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hostile Mexico « Limits to Growth

Mexico: Cartel Boy Assassin Is Repatriated to Birth-Nation America

A big story in San Antonio is that a US-born Mexican cartel hit-kid has been deported from a Mexico prison to live in that city. Arrested when he was 14, little Edgar Jimenez Lugo is now 17 and has served his paltry three-year sentence in permissive Mexico for murdering at least four.

What could possibly […]

Los Angeles Soccer Attempts to Go All Mexican by Purging English-Speaking Americans

LA’s most diverse sport is already pretty espanol, but now the owner of the team is accused of harassing non-Mexicans into quitting their jobs, and not just the players in the public eye, but office staff.

The case has taken the form of a lawsuit by the aggrieved American employee, since the Mexican billionaire owner […]

Rasmussen Poll: Only 30 Percent of Americans Regard Mexico As an Ally

There are a lot of polls around these days that refer to illegal immigration and mass amnesty, but the Rasmussen survey suggests that the less than a third of Americans believe Mexico is a friend. An earlier poll showed Americans don’t think Mexico wants the immigration problem fixed.

Mexico is by far the biggest sender […]

Pew Poll: How Mexicans See the United States

For some reason, the pollsters over at Pew Hispanic thought Mexican public opinion regarding America would be worth measuring. Perhaps it was published to reflect Obama’s Thursday taco junket to visit the new Mexican president on his home turf (n.b. Key issues on Obama’s Mexico trip: Trade, immigration and drug war).

Anyway, wouldn’t it be […]

Mexico Graduating Lots of Engineers

If demanding DREAMer kids knew how deluxe and inexpensive Mexico’s higher education system is, many might chose a full-tilt raza education with 24/7 Spanish and Mexican culture. (See my 2009 blog, Mexico’s National University Wins Prestigious Award.) For example, at the National Polytechnic Institute, 60 percent of students pay only $12 per semester.

Now we […]

Mexico Disrespects US-born Mexicans

Talk about putting out the unwelcome mat — Mexico is being downright snotty to its returning citizens and their US-born jackpot kiddies by not providing basic paperwork to get them plugged into school and healthcare.

Wait, weren’t the remittance checks from Mexo-expats an important part of the country’s economy, amounting to tens of billions of […]

Mexicans Stay Home and Find Jobs

One assumes that news articles of happy Mexicans remaining in Mexico to pursue improved circumstances in pesos rather than dollars are at least partially aimed at promoting Obama’s image of an effective border enforcer.

But there is another message tucked into Alfredo Corchado’s story (linked below) focused on the booming Mayan Riviera on the eastern […]

Mexico’s Recent Deportation Statistics Are Released

Mexico’s idea of utopia would be an open border to the United States, with Mexican moochers having unlimited access to the wealth American citizens have generated.

But when Central Americans move to Mexico, one of the richest Latin nations, Mexicans suddenly remember the importance of national sovereignty. Mexico also doesn’t like other nation’s citizens passing […]

Calderon Complains Mexican Deportees Commit Crimes

Mexico’s Presidente Calderon (pictured below in the South Park style) has complained that Mexican citizens given a free trip home (courtesy of the American taxpayer) are committing crimes upon their return.

You would think he believes Mexicans have a right to be in the United States and should be allowed to stay no matter […]

Mexico Miffed over Gunrunning Scandal

Finally, we see some reporting in the American press about the reaction in Mexico to the shocking Gunrunner scandal, in which the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agency allowed thousands of firearms to be bought in US gun stores by straw buyers to be funneled to Mexican organized crime, supposedly so the guns could be “traced” […]

Calderon Pretends to Protect Illegal Aliens in Mexico

Mexico’s Presidente Calderon never misses an opportunity to backstab the United States in the ongoing aggression by our non-friend to the south.

The latest effort is Mexico’s new law supposedly to protect OTMs as they pass through to the United States. There has been a lot of bad press over massacres like the Zeta gang […]

Border Stand-Up Commentary