the Marxist liberation theology seeping through.

CBS reported recently that US black unemployment was nearly twice that of whites in the final quarter of 2015, and more than 90 million working-age citizens are not participating in the workforce. So it’s not like there are spare jobs laying around for illegal alien pests. The jobless recovery continues, even if pundits have stopped talking about it.

If Mexicans et al put half the energy they invest in illegal immigration into political reform at home, a lot might be accomplished. But it’s easier for them to play the victim and sniff out American jobs and welfare offices.

CNN also promoted the papist view that the US should be a world rescuer of those facing “forced migration” and forget about the mean-spirited national sovereignty stuff intended to protect the American people.

At Mexican-U.S. border, Pope delivers a stinging critique of both countries, By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor, CNN, February 18, 2016

For much of his five-day trip in Mexico, Pope Francis played the role of friendly pastor, smiling for selfies, kissing babies and encouraging the youth not to fall prey to the drug trade.

On Wednesday, Francis unleashed another aspect of his complex public persona: The disappointed prophet who excoriates world powers for mistreating the poor and marginalized.

Celebrating Mass in Ciudad Juarez, a city just across the border from the United States, Francis delivered a stinging critique of leaders on both sides of the fence, calling the “forced migration” of thousands of Central Americans a “human tragedy” and “humanitarian crisis.”

“Being faced with so many legal vacuums,” the Pope said during his homily before a congregation of more than 200,000 people, “they get caught up in a web that ensnares and always destroys the poorest.”

“Injustice is radicalized in the young,” the Pope continued. “They are ‘cannon fodder,’ persecuted and threatened when they try to flee the spiral of violence and the hell of drugs.”

The Bible readings at the Mass, which are tied to the church calendar, told the story of Jonah, another angry prophet. It was the kind of coincidence that a man of Francis’ faith might consider the work of a watchful God. The Bible passages set up the Pope to blister injustices in Mexico and indifference in the United States, casting both countries as modern-day Ninevehs.

‘No more death! No more exploitation!’

“Go and tell them that injustice has infected their way of seeing the world,” the Pope said, describing Jonah’s mission to rouse the city of Nineveh from the morass of moral decay. “Go and help them to understand that by the way they treat each other, ordering and organizing themselves, they are only creating death and destruction, suffering and oppression.”

In case the message was lost on his audience, the Pope drove the point home:

“Let us together ask our God for the gift of conversion, the gift of tears, let us ask him to give us open hearts like the Ninevites, open to his call heard in the suffering faces of countless men and women. No more death! No more exploitation!”

Before the Mass, Francis prayed and blessed a makeshift memorial to migrants who have tried to cross into the United States. He then blessed a group of about 400 people across the river in El Paso. Included among these “Francis VIPs” were families seeking asylum in the United States, according to El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz.

It was a grand geopolitical gesture from the Pope’s political playbook, mirroring his prayer at the wall separating Palestinian territories and Israel in 2014. It also thrust Francis into the polarized debates over immigration in both the United States and Mexico. Continue reading this article

Pope’s Travels Include Appearance on US-Mexico Border

Pope Francis is visiting Mexico this week to check in on some of his Latin American flock, in particular to draw attention to the plight of (illegal) immigrants by holding a well publicized mass on the US border. The purpose? To guilt trip Americans, probably, for being so mean by having borders, sort of.

In 2013, Pope Francis welcomed illegal alien Africans on the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa as they made their way to Europe.

The elites of the catholic church think the poor have an intrinsic right to cross borders illegally to take other people’s jobs. “Any family in economic need has a right to immigrate, that’s our posture,” according to a Texas spokespriest.

That’s a funny sort of morality. Robbing Peter to pay Paul was not considered an ethical plus in the Presbyterian church where I grew up. More than 94 million Americans were out of the workforce as of January, the sixth month in a row for that high of a number according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But the pope thinks America needs more Mexican aliens.

Wait, wasn’t the pope poking into American domestic affairs just a few months ago? In fact, it was only last September when he got a red carpet welcome in Washington including a speaking gig before a joint session of Congress, thanks to then-Speaker John Boehner.

Now the pope is coming back, at least to the US border from the Mexican side, to push his Marxist open-borders agenda. He can’t stay away.

(Here’s a little Dan Hicks tribute with a blog-appropriate song. He died on Saturday.)

Even the pro-foreigner LA Times notices the pope visit is fraught with politics.

Pope Francis plans a symbolically freighted trip to Mexico, Los Angeles Times, February 7, 2016

Pope Francis travels to Mexico this week, saying he wants to “live the faith” of the overwhelmingly Catholic country but will not shy away from confronting issues of violence and corruption that could make his governmental hosts quite uncomfortable.

History’s first pontiff from the Americas will also stand on Mexico’s border with the United States and make an impassioned plea for the plight of immigrants. His entire pilgrimage from southern to northern Mexico is meant to represent the perilous route that migrants take to reach the U.S.

This is the Argentine pope’s fourth trip to Latin America, home to Roman Catholic communities that are the largest in the world but have faced challenges from the spread of Protestantism, loss of faith and slowed population growth because of migration, homicide and lower birth rates.

The Mexico that Francis visits, following the well-worn path of his two predecessors, is enduring a decade-old wave of brutal criminal and “narco” warfare, a spate of egregious human rights abuses, an economic slump and official corruption that has helped take President Enrique Peña Nieto’s approval rating to historic lows.

“You are living your little piece of war,” Francis said last week in a video message to Mexicans via the semiofficial Notimex news agency.

“The Mexico of violence, the Mexico of corruption, the Mexico of drug trafficking, the Mexico of cartels, is not the Mexico that our mother [the Virgin Mary] wants,” he added. “I, of course, will not cover any of that up. Continue reading this article

Obama SOTU: Diversity Theater of Unlikely Demographics

The cast of characters for Obama’s final (!) State of the Union speech on Tuesday sounds like a Hollywood movie filled with oddball characters thrown together for an improbable adventure.

Diversity looks to be a main course, with an emphasis on the myth that even extreme cultures like hostile Islam enrich us, rather than shred America’s body of shared values. Jihad-motivated immigrants won’t be mentioned, instead we will hear about the good foreigners who evidently do exist in some number away from the crime and terror reports.

So Obama has assembled an un-rogues gallery, including a Syrian scientist, a legal Mexican immigrant and a philanthropic Indian.

One study reports that only six percent of Syrian refugees have a university education, so finding a real scientist (assuming he is one) is a lucky stroke for the White House. As it happened, Refaai Hamo turned up on the Facebook page, Humans of New York, which tells the stories of interesting people who may be down on their luck. A lot of people thought Hamo deserved their financial support, and he and his family have received nearly half a million dollars in donations, some of which will be used to treat his stomach cancer.

Hamo may be a brilliant scientist and a fine human being, or he might be a talented con artist. All I’m saying is that a Syrian scientist refugee is atypical, and most refugees are economically unskilled and cost the taxpayers a fortune to support.

The largest group of illegal aliens is Mexicans, who are culturally averse to education (only 9.1 percent of those residing in the US have BA degrees), so the appearance of a legal and educated one is something of an oddity. Oscar Vasquez was brought here unlawfully as a kid and got a US education, then re-entered the legal way as an adult. News reports about Oscar include no mention of whether the taxpayers subsidized his college degree with in-state tuition.

Oscar Vazquez, who arrived as a child in the United States before voluntarily returning to Mexico as a young adult and struggling to finally obtain legal status in the United States, will underline Obama’s support for regularizing millions of the undocumented. (JapanTimes)

The philanthropic Indian Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, so he inherited a connection to the Bill Gates Foundation and big giveaways without much effort. His evil twin might be Indian billionaire Vinod Khosla, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, who is also known for illegally blocking access to a California beach to keep out the annoying little citizens.

The contrived diversity gaggle is bad enough, but arguably the worst theatrical flourish will be the empty chair to symbolize “victims of gun violence” to push Obama’s agenda of firearms confiscation. If missing people should be remembered, I would suggest the victims of the preventable crimes of illegal aliens who were not deported, like Kate Steinle (pictured below), who was fatally shot on a popular San Francisco pier by a career-criminal Mexican.

The SOTU looks like a horror show based on the bad ideas of modern liberalism, particularly the notion that diversity is the highest good.

State of the Union guests reflect Obama’s hopes for legacy, New York Times, January 11, 2016

WASHINGTON — A Syrian refugee, a former illegal immigrant who went on to serve in the US Army, and the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case last year legalizing same-sex marriage will be among the official guests Tuesday as President Obama delivers his final State of the Union address.

The three men — Refaai Hamo, Oscar Vazquez, and Jim Obergefell — will be joined by almost 20 other armed services members and civilians associated with the issues and initiatives that have defined Obama’s presidency — and that he hopes will become his legacy.

Also among the guests will be Governor Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut, a Democrat who has led efforts to increase the minimum wage and tighten gun laws after the massacre of 20 elementary school students in Newtown, Conn.

The White House announced Obama’s full guest list on Sunday, two days before he is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress with a speech that officials said would focus more on the issues and challenges that are shaping the future of the country than specific policy proposals.

The guests are intended to illustrate “who we are as Americans: inclusive and compassionate, innovative and courageous,” according to the White House announcement. The invitees — some high profile, most conspicuously not — will sit in the House gallery with Michelle Obama.

Hamo, a scientist who fled his homeland amid civil war, settled with four of his children in Troy, Mich., on Dec. 18. After the Humans of New York, a photo blog, featured his story, readers donated more than $450,000 to support the family, and Obama publicly welcomed him to the country.

Vazquez, who was brought to the United States illegally as a child and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering in 2009, decided to return to his home country of Mexico and re-enter the country legally. When he returned to the United States, Vazquez joined the Army and served one tour of duty in Afghanistan, eventually earning US citizenship. Continue reading this article

Mother of Illegal Alien Crime Victim Remembers Her Son’s Life

It’s tough sledding to be related to somebody killed by an illegal alien thug. The personal loss is bad enough, but the response from the government and liberal media is slim to none.

Illegal alien enthusiasts in the government used to pretend that steps would be taken to weed out the dangerous ones, but that was always a lie. Now they don’t even bother to pretend, like when the Senate Democrats blocked a bill punishing sanctuary cities a couple weeks ago.

Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza was struck and killed in a head-on collision by drunk-driving illegal alien who had prior arrests for burglary and assaulting a police officer but was not deported.

In ultra-liberal San Francisco, the poster city of illegal alien crime after the July murder of Kate Steinle, the Board of Supervisors faked concern about the issue by debating non-binding resolutions about the policy the same day the Senate anti-sanctuary bill was blocked.

Interestingly, San Francisco’s Tuesday election for sheriff has been reported to hinge partially on the sanctuary issue. Incumbent Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi released Kate Steinle’s accused killer even though federal immigration officials requested the man be detained for deportation. Interestingly, a recent UC Berkeley government studies poll found a majority of Californians opposed sanctuary policies, including 73 percent of Democrats. So it’s possible Mirkarimi might get a bad surprise on Tuesday.

Brandon Mendoza’s mother Mary Ann Mendoza appeared on Fox News on Sunday to discuss the occasion of the remembrance day to recall the victims of illegal alien criminals.

TUCKER CARLSON: A critical issue in the 2016 presidential race is how the candidates will deal with illegal aliens entering this country, some of them committing deadly crimes. For hundreds of families the issue is more than political, it’s personal and decidedly tragic. Those families have declared today a national remembrance day; they’re going to hold vigils across the country in the memories of their loved ones killed by people who shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

Our next guest will be among those. Last year Mary Mendoza’s son police sergeant Brandon Mendoza of Mesa, Arizona, died after a drunk man in this country illegal for almost two decades crashed head-on into him. The man was wanted for a variety of crimes. Mrs. Mendoza joins us now to tell us how she is honoring the life of her son. Mrs. Mendoza, thanks for joining us this morning. Can you tell us how you’re honoring the life of your son Brandon?

MARY MENDOZA: Well today is National Remembrance Day, and we’re going to have a ceremony down at the Capitol in Phoenix at 5 p.m. this evening where we will gather and remember all the Arizona victims. And since Brandon’s death I’ve been trying to honor him as best I can, to carry on his his legacy and what he was doing in the neighborhood that he patrolled. We’re having the annual Mendoza Thanksgiving dinner to Boys and Girls Club that he started of several years ago. I’m trying to get scholarship funds out there because it was so important for him to have children get education and have goals in life. Continue reading this article

Steinle Family Files Lawsuit in San Francisco for the Preventable Murder of Daughter Kate by an Illegal Alien

The parents of Kate Steinle appeared with their lawyer in a Tuesday news conference in front of San Francisco City Hall to announce a suit against the city and government agencies for failing to follow immigration law, negligence which led to the death of their daughter.

Below, the late Kate Steinle (left) and her parents Jim Steinle and Liz Sullivan (right) with accused killer Francisco Sanchez (inset).

Here’s a few clips of the presser from AP:

Bill O’Reilly dedicated his opening segment to the Steinle case. He has proposed “Kate’s Law” to end such preventable crimes by severely increasing the punishment of deported felons who return to this country.

The July 1 murder of Kate Steinle by a five-times-deported illegal alien shocked many Americans because the case got national news coverage, unlike most crimes of lawbreaking foreigners which pass unnoticed except for local attention.

It’s tough to sue the government. When the Bologna family tried to sue in a case of similar malpractice by the city of San Francisco, the judge dismissed the claim. In 2008 Tony Bologna and his two sons were shot and killed by Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien MS-13 gangster with a rap sheet of violence who had been protected by the city rather than deported. Ramos mistook the family for gang rivals and murdered them on sight.

Back in 2008, San Francisco wasn’t just refusing to hand foreign criminals over to the feds, the city was actively hiding them in southern California. San Francisco sent several Honduran crack dealers to a comfy group home in San Bernardino for culturally appropriate counseling, where they promptly walked away. The activities persuaded the FBI to investigate San Francisco’s unique protective policies toward foreign drug dealers.

In the same year, San Francisco spent $83,000 on an ad campaign to attract illegal aliens to the city and its wonderful services.

Liberal values in San Francisco are so extreme that elites believe it’s better to award special privileges to illegal aliens (because they are seen as victims) rather than protect public safety. SF libs think they are superior to the rest of us because they are on the side of the diverse downtrodden masses, even when they are criminals.

It’s good to see Jaxon Van Derbeken still writing on illegal aliens in San Francisco. In 2009 he won the Katz Award from the Center for Immigration Studies for his excellence in reporting the Bologna murders and the whole swamp of crazy sanctuary policy.

S.F., feds liable in Kathryn Steinle killing, parents say, By Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle, September 1, 2015

The parents of a San Francisco woman shot to death in July by an immigrant who was facing possible deportation filed legal claims Tuesday against the city and federal governments, saying their negligence led to her killing.

The chain of events that ended in Kathryn Steinle’s death began when a federal Bureau of Land Management agent left his gun in a backpack that someone stole out of the backseat of his car in San Francisco, said the claim filed on behalf of her parents, Jim Steinle and Liz Sullivan of Livermore.

Within four days, the gun came into the hands of 45-year-old Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez — a Mexican immigrant who would probably have been deported, Steinle’s parents say, had San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi not released him from jail without alerting federal officials.

Steinle’s killing brought national attention to San Francisco’s sanctuary-city policies that, in many cases, discourage cooperation with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. It also focused attention on whether law enforcement officials are doing enough to safeguard their guns from thieves — the Steinle case was one of three recently in the Bay Area in which unattended firearms were stolen from authorities’ cars.

Now, her slaying could result in lawsuits against the city, the Bureau of Land Management and ICE if, as is typically the case, officials reject the legal claims. The claims do not specify what damages the family is seeking. Continue reading this article

Arizona Sheriff Condemns Feds for Irresponsible Release of Dangerous Aliens into American Communities

On Tuesday, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu held a press event to draw attention to the continuing release of violent illegal aliens onto American streets. He chose three diverse characters as examples to demonstrate how little our government cares about the citizens’ safety.

Below, a Sudanese, a Russian and an Iraqi walk out of a prison — that would be (l-r) Musa Salah Abdelaziz Abdalla, Dennis Valerievitch Tsoukanov and Nasser Hanna Hermez. All have lengthy criminal histories but were released by ICE anyway.


Terrible crimes are occurring because of liberal weakness toward illegal alien criminals. On July 1, Kate Steinle was shot to death in San Francisco by a five-times-deported Mexican drug dealer who had not been repatriated. Marilyn Pharis, an Air Force veteran, was attacked in her Santa Maria CA apartment on Jul 24 by two men, one of which was an illegal who had been released rather than deported.

Yesterday I reported on illegal alien Francisco Chavez who beat a two-year-old girl nearly to death, who nevertheless was released by San Luis Obispo authorities on bond and unsurprisingly didn’t show up for his court date.

Americans pay billions of dollars in taxes to support a system of police, border security, courts and prisons. It’s therefore reasonable for us to expect a first-world level of public safety, but we’re not getting it. Why are illegal alien criminals treated with such deference?

Sheriff Babeu had two crime victim relatives with him to speak, the mother of Brandon Mendoza and the father of Grant Ronnebeck.

Here’s a local news report from Fox 10 in Phoenix:

Arizona sheriff blasts Feds for releasing violent immigrants into communities, Fox News, August 18, 2015

An Arizona lawman blasted the federal government Tuesday over an Immigration and Customs Enforcement policy he said sprang criminal immigrants on the law-abiding public.

With the loved ones of crime victims at his side, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu spotlighted three criminals, including a Russian national who set a police informant on fire, an Iraqi who killed his two-year-old daughter and an illegal immigrant from Sudan who has committed multiple assaults in two states. Babeu said ICE set all three and hundreds like them free in communities such as his, and that even its new “Law Enforcement Notification System,” designed to let local authorities know of pending releases, is too little, too late.

“You don’t have to be a sheriff to realize that this is going to end very badly for people,” Babeu said. “You don’t release murderers into the state of Arizona and somehow think that they are just going to go about their business and try to find a job.”

Babeu said immigrant criminals should be deported after completing prison sentences, especially when they have shown a propensity for violence. The three criminals, who Babeu pointedly noted were not from Mexico, were all released in Arizona in the last week. Continue reading this article

California Reinvents “Citizenship” according to LA Times

La Times practically shrieked in joy with a featured story at how California has become less American, less law-abiding and more Mexican, er diverse. The arrogance of liberals knows no bounds.

Behold the Tuesday headline, right below the Times banner:


It’s not exactly a good time to be doing cartwheels about California’s rebellion against law and sovereignty when another murder victim of an undeported illegal alien criminal has been in the news. This time the victim is a 64-year-old woman veteran of the Air Force, Marilyn Pharis, who was bludgeoned to death in her own home in Santa Maria.

On July 1, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was shot dead by a five-times-deported Mexican as she strolled with her father on a well visited pier in San Francisco. The crime received nation-wide news coverage and prompted a Senate hearing a few weeks later.

Nevertheless, the preventable murders of Californians are just so much road kill to la Times, which apparently believes that liberals’ open-borders utopia is worth all the death and suffering. Citizenship, law and sovereignty are just so 20th century.

Interestingly, the online title of the celebratory article was slightly less confrontational than the print version. I think. Note that energized Democrats have more goodies planned for foreign moochers.

California gives immigrants here illegally unprecedented rights, benefits, protections, Los Angeles Times, August 11, 2015

It started with in-state tuition. Then came driver’s licenses, new rules designed to limit deportations and state-funded healthcare for children. And on Monday, in a gesture heavy with symbolism, came a new law to erase the word “alien” from California’s labor code.

Together, these piecemeal measures have taken on a significance greater than their individual parts — a fundamental shift in the relationship between California and its residents who live in the country illegally. The various benefits, rights and protections add up to something experts liken to a kind of California citizenship.

The changes have occurred with relatively little political rancor, which is all the more remarkable given the heated national debate about illegal immigration that has been inflamed by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“We’ve passed the Rubicon here,” said Mike Madrid, a Republican strategist. “This is not an academic debate on the U.S. Senate floor about legal and illegal and how high you want to build the wall…. [The state] doesn’t have the luxury of being ideological…. The undocumented are not going anywhere.”

Democratic lawmakers and immigration activists, with diminishing opposition from the GOP, continue to seek new laws and protections. These measures include cracking down on employers withholding pay from low-wage workers and expanding state-subsidized healthcare to adult immigrants without papers.

These new initiatives face obstacles, but backers say such hurdles center on the hefty price tags of the programs, not political fallout from the immigration debate. Continue reading this article

Congressman Mo Brooks Submits Bill Requiring Government to Collect Illegal Alien Crime Data

More than a decade ago, when I began a website focused on illegal alien crime victims, ImmigrationsHumanCost.org, it didn’t take long to understand that the government was not interested in revealing the extent of lawbreaking foreigners’ offenses against Americans. The most basic statistics just weren’t available.

Ann Coulter has pointed out the same lack of information in recent columns and in her latest book Adios America. She observed (p. 99), “You will spend more time trying to obtain basic crime statistics about immigrants in American than trying to sign up for Obamacare. The facts aren’t there.”

The truth about illegal alien crime is not politically acceptable, so the government hides it.

Anyway, how hard can it be to obtain and collate information from incarcerated persons? They are a census-taker’s dream.

Congressman Mo Brooks (R-SC) hopes to fix that problem with legislation he introduced on Wednesday, the Arrest Statistics Reporting Act.

Congressman Brooks published a test version of his floor speech:

To Protect Americans from Illegal Alien Crime, We Must Have Better Data, July 22, 2015

Mr. Speaker, America’s policymakers face an information gap that undermines our ability to make the immigration policy decisions needed to protect American lives from the threat posed by illegal aliens.

What information gap?  Crime statistics that reflect criminal conduct by illegal aliens.  The horrifying murder of 32-year-old Kate Steinle in San Francisco has once again put crime by illegal aliens in the national spotlight.

But this issue should always be in the spotlight, because it daily affects American citizens across the country, despite pro-amnesty forces’ best efforts to suppress politically inconvenient truth about illegal alien crime in America.

The fact is, America’s crime data for illegal aliens is inadequate.  While we have access to federal sentencing data for illegal aliens, illegal alien crime data for cities, counties and states is just not there.  For example, while illegal aliens are roughly 3.5% of America’s population, U.S. Sentencing Commission data reflects that, out of 74,911 federal sentencing cases, illegal aliens committed 17% of drug trafficking, 20% of kidnapping/hostage taking, 12% of money laundering, 12% of murders, and a whopping 74% of drug possession felonies!  If this federal data is any indicator, illegal aliens are far more likely to commit violent and dangerous crimes than the average American or lawful immigrant! Continue reading this article

Senate Committee Hears from Families Whose Loved Ones Were Killed by Illegal Alien Criminals

On Tuesday morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing, Oversight of the Administration’s Misdirected Immigration Enforcement Policies: Examining the Impact on Public Safety and Honoring the Victims. Chaired by Senator Grassley, the committee heard testimony from five Americans who had lost family members at the hands of criminal illegal aliens.

The first to speak was Susan Oliver, the widow of Sacramento County Deputy Danny Oliver, who was killed with another officer last October by a previously deported Mexican gangster during a six-hour crime spree in northern California.

Below, Sacramento County sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver, left, and Placer County Sheriff’s Detective Michael Davis Jr.

Susan Oliver’s Written Testimony

The most publicized case, the one that prompted this hearing, was the murder of Kate Steinle as she strolled a popular San Francisco pier with her father. She was shot by a five-times-deported Mexican career criminal, Francisco Sanchez, who had been recently released by the county sheriff because of the city’s extreme sanctuary policy.

Kate’s father spoke about his daughter: Jim Steinle’s Written Testimony

In terms of politicians protecting foreign lawbreakers, the death of Denny McCann in Chicago is one of the most disturbing around. Denny was run down and dragged to death by drunk-driving illegal alien Saul Chavez. But instead of keeping the perp in jail for trial, Cook County released him on bail even though he was an obvious flight risk. So of course Chavez disappeared, leaving the McCann family with a big legal mess along with the emotional pain.

Below, Denny McCann

In his statement, Denny’s brother explained the very suspicious release of the criminal in secret on a Sunday after the family had been assured by authorities that Chavez wouldn’t be allowed to post bond because of an immigration detainer. It’s hard not to think a fix was in, somewhere in Chicago politics.

Brian McCann’s Written Testimony

Laura Wilkerson spoke on behalf of her 18-year-old son Josh who was savagely beaten to death by Hermilo Moralez. She read from the autopsy report to reveal the brutality of the beating which the medical examiner described as torture: Joshua was “tied up with braided rope, 13 loops around his neck with a slipknot; it goes behind his back through his back belt loop; it goes to his hands in his feet behind his body. He has multiple fractures in his face and nasal cavity. His throat and his voice box are crushed.”

Wilkerson challenged the Senators to stop putting foreign criminals first, and start protecting Americans: “I don’t want the sympathy. I want you to do something.”

Below, Joshua Wilkerson (left) was killed by fellow student and illegal alien Hermilo Moralez who bragged about his martial arts “killing skills” at trial.


Laura Wilkerson’s Written Testimony

Michael Ronnebeck, the uncle of Grant, spoke about the murder of his nephew as he worked checkout in an Arizona convenience store. The illegal alien shooter is reportedly a member of the Mexican mafia. Michael pleaded for laws to be enacted that would protect Americans.

Below, Grant Ronnebeck, who was 21 when shot dead by an illegal alien Mexican.


Michael Ronnebeck’s Written Testimony

Finally, Senator Sessions, who had been given the gavel by Senator Grassley, cross-examined the second panel of witnesses, two useless administration muppets. Sessions ended up by declaring the obvious truth about illegal alien crime: “This administration has consistently and steadfastly place the goal of amnesty above the goal of public safety.”

You can watch the full hearing on C-SPAN: Immigration Enforcement July 21.


Priest Pretends Sympathy for Murder Victim of Illegal Alien Protected by Church

Below is a photo on the front page of Tuesday’s Oakland Tribune. It shows a Catholic priest performing a prayer at the site of Kate Steinle’s murder last week in San Francisco at the hands of a illegal alien habitual criminal. The priest, Cameron Faller, works at San Francisco’s Church of the Epiphany.


The appearance was a typical show of arrogance on the part of the Catholic church, which is arguably as culpable as all the city officials who created and maintained the sanctuary policy of protecting foreign criminals. The church has a history of supporting open borders, even to the point of rejecting pro-safety policies — like the successful Secure Communities program — in order to protect the millions of illegal aliens who reside in this country and steal American jobs.

The great majority of illegal aliens are from Latin America and are catholic. Therefore, the Catholic elites mean to protect their new pew-fillers, particularly after many Americans left the church following the voluminous priest sex scandals. In fact, 13 percent of Americans describe themselves as “former catholics.” (Incidentally, priest sex abuse stories continue to show up in local news: a Google news search for Catholic Priest Sex Trial on July 8 got 22,800 results for the previous 30-day period.)

Thought experiment: if the millions of illegal borders crossers were Protestants, would the Catholic church be fighting so energetically for their “rights”?

Of course not. Vaticrats want to increase their market share in America and make the nation more Catholic.

The cassocks have spent millions of dollars to promote amnesty. Every January, the Conference of Catholic Bishops presents its National Migration Week, which erases the line between legal and illegal immigration. New York City Cardinal Timothy Dolan has characterized support for immigration enforcement as “not American.”

The bishops have worked to redefine immigration lawbreaking as religious freedom. In a 2005 article titled Church organizing anti-Minuteman campaign, (Brownsville Herald, Sept 3, 2005), priest Michael Seifert stated, “Any family in economic need has a right to immigrate, that’s our posture.”

It must be emphasized: the open-borders project is an endeavor of elite churchmen, not parishioners. Citizen Catholics do not like immigration anarchy any more than the rest of us.

But Catholic elites campaign against American interests to promote their own issue of preserving and expanding the church via demographic conquest. They are willing to sacrifice public safety to further their own power.

The top Catholics have tried to destroy Secure Communities for years because it was successful in deporting illegal aliens. ICE describes the program as an “information-sharing partnership between ICE and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that helps to identify criminal aliens“ so it provided a vital connection between feds and local police that is absolutely necessary for enforcement to happen away from the border.

Sanctuary cities are based upon disobeying federal law and disregarding Secure Communities, which has anyway been ended by Obama. The cassocks must be happy that an anti-enforcement scheme has been substituted, the Priority Enforcement Program.

In 2012, the San Francisco Archbishop opposed Secure Communities in a rally held in a major cathedral attended by 2,000, because happy job thieves and criminals are a top priority of the church. “We cannot rest until the laws of our country reflect the laws of God,” opined the Archbishop.

Actually, Jesus said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s” (Matthew 22:21), which means to obey the laws of the land. Jesus never said to rob Paul to pay Pedro.

See my blog about the event, San Francisco Archbishop Campaigns against Public Safety. The crime-friendly confab crudely took place on January 28, 2012, several days into the trial of MS-13 thug Edwin Ramos, who was eventually convicted of murdering Tony Bologna and his two sons (pictured below) because the gangster thought the family members were crime rivals.

The timing for the anti-enforcement rally was rather insensitive, to say the least. The catholic church was appalling in its arrogant disregard toward crime victims of illegal aliens then, as it is today toward the Steinle family.

America’s Senator Publishes Scary-Long List of Obama’s Removal of America’s Immigration Enforcement System

Senator Jeff Sessions has a fine publishing operation in his office, demonstrated by his occasional fact sheets of well researched points regarding the failure of Washington to stem immigration anarchy.

A few examples include:

The New Dream Act Is Worse (2011)

Ten Questions for the Senate’s Gang of Eight Bill (2013)

Needed Measures for a Border Enforcement Bill (2015)

Now Senator Sessions has presented the mother of all lists, scary in its length, that enumerates the instances of President Obama dismantling America’s immigration enforcement system. It was posted on Breitbart on Feb 16:

Timeline: How the Obama Administration Bypassed Congress to Dismantle Immigration Enforcement

In September 2011, President Obama said, “We live in a democracy. You have to pass bills through the legislature, and then I can sign it.” Yet, since that time, and indeed before then, he has systematically voided existing laws and unilaterally created new measures that Congress has refused to adopt under either Democratic or Republican control.

Most recently, the President announced he would do what he once said only an “emperor” could do – grant unilateral amnesty, work permits, and access to government benefits to more than five million illegal immigrants. This unprecedented action, combined with new “enforcement priorities” for Department of Homeland Security personnel that exempt the vast majority of illegal immigrants from the threat of removal, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals directive, the “Morton” memos, and numerous other lesser-reported but far-reaching Executive actions, has threatened not only our constitutional system, but our national sovereignty. Indeed, the idea of national, sovereign borders is being daily eviscerated by the President’s determination to write his own immigration rules in defiance of Congress and the American people.

Below is a detailed timeline of how the Obama Administration systematically dismantled immigration enforcement, undermining the very rule of law upon which our nation was founded and upon which its greatness depends.

January 2009: Obama Administration Ends Worksite Enforcement Actions

In early 2009, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) executes a raid (initiated and planned under the Bush Administration) on an engine machine shop in Bellingham, Washington, detaining 28 illegal immigrants who were using fake Social Security numbers and identity documents. Shortly thereafter, pro-amnesty groups criticized the Administration for enforcing the law. An unnamed DHS official is quoted in the Washington Times as saying, “the Secretary is not happy about it and this is not her policy.” Instead of enforcing the law, the Secretary investigates the ICE agents for simply doing their duty. Esther Olavarria, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, says on a call with employers and pro-amnesty groups that “we’re not doing raids or audits under this administration.”

January 29, 2009: Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano Delays E-Verify Deadline

Former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano delays the original deadlines for federal contractors to use the E-Verify system, from January 15, 2009, and February 20, 2009, to May 21, 2009. Continue reading this article

Border Patrol Agents Rip McCaul Border Bill

It’s disappointing that the key issue of immigration enforcement that sent more Republicans to Washington last November is being blown off first thing. On Tuesday I noted disapproval from a trusted authority: America’s Senator Jeff Sessions Slams Feeble Border Security Bill. In his press release, Senator Sessions criticized Mike McCaul’s bill: “We need reforms that actually work, protecting the jobs and communities of the American citizens we represent.”

Sessions also listed the measures needed in a comprehensive border bill:

• Mandatory E-Verify
• Mandatory detention and repatriation for illegal entrants
• Expedited deportation for border-crossers
• Close asylum loopholes
• Bar access to welfare and tax credits
• Penalties for the Administration’s continued failure to implement the biometric entry-exit system as required by law
• Penalties for the Administration’s continued failure to build 700 miles of double-layer border fence
• Refusing visas to countries with high overstay rates or that will not repatriate their citizens

House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul has done decent work in the past, including a 2006 border report (pictured). A 50-page update from 2012 is available online: A Line in the Sand: Countering Crime, Violence and Terror at the Southwest Border. It explains the variety of threats posed by an open border, e.g. Iranian influence in Latin America, transnational crime syndicates and violence against Americans committed by illegal aliens.

(Perhaps a third edition could include the public health lessons learned from last summer’s kid invasion, where all sort of communicable diseases such as TB were introduced into America and its schools.)

So McCaul is moderately well informed about the topic, but appears to be adopting an obedient poodle posture toward big-immigration guy, Speaker Boehner, who got a D grade in recent enforcement voting from NumbersUSA.

Border Patrol agents say GOP’s border security bill is weak ‘window dressing’, Washington Times, January 24, 2015

Border Patrol agents’ labor union announced their opposition Friday to the House GOP’s new border security bill, calling it “window dressing” that doesn’t add any new agents or updated their firepower to get the job done in sealing off the U.S.-Mexico border.

The agents’ opposition could be a major problem for House GOP leaders who have scheduled a vote on their bill for Wednesday, but who are facing a revolt among some conservative lawmakers who say the bill needs to go much further.

The legislation, written by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, would direct the Homeland Security Department to build about 50 miles of more fencing, to fly more drones and add more technology sector-by-sector along the border, and to come up with a strategy for catching 100 percent of illegal immigrants or smugglers trying to cross.

But the National Border Patrol Council said the bill needs to be more specific in calling for an additional 5,000 agents on the southwest border — there are about 20,000 now — and for updating training to a 20-week course, and to acquire more M-4 rifles and other gear so they can operate out in the field.

“This legislation speaks about metrics but frankly does not provide either the strategy or the resources necessary to achieve them,” said Shawn Moran, spokesman for the union. “We need real solutions on the border where the trends are moving in the wrong direction with increased apprehensions, more aggressive action from smugglers and drug cartels, and continued threats from terrorists.” Continue reading this article