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legal immigration cost « Limits to Growth

Illegals Get Free Healthcare Despite “Prohibitions”

When it comes to freebies for grifter illegal aliens, the taxpayer’s hard-earned cash is never safe from liberal pickpocket politicians, who serve illegals first, not citizens. Remember, any tax money spent on illegals is cash taken from Americans who may need it, particularly when it’s healthcare dollars.

When Obamacare was rolled out, the Democrats swore […]

High Welfare Use Means Rescuing Middle East Refugees Is an Expensive Hobby

The lawless President announced recently that the US would admit at least 10,000 Syrian “refugees” in 2016, although he left the door open for a much higher number.

Naturally the big fear is that jihadists will be included, just like the Boston Marathon bombing Tsarnaev brothers and the al Qaeda Iraq pair who were resettled […]

Republican Strategist Ed Rollins Would Septuple Legal Immigration

I happened to click on to PBS’ Charlie Rose Show yesterday where the illegal alien tsunami was being discussed by some Republican suits. Ed Rollins opined that our current system could be wildly expanded beyond the measly doubling of legal immigration (from one million annually) of the Senate amnesty bill, but should instead accept five […]

Los Angeles Public School Food Waste: $100,000 per Day

Your tax dollars at work. As noted in the chart below from the LAUSD 2013-14 fact sheet, approximately 80 percent of district students qualify for free or reduced-price meals, so the taxpayer is dinged for the appalling waste of food.

Since 73 percent of the LAUSD enrollment is hispanic, the taxpayer cost of feeding […]

Remittances to Latin America: America’s Loss in Billions of Dollars

A new report from Pew Hispanic provides a reminder of how much money is strip-mined from the United States by foreign workers and sent to their homelands. In 2013, U.S. remittances accounted for three-quarters of the total in 2012 — $41 billion out of $52.9 billion sent to Latin American nations, according to World Bank […]

Government Instructs Immigrants on How to Mooch Benefits

Welcome to the Land of the Free. . . Stuff! That’s the message being sent loud and clear by Washington to immigrants. No wonder they keep coming.

Not that long ago, a would-be legal immigrant was required to show he wouldn’t become a “public charge,” meaning newbies would be self-supporting, not scrounging taxpayer-funded benefits. In […]