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Germany: Merkel Is Pummeled by Voters for Her Open Borders Policy

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s extreme program of opening Germany (and Europe via the Schengen Agreement) to millions of hostile and/or moocher Muslims has been smacked by severe disapproval in regional elections over the weekend.

Fewer selfies with invaders probably would have been a better media strategy for Merkel.

It’s reassuring that Germans have not lost their minds entirely. The initial anschluss of illegal aliens was enthusiastically promoted by the media which showed welcoming crowds of Germans, apparently happy to surrender their nation to the 1400-year enemy of the west. But pockets of resistance developed, presumably among those who had experienced Islam diversity before the Merkel invasion. Now, after the rapefugee attacks on women in Cologne and elsewhere, groups like PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) look right all along.

Below, a PEGIDA march in Dresden last year. The front banner reads “Nonviolent and united against religious wars on German soil.” The sign behind that says, ”For the future of our children.”

In 2010, Chancellor Merkel declared multiculturalism to be a failure in Germany, but a few years later she went crazy for imposing the most extreme diversity on her people. And the citizens are showing their disapproval at the polls.

Nationalists Strong, Setback for Merkel Party in German Vote, Associated Press, March 13, 2016

A nationalist, anti-migration party powered into three German state legislatures in elections Sunday held amid divisions over Chancellor Angela Merkel’s liberal approach to the refugee crisis. Merkel’s conservatives lost to center-left rivals in two states they had hoped to win.

The elections in the prosperous southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, neighboring Rhineland-Palatinate and relatively poor Saxony-Anhalt in the ex-communist east were the first major political test since Germany registered nearly 1.1 million people as asylum-seekers last year.

The three-year-old Alternative for Germany, or AfD — which has campaigned against Merkel’s open-borders approach — easily entered all three legislatures.

AfD won 15.1 percent of the vote in Baden-Wuerttemberg and 12.6 percent in Rhineland-Palatinate, official results showed. It finished second in Saxony-Anhalt with some 24 percent, according to projections by ARD and ZDF television with most districts counted.

“We are seeing above all in these elections that voters are turning away in large numbers from the big established parties and voting for our party,” AfD leader Frauke Petry said.

They “expect us finally to be the opposition that there hasn’t been in the German parliament and some state parliaments,” she added. Continue reading this article

Immigrant Senders Dread a Trump Presidency

Immigrant-sending nations have a problem with Donald Trump and the possibility that pushing their unskilled persons and criminals into stupid-generous America may shrink. They are miffed that Obasma’s open borders could shut to a degree, leaving some with a decreased remittance haul of fewer billions of dollars. (The United States is the major remittance-sending country, with $56 billion strip-mined in 2014 by immigrants and illegal aliens.)

The Washington Times did a world roundabout, gathering up quotes from interested persons (mostly critical) that ranged from angry to downright insulting.

For example, Dubai entrepreneur and television celebrity Mohamed Parham al Awadhi remarked:

“Look at flourishing cities like New York or San Francisco and how communities have lived together since their foundation. Middle Eastern, Asian, African, European and Latin American immigrants and refugees are not new phenomena. They’ve been assimilating with U.S. culture and living side by side with their fellow Americans.”

Funny, I remember Muslims’ effect on New York City differently.

On September 11, 2001, 19 Muslim jihadists from abroad killed nearly 3,000 Americans using hijacked passenger plane suicide attacks on New York and Washington.


Naturally, immigrant workers (who are attractive to employers because they work cheap) sniffed about their hurt feelings and job insecurity. So sad.

The one positive voice was Geert Wilders who warns against Muslim immigration because of national security concerns. No surprise there.

Donald Trump proving a primary concern around the world, Washington Times, January 26, 2016

Advocates decry ideas on immigration

As he has surged to the top of the polls in the Republican presidential primary race, Donald Trump has targeted Muslims, Mexicans and Asians as threats to national security and the economy.

Around the world, they don’t always appreciate it.

“Trump’s comments only propagate a perception of migrants and Mexicans that I know is not true and that outrages me,” said Nancy Landa, a member of Los Otros Dreamers, a Mexican advocacy group for deportees.

To an unusual degree world leaders and foreign populations appear to be monitoring closely the ins and outs of the American primary season, and the clear focus of much of the fascination is Mr. Trump and his unexpected success to date in the GOP primary. The Donald has already been the subject of parliamentary debate in Britain on whether he should be banned from the country for his inflammatory rhetoric, and foreign leaders find themselves forced to prepare their talking points when asked about prospective relations with a Trump administration.

Pressed recently on CNN for his thoughts on Mr. Trump’s call for a temporary ban on all Muslim travel to the U.S., Jordan’s King Abdullah took the traditional diplomatic exit ramp: “You’re into an election cycle, so I don’t think it’s fair for you to ask a foreign leader to express his opinion on candidates in your country running for election.”

But the restrictions don’t hold for foreign pundits, parliamentarians and ordinary citizens observing from afar one of the more disruptive U.S. campaigns in recent memory.

Unsurprisingly, the current gathering of international heavyweights at the Davos World Economic Forum has not been kind to Mr. Trump or his agenda opposing trade deals, freer immigration and open borders.

“I’d be happier with a more welcoming integration,” Chilean Finance Minister Rodrigo Valdes told the Reuters news service recently. “It is uncontroversial to say that integration of markets, of trade is a good thing, and this rhetoric does not help that.” Continue reading this article

Germany: Male Aliens Barred from Town’s Swimming Pool

The New Normal in Muslim-infested Germany means women must be protected from the barbaric foreigners who engage in the Islamic practice of Taharrush, group sexual assault.

In fact, the town of Bonnheim should be praised for dealing with the invasion crisis forthrightly, rather than blaming the victim as the mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker did: she crudely suggested German women alter their behavior to adjust to Islamic values rather than insist upon newcomer assimilation. Reker’s recommendation that women keep “an arm’s length” from foreign men was ridiculed by many.

In another variety of fecklessness, the city of Munich has responded to diversity by printing up a leaflet for savages that explains acceptable behavior in the West. (Click here to see the full page of pool instructions.)

Achtung! No groping!


But a few cartoons picturing European cultural norms won’t make a dent on the political jihad supremacism of 1400 years standing. As Ralph Peters recently opined, what we see in Europe is an invasion.

“[This] is a true clash of civilizations. And we must distinguish, and the Germans and Europeans must, between legitimate refugees and people who are hustlers. These young, uneducated muslim males of military age are not refugees. They are invaders, culturally.” (Peters: They Are Invaders)

The experience of Germany reminds us that in a time of global jihad, the appropriate number of Muslim immigrants is zero.

Town bans male refugees from pools amid complaints, The Local (Germany), January 15, 2016

A town in Germany has banned male asylum seekers from public swimming pools after complaints from women that they were being harassed by migrants.

A spokesman for the local government of Bornheim said on Friday that the ban on male asylum seekers above the age of 18 came after six people filed complaints “over the sexually offensive behaviour of some migrant men at the pool”.

The measure aimed at “making it clear to the men that the rights of women in Germany is inviolable”, he added.

Officials have gone personally to three asylum seeker shelters near the pools to deliver news of the ban and emphasize how people should behave in swimming pools, said the spokesman.

The town, situated on the west bank of the Rhine River, would revoke the ban once it deems that the message has been drilled into the asylum seekers, he said, adding that this would be evaluated through interviews with social workers at the shelters.

Authorities denied placing entire groups of people under suspicion, but said the measure was aimed at laying down clear ground rules.

Munich pools issue ground rules for migrants
Meanwhile in Bavaria, swimming pools have issued leaflets with simple pictorial instructions on behaviour for migrants who may never have swum in public before.

The leaflets are available in multiple languages, including Arabic, French, Pashto and Somali, and include safety and behaviour tips in a comic book style.


A leaflet produced by Munich city authorities including behaviour rules for migrants in the swimming pool. Photo: DPA

Particular emphasis is placed on stopping physical and verbal harassment of women, with images showing a red “no” symbol over an outstretched hand reaching for a woman in a bikini. Continue reading this article

New York Times Explores Europe’s Struggle with Muslim Diversity

Is the New York Times having a teeny tiny shift in opinion about the wonderfulness of Islamic foreigners? Thursday’s front page included an interesting juxtaposition: the photo shows a protest of the Cologne sex attacks by aliens against European women with a sign reading “Rapefugees Not Welcome” while the caption referred to the “far-right group Legida” sponsoring the demonstration.

The Times better be careful or people will start to think “far-right” is the sensible, non-misogynist position.


The online posting of the article included a video from Reuters with an interesting quote from a greying man named Olaf Spermer who appeared middle class and not an extremist at all:

“Especially what annoyed us in the past weeks and months, was the whole situation regarding foreigners, that how things were handled and not only I, but many people, think that it will all end in a very bad way.”


The newspaper text, however, wrings its liberal hands over self-defense militias and alleged right-wing violence against foreigners. It misses the central issue: when immigration threatens public safety and national security, it is wrong and must stop. ISIS declared its intention to insert jihadists into the illegal alien hordes, so it is naive to think otherwise.

In centuries past, Europe had defenders like Charles Martel who defeated the Muslims at Tours in 732. Today’s political leaders act on their liberal desires about how people should behave rather than the reality in front of them.

Sexual Attacks Widen Divisions in European Migrant Crisis, New York Times, January 13, 2016

ROME — In Finland, militia groups are patrolling small towns housing asylum seekers in the name of protecting white Finnish women. In Germany, far-right protesters rampaged through Leipzig on Monday, vandalizing buildings in an “anti-Islamization” demonstration. In Italy on Tuesday, an anti-immigration regional government approved the text of a law making it difficult to construct new mosques as Muslim refugees are settled in the area.

Across Europe, the migrant crisis that has engulfed the Continent since the summer is provoking new levels of public anxiety after the New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany, where witnesses and the police described predatory gangs of mostly foreign men, including some refugees, groping and robbing young women. The Cologne police are also investigating allegations of rape.

While the police say the assaults in Cologne were carried out by hundreds of men, even that is a narrow sliver of the more than one million asylum seekers who entered Europe last year. Still, the anxieties provoked by the Cologne attacks quickly spread as reports emerged of similar New Year’s Eve assaults in other German cities, as well as in Finland and Austria.

While the details in some of those reports are sketchy, and none approach what happened in Cologne, they have touched an exceptionally raw nerve as European societies face the challenge of integrating and acculturating the asylum seekers, most of them Muslims, and a majority of those single men. Continue reading this article

European Women Buy Pepper Spray to Defend Themselves from Muslim Men — Geert Wilders Explains

Responding to the Cologne New Years attacks, sensible women are reacting to the New Normal of greatly reduced public safety by purchasing pepper spray — lots of it. An RT video report notes, “One shop in the city of Cologne says it has completely sold out of pepper spray and it is mostly women who are buying it.” Too bad the segment had to end up by showing a Syrian alien whining about the Cologne attacks that “in Syria I don’t know people who could commit anything like that” — while there are clearly many who can.

Geert Wilders, the Dutch member of Parliament and leader of the Freedom Party, has some experience with defense against Islamic violence, having been on the hit list of jihadists since he became outspoken about the danger of Muslim immigration.

Below, Wilders posed with a local SWAT team when he spoke at the Mohammed cartoon contest in Garland, Texas. After Wilders left, the free speech event was attacked by two armed jihadists who were taken out by a Garland police officer with his service revolver.

Along with other words of the Islamist vocabulary we never wanted to learn, along with jihad and hijra, we must now add Taharrush, meaning group sexual assault condoned by allah. Geert Wilders explains the ugly details in a recent opinion piece:

Give Women the Right to Defend Themselves, January 13, 2016

Today, The Post Online published an op-ed piece by Geert Wilders and Machiel de Graaf. Click here to read the piece at TPO.nl (in Dutch)

“Cultural enrichment” has brought us a new word: Taharrush. Remember it well, because we are going to have to deal with it a lot. Taharrush is the Arabic word for the phenomenon whereby women are encircled by groups of men and sexually harassed, assaulted, groped, raped. After the Cologne taharrush on New Year’s Eve, many German women bought pepper spray. Who can blame them?

A culture that has a specific word for sexual assaults of women by groups of men is a danger to all women. The existence of the word indicates that the phenomenon is widespread. Frau Merkel, Prime Minister Rutte and all the other open-door politicians could and should have known this.

The Islamic world is steeped in misogyny. The Koran explicitly states that a woman is worth only half a man (Suras 2: 228, 2: 282, 4:11), that women are unclean (5:6), and that a man can have sex with his wife whenever he wants (24:31). The Koran even says that men are allowed to have sex slaves (4:24), and that they have the right to rape women whom they have captured (24:31).

The hadiths, the descriptions of the life of Muhammad, the ideal human being whose example all the Islamic faithful must follow, confirm that women are sex objects, that they are inferior beings like dogs and donkeys, and that there is nothing wrong with sexual slavery and raping female prisoners.

Taharrush is quite common in Islamic countries. Women are frequently surrounded by men and subsequently abused. The Egyptian website Jadaliyya points out that it also happens to veiled women. Women are victims simply because they are women and not because they have provoked the men by their conduct or “provocative” clothing. It can happen in the streets, public transport, supermarkets, or during protest demonstrations.

In 2011, the American television journalist Lara Logan had her clothes ripped off and “was raped with the hands” by a group of 200 men on Tahrir Square in Cairo. Two years later, a young Dutch woman became a taharrush victim at the same square. Now, along with the flow of migrants from the Islamic world, the phenomenon also reached Europe. The elite tried to keep it hidden from the people, but they cannot do so anymore. Continue reading this article

Geert Wilders Demands Netherlands Reject Bogus Refugees

Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch Parliament, has been a leader against hostile Islam for years, and he is naturally unhappy to see the insanely dangerous invasion of Europe occurring now. He recommends the Australian solution of turning back the migrants before they arrive, a technique which has worked.

He recently spoke on a Youtube message in Dutch aimed at a national audience, but his remarks hold true for all of Europe.

Hello everyone. In The Netherlands we’re overloaded with asylum refugees. It’s an invasion threatening our prosperity and our country. The Hague blandly abandons us. Premier Rutte keeps our borders wide open for fortune-hunters. We must save our country.

Of course real refugees must be taken care of. However, that must be done in the region itself, not here. The Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, those sorts of rich countries, take care of a meager couple of hundred refugees annually.

In The Netherlands, many thousands arrive every month. That can no longer be done. Every refugee costs us €36,000 annually. They receive free medical care, a house, government care. Never have these people contributed a single cent to our economy. Even so, billions are spent on them, while our elderly are left out in the cold. Continue reading this article

Geert Wilders Promises More Free Speech after Garland Texas Jihad against Liberty

Member of the Dutch Parliament Geert Wilders was the keynote speaker at the Garland Texas celebration of free speech that ended up with two dead jihadists who attacked the gathering.

He appeared with Sean Hannity on Tuesday to discuss his plans to hold a similar exhibition of art in the Netherlands.

WILDERS: I’m certainly not anti-Muslim but indeed I believe that Islam is a threat to our civilization. I believe that our country was based on values that are based on Christianity and Judaism, and that Islam really is a threat to our freedom. . .

HANNITY: This all started with the Danish cartoon event. Why is it that people get so offended over a cartoon? Why is this happening?

WILDERS: Because for more than one billion Muslims, 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, Mohammed is a kind of role model, he’s an example. And that’s why every time somebody depicts or mocks Mohammed, Muslims get angry And my point is exactly this is part of the problem. . . Mohammed as a matter of fact, was a terrorist, was a warmonger. He beheaded Jewish tribes and he was one of the guys who participated. I believe that if Muhammad would be alive today, he would be tried and convicted of terrorism. . .

If our reaction is that we should not make more cartoons or not accept them, the terrorists will win. So we have to give them a signal that terrorism does not win. We will not be intimidated.

Below, an armed SWAT team was necessary to protect people at an art exhibition in America.


Geert Wilders posed with the security team at the Garland Texas event.

The fact that a cartoon exhibition now requires serious security is a sign of how much Muslim immigration has diminished our First Amendment freedoms. Victor Davis Hanson recently observed about the reaction of the establishment toward the event, “Apparently there is no longer a First Amendment as our Founders wrote it, but instead something like an Orwellian Amendment 1.5, which reads: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press — except if someone finds some speech hurtful, controversial, or not helpful.’ ”

Wilders is undeterred by threats. GatesOfVienna carried a translation of a Dutch article explaining his intention to “push the pedal” for free speech.

PVV leader does not believe that gunmen were after him: Wilders even more committed, De Telegraaf, May 7, 2015

THE HAGUE — Geert Wilders has announced he will continue his struggle against Islam rigorously and with extra passion. “I will push the pedal a little further down,” he says in response to the failed attack in the United States, where he was in attendance at a meeting where Mohammed cartoons were exhibited.

The PVV leader was the main speaker in Garland, and had left the building just before the two gunmen tried to enter. They were shot dead by police. Continue reading this article

Islamic Anti-Free-Speech Shootout Hits Garland Texas

Pamela Geller returned to Garland Texas on Sunday to respond to January’s “Stand with the Prophet” jihad conclave that condemned America’s First Amendment because it allows us to tell the unpleasant truth about Islam and Mohammed. She chose the same venue in the same town to emphasize that Americans will not give up our treasured free speech because of hostile Muslims.

Unfortunately, because of Muslim immigration and other negative influences like Islam prison ministries, free speech about Islam is now a dangerous activity in America.

Below, guest speaker Geert Wilders looked happy with the well armed SWAT team that protected the Garland celebration of American free speech.


I watched the entire event live on the internet (love those tubes!). If you are patient enough to watch three hours of speeches and whatnot, check it out (spare link). The shooting started after the speeches were finished: an armed man in camo came into the room and advised that shots had been fired outside. It was later reported that the two men, armed with assault weapons, opened fire on the police and were shot dead by an officer with a service revolver. Good shooting!

The free speech event itself went fine. Geert Wilders gave a strong talk and quoted a Texas founder in his remarks:

Speech Geert Wilders at Muhammad Cartoon Contest, Garland Texas, May 3, 2015

Dear friends,
Thank you all for being here. It’s great to be in Texas, the Lone Star State. The one star in the Texan flag represents all the free Western world needs today: defiance, pride and independence.

It is no coincidence that we are in Garland, Texas, tonight. It is here that, three months ago, shortly after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Islamic activists convened to demand that free speech be curtailed. They want to prohibit cartoons, books and films which they find insulting.

Our answer is clear:
Don’t mess with Texas!
Don’t mess with the free West!
Don’t mess with our freedom of speech! [. . .]

Let me end by quoting Sam Houston, the founding father of this great state of Texas:

“Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.”

May his words inspire us all today never to submit to Islamic barbarism.

Former CIA operative Gary Berntsen appeared this morning on Fox News to talk about what happened, and he knew a couple people at the event. Those friends said the attackers were carrying AK-47s with drum magazines that hold a lot of ammo. Berntsen observed, “That means significant capacity to fire on a crowd. They probably weren’t there to kill one person. They were probably looking to do mass casualties. Thank goodness for the Garland Police.”

Press Conference: Geert Wilders Warns America against Islamic Immigration

Geert Wilders, an outspoken member of the Dutch parliament, has been visiting Washington this week, with a speech to a conservative group on Wednesday and an outdoors press conference on Thursday. Thanks to Rep. Steve King for posting a video of the whole presser.

Below, Geert Wilders at the podium, with Congressmen Scott Perry, Louie Gohmert and Steve King, left to right.


Geert Wilders has been speaking out for years against totalitarian Islam as a danger to western freedoms around the world:

“The Islamic immigration to our free western societies has proven to be a Trojan horse. The jihadis are among us today. And of course not all Muslims are terrorists; it would be ridiculous even to suggest that, but almost all terrorists seem to be Muslims today.”

He recommended that America should stop importing Islamic enemies via immigration:

“Trust me: go to Europe and see with your own eyes, Islam and freedom, Islam and liberty are incompatible. Go to any country, any arab or Islamic country where Islam is dominant, that Islam and freedom are incompatible, and we should be warned that what is happening there, the Trojan horse of mass immigration from Islamic countries to our societies, will also happen here, and I don’t want that to happen.”

Over its 1400-year history of carnage, Islam has become expert in the use of warfare, terror, intimidation and politics to conquer large swaths of territory. Some in our own government see it as an efficient system of running society without all that messy freedom, so we should pay attention to Wilders’ warning.

Geert Wilders Speaks to Washington Republicans

On Wednesday, the Dutch freedom fighter Geert Wilders delivered a speech to the Conservative Opportunity Society in Washington. He was invited by Congressmen Steve King and Louis Gohmert to the city for a couple of events.

The usual suspects objected to his being welcomed to the capital city to warn against hostile Islam, as he does frequently. CAIR demanded that the GOP disinvite Wilders, an elected member of the Dutch parliament. The two Muslim congressmen wanted him blocked from entering the United States.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a press release saying that it is “deeply distressed” that the anti-Muslim xenophobe was invited to Washington. Wait, isn’t the ADL a Jewish group supposed to be concerned with anti-semitism? The biggest threat to Jews is Islam: the Hadith says, “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.” During the January Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, four shoppers at a kosher deli were killed. French soldiers guard synagogues and Jewish schools from jihad attack. But the ADL is worried about Geert Wilders telling the truth about Islam.

Islam is definitely unfriendly to free speech. In fact, Muslims murder people who speak against their beliefs, such as the slaughter of the Charlie Hebdo journalists. Wilders needs 24/7 security because of his outspoken honesty about the threat that Islam poses to civilization.

Following is the speech, where he reminded the audience that Islam is a threat to westerners because of immigration: we have allowed the enemy inside the gates.

Speech Geert Wilders for US Congressmen, Washington DC, GeertWilders.nl, April 29, 2015

Dear Friends,

It is an honor to be here, among so many colleagues. Thank you Steve for inviting me here at the Conservative Opportunity Society.

I am a politician under attack. For over ten years now, I have been living under 24 hour police protection. I am on the death list of Al Qaida. The Pakistani Taliban also want me dead and terrorists from the Islamic State in Syria made similar threats. In order to be safe, my wife and live in a safe house and have stayed in army barracks and even in prison cells, actually the same cells and beds where the Lockerbie suspects were held in the Netherlands. I am driven around in armored cars and even during TV debates in election time in my home country I have to wear a bullet proof vest. Leftist and liberal activists call me a xenophobe and a racist and the extreme right calls me a Zionist and Mossad agent because of my love for Israel.

So what did I do to deserve all this?

The reason for all this is that I speak out against the Islamization of the West. The reason is that I tell the truth about the totalitarian ideology called Islam and that I nonetheless lead one of the major parties in the Netherlands. A national poll yesterday even indicated that my party, the Party for Freedom, is currently the biggest party in the Netherlands.

But enough about me. It is not about me.

I am not the only one under attack. My country is under attack. My continent is under attack. Your country and your continent are under attack. We are all under attack. Our western civilization based on Christianity and Judaism is under attack. The whole free Western world is under attack.

And remember, we have been under attack before.

As it happens, we are gathered here this morning on a symbolic day.

Exactly 70 years ago, on April 29, 1945, two divisions of the US Seventh Army liberated the concentration camp of Dachau, the oldest of the Nazi concentration camps.

One of the American liberators wrote: “Since we saw this camp, we understood that we were not engaged in war against soldiers and officers, but against criminals.”

After the Second World War, our leaders vowed: Never again!

Never again will we tolerate anti-Semitism, political assassinations, mass murders, oppression, slavery. And they vowed that they would never forget and always remember the lessons of history.

Here is one of these lessons:

When confronted with evil, do not put your heads in the sand, but act before it is too late.

In the 1930s, most politicians in Europe had looked away. They tried to appease evil, hoping that it would react to appeasement by growing moderate. What fools they had been! And what a terrible price the world had to pay for this foolishness. Neutrality in the face of evil is evil.

But appeasement is downright suicide.

And here we are today.

Despite all the promises that we would not make the same awful mistake all over again, many Western leaders are doing exactly that. Looking away and appeasing evil.

I often wonder what part of the Koran our leaders find so difficult to understand?

Is it sura 47:4? “When ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and cause a bloodbath among them”? Or is it sura 4:89, “Seize them and kill them wherever ye find them”? Or sura 8:60, “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah”? Or is it another of the over 150 Koranic verses which call for jihad against non-Muslims? Or any of the many verses which call for the subjugation of Christians and Jews, or the murder of apostates?

We have a huge problem with Islam in the West today. First, let us look at the causes, then at the consequences, and finally at ways to solve this problem.

The Islamization process has been caused by immigration, combined with our failure to demand that immigrants adapt our values. Fifty years ago, the Netherlands had one thousand Islamic immigrants. Today, we have one million, or 6% of our population.

In the Netherlands, Muhammad is currently already the second most popular name among newborn boys nationwide and the most popular name in our three largest cities, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. This is also the case in the Belgian capital Brussels, the Norwegian capital Oslo, the British capital London and as a matter of fact even in the whole of Great-Britain.

We failed to demand that immigrants adopt our Judeo-Christian values and assimilate into our society. And here are some of the consequences: There is little loyalty to our home countries. Continue reading this article

Jihad Experts Warn against UN-Recommended Refugee Dump in the West

A week ago, a United Nations “expert” on migrant right insisted that wealthy nations take one million Syrian refugees, and he also allowed that the number could be increased later. And by “rich countries” he means Europe and America, not say, ultra-wealthy Saudi Arabia which would be a more culturally appropriate destination.

UN expert: rich countries must take in 1 million refugees to stop boat deaths, UK Guardian, April 22, 2015

[François] Crépeau also defended “economic migrants”, many who try to come to Europe and developed countries from sub-Saharan Africa. They were “people who may not be in need of protection but are desperate for a future because there’s no job for them anywhere near their country”.

This is how the United Nations thinks: the West exists to be a flophouse for billions of the world’s poor or displaced people, even if they are historical enemies of the people who live here. All the jihad activity tearing up the Middle East now is the normal behavior of Islam throughout its history: religious war is how north Africa and the Middle East were turned from Christian to Muslim. We see the traditional tactics of jihad every day on the news — mass murder, terror, intimidation, threats, kidnapping, beheading ad nauseum.

And many of the illegal alien boat people headed north to Europe are hostile Muslims.

Naturally, our enemies are licking their chops at the opportunity to enter the hated infidel lands by pretending to be refugees. It’s too easy to resist.

Europe’s acceptance of many thousands of potentially dangerous people is a terrible idea on the face, but the sleepwalking to disaster continues because liberal ideology requires the rescue of designated victims. It’s all so Camp of the Saints.

Only a few voices have spoken out about the obvious danger. The Dutch political leader Geert Wilders recommends the Australian approach of turning away all refugee-filled ships. When the aliens understand that they will not be admitted to Europe they will quit heading north in rickety boats.

UN plan to settle 1M refugees an invitation to terror, critics warn, Fox News, April 27, 2015

The humanitarian disaster unfolding on the Mediterranean is likely already providing a “shield” for Islamist terrorists to infiltrate waves of migrants attempting the perilous crossing from North Africa to Europe, terrorism experts and other strategic observers are warning. And they say a UN plan to resettle 1 million refugees in Western nations would turn the situation into a full-blown security crisis.

The exodus now unfolding, as well as the UN call to take in refugees from war-torn Middle Eastern and African nations over the next five years, is providing a “shield for the passage of jihadists to Europe,” said one analyst. Once absorbed into the societies of Europe and other rich countries such as the United States, ISIS operatives would be set to eventually gain all the freedoms of other citizens of those countries – including the freedom to travel, often without having to go through the extra scrutiny involved in obtaining a passport visa.

“ISIS has threatened to [infiltrate the migrants] and German intelligence already said that this is a real threat,” Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders told FoxNews.com from The Netherlands. “An open door policy would – both for the USA and Europe – mean that the threat of Islamists and terrorists entering our countries would increase to a very dangerous level.”

Muslims among migrants trying to reach Italy by boat from Libya tossed 12 fellow passengers overboard this month because they were Christians, Italian police said. All 12 drowned, leading the Italian authorities to charge 15 Muslim men with murder fueled by religious hatred.

While the incident received media attention, appeals by the United Nations and international charities such as Amnesty International and Oxfam have focused on the wider dangers faced by all the migrants crossing by the thousands in crowded and rickety vessels, as they escape violence and economic hardship throughout northern and western Africa, and the Middle East.

The intensity of their appeals for Europe and beyond to step up their intake of refugees soared after some 770 migrants lost their lives when their boat capsized and sank earlier this month.

The tragedy marked the largest loss of life of any in the Mediterranean involving refugees and migrants, and came just days after a similar disaster claimed an estimated 400 lives, while another tragedy at sea left 50 more dead.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on the “international community” – taken in most quarters to mean developed countries – to institute a “comprehensive and collective” response, which he said should go beyond meeting the immediate need of improved sea-rescue options. Continue reading this article

The New Improved CPAC Isn’t

On Feb 16, Breitbart.com proclaimed: Exclusive — Under New Leadership, CPAC Heads in a More Conservative Direction. Could an improvement be in the offing?

It would be super nice if the Conservative Political Action Conference would be conservative in ways many people care about, such as immigration, sovereignty and national security. Breitbart.com’s glowing description sounded swell, with lots of attention focused on grassroots interests and such. However, the actual CPAC appears to be the same old Conservatism Inc. package, and in some ways is worse — no Ann Coulter speech! She has been a consistent crowd favorite but is missing this year.

The establishment programming in earlier years brought revolts from the citizens.

In 2009, Pamela Geller organized a space near CPAC where Geert Wilders could speak and more than 500 hundred packed the room to hear the Dutch member of Parliament, famous for defending European freedom against Muslim authoritarians. The enthusiasm for the event showed how much interest there was for non-establishment subjects, like the danger posed by hostile Islam.

In the past two years, the Breitbart folks organized satellite meetings where non-establishment topics could be explored by expert speakers. In 2013, “The Uninvited” provided a forum for counter-jihad activists like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and Frank Gaffney, along with Rosemary Jenks speaking about illegal immigration (How to Get Uninvited to CPAC).

Last year, “The Uninvited” was a full day of speakers and the emphasis was national security (The Uninvited Alternative to CPAC Adds Speakers for Thursday).

But 2015 looks like the bad old days warmed over, but with no Uninvited event for genuine balance. Immigration got a panel on Thursday but it leaned toward the pro-amnesty side.

One wonders about Breitbart. It seems to have been brought inside the big Conservatism Inc. tent, judging by appearance. The Editor in Chief of Breitbart News, Alexander Barlow, introduced Nigel Farage, the leader of Britain’s UKIP. On Friday, the “Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award” will be given to Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson. One of the presenters will be Stephen Bannon, who last year was part of “The Uninvited” event.

Below, Ann Coulter has been a favorite speaker at CPAC meetings, but she thinks her criticism of immigration amnesty may have scuttled her slot this year.

Ann Coulter was not too shy to remark about being this year’s Uninvited, noting that she might show up anyway so she “could be the Bibi Netanyahu of CPAC.”

Ann Coulter excluded from speakers at CPAC, Washington Examiner, Feb 28, 2015

Author and conservative firebrand Ann Coulter was not invited to speak at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, marking the first time in several years that she was not scheduled to attend in an official capacity.

Coulter is usually a popular speaker at the annual conference — it’s the largest gathering of conservatives in the U.S. held this weekend just outside of Washington, D.C. — where she has delivered well-received speeches and signed her books for fans.

“I wasn’t invited,” Coulter confirmed in an email Thursday to the Washington Examiner media desk. “I might just show up anyway just to piss them off. I could be the Bibi Netanyahu of CPAC.” (The Netanyahu mention is a reference to a controversial invite from congressional Republicans to the Israeli prime minister to address Congress.)

Coulter, apparently confused by the snub from conference organizers, said she has been voted “best speaker” by attendees in previous years.

Lisa De Pasquale, who served as the conference director from 2006 to 2011, confirmed that attendees surveyed after the conference ended consistently chose Coulter as the most popular speaker. “You can definitely quote me on that,” said Pasquale.

Dave Hemsath sets up a booth selling books by conservative authors each year at the conference. He told the Examiner that her books tend to sell particularly well among attendees. “She’s my best seller,” he said. He also said he didn’t want to “speak out of turn” but that he’s “sorry” he won’t be able to sell as many of her books this year, as he didn’t bring as many as usual due to her absence from the speaker schedule.

Coulter’s strained relationship with conference organizers was also evident at last year’s event. She said at the time that she was not invited to speak until two weeks before the conference and that it was sprung on her that instead of a solo speaking slot, she was only offered time used to “debate” a liberal speaker.

Coulter suggested on Twitter that her exclusion might have something to do with immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship, a policy front Republicans have struggled with and that Coulter has been intensely critical of. “If I want to watch a bunch of rich white people suck up to Mexicans, I’ll watch the Oscars again,” Coulter tweeted.

The conference is a big draw for Republican voters and conservatives. Several potential GOP presidential candidates are at this year’s event to deliver speeches and answer questions, including Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Other conservative commentators are scheduled to speak at the conference, including Fox News’ Sean Hannity and conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, who both spoke on Thursday.

Two separate spokesmen for the conference did not return requests for comment.