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refugees « Limits to Growth

House of Representatives Increases Refugee Rescue Budget

You know the drill: as soon as Allah’s armies displace thousands from their homes in some Islamistan, the Washington appropriators swing in to action to borrow billions to assist tribes that hate America. The lawmakers are so well trained that they don’t even need urging from the members of the Refugee Industrial Complex.

Furthermore, the […]

German Citizens Angry about Government Dumping Asylum Seekers in Their Town

Here’s a fascinating video from the informative IslamVersusEurope blog showing concerned Germans rejecting the government’s sudden announcement that a number of asylum seekers would be jammed into their apartment building. The video includes a tour showing small rooms filled with beds like a barracks, with 12 refugees using one bathroom. The guide announces, “This year […]

A Murdering Refugee Wants a Do-over in the Courts

A bad refugee kid gone wrong has reappeared, after pleading guilty as a 17-year-old to the murder of Mary Bethell (pictured), 47, a substance-abuse counselor in Aurora, Illinois, three years earlier. Now Garang Deng, formerly of Sudan, regrets confessing to the murder and wants a new trial. It was a long strange trip getting to […]

Sweden Puts Out Welcome Mat for Unlimited Syrian Refugees

On Tuesday, I blogged about the explosive numbers of Syrian refugees — now two million — after several years of war but before General Obama’s military strikes. Surely more chaos in the region will cause even more people to flee the danger, and become refugees. One might reasonably fear an Obama decision to admit kazillions […]

Two Million Syrian Refugees: How Many Will Obama Welcome Here?

Does anyone think Obama’s meddling in Syria won’t end up with his admitting many thousands of suffering victims of the cruel dictator Assad? After all, the mission is a humanitarian one, we little citizens are told. No attentive adult believes this President would go to war to defend American security interests, so the do-gooder explanation […]

Canada’s Asylum Reform Reduces Claims by Half

Our northern neighbor shows that do-gooder aspects of immigration needn’t be masochistic self-flagellation for the receiving country. By contrast, the United States of Obama is currently doing a doormat imitation by its reaction to a new invasion gimmick of demanding asylum using just the right complaint phrase, namely that the pesticans have a “fear of […]

Obama Decrees Thousands of Syrian Refugees for America

It’s not enough for Obama & Co. that they may be on the brink of importing a mass population of future Democrats (i.e. 46 million in 20 years according to the CBO), but a recent project is to welcome thousands of Syrians as refugees. What could possibly go wrong?

The refugee system has been a […]

Rwanda Genocide Perp — Admitted as a Refugee — Is Sentenced to Prison

In its haste to welcome the victims of the world, Washington’s rubber-stamp refugee policy has taken in a rogue’s gallery of despicable war criminals. The latest, Beatrice Munyenyezi (pictured), a commander in Rwanda’s systematic mass murder of Tutsi tribal members, is quite a piece of work, but is by no means unique in depravity.

Some […]

Thousands of Syrians Will Be Resettled in American Communities

It isn’t enough for Obama and his amnesty cronies in the Gang of Eight to endanger public safety and flood the jobs market with millions of excess workers, the President has also decided to admit thousands of Syrian refugees, potentially putting national security at risk.

The decision is not a complete surprise. A big hint […]

Senator Rand Paul Urges More National Security Screening of Refugees

I’ve been critical of Senator Paul, in particular regarding his idiotic advocacy for a bilingual America, where Spanish would be equal to English.

However, his Friday opinion piece usefully examined the problems with refugees and asylum seekers, a topic far too PC for most politicians to confront. Those groups are uber-victims, which makes them highly […]

Refugee Diversity and Non-Assimilation Are Noted

Refugees are a part of the immigration “reform” Gold Rush currently being rubber-stamped through the Senate Judiciary Committee. Well paid refugee resettlers constitute a group that wants the big flow to continue and guarantee their cushy jobs. As I noted in a recent VDARE.com article (Refugee Racketeers Writing Themselves Into Amnesty/ Immigration Surge Bill), highly […]

Burmese Refugees Flood Iowa Town to Fill Tyson Jobs

Meatpacking used to be a middle-class job for Americans, illustrated in the 1990 Academy-Award-winning documentary American Dream, which showed Minnesotans fighting to maintain their wages and benefits at Hormel which had cut them despite healthy profits. Companies later discovered that illegal alien foreigners were happy to work for peanuts, and wages were lowered accordingly. However, […]