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illegal immigration cost « Limits to Growth

Tucker Carlson Examines the Enormous Taxpayer Cost of Illegal Immigration

Tucker Carlson recently explained what a major expense unlawful immigration is on the American people using the new FAIR report, The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers.

Below, the FAIR study showed that illegal aliens do pay some taxes, but not nearly enough to cover the benefits they receive, causing American taxpayers […]

NYTimes Spreads Soggy Sob Story

Unsurprisingly, the New York Times has its liberal gaze fixed upon illegal aliens in the path of Hurricane Harvey and their extra suffering due to their immigration status. Wednesday’s front page had a story on the subject, although not a complete shrieker with boo-hooey photos of “undocumented” misery — however the story was located beneath […]

Los Angeles Homelessness Shows a Big Increase in Latino Diversity

The LA Times reports that hispanic homelessness is surging in the county, up by up by 63 percent in the past year, a jaw-drop number particularly when the total homeless population increased by 23 percent.

Certainly a string of really bad luck can put some people on the streets, but the exploding numbers of a […]

Young Non-DREAMer Illegal Can’t Get a Job in the United States

The advent of the Trump administration has been a fine opportunity for the art of illegal immigration sob stories, and they can’t be hard for lib scribblers to dig up. Today’s sniffler episode concerns Mexican David Cruz Hernandez who just missed being a DACA moocher by being a few months too old. He nevertheless managed […]

Texas Voter ID Gets the Democrat News Treatment

CBS served up a tear jerker story about an 86-year-old black veteran, Floyd Carrier, who could no longer vote because his military ID does not include a photo. The immediate reason is the Texas voter ID law of 2011 that requires a photo identification card to vote. The larger problem is that times have changed […]

Illegal Alien Kiddie Surge Continues across Border in 2016

It’s too bad the media is mostly incapable of multi-tasking when it comes to reporting the news; otherwise the talking heads might mention the worsening border anarchy. The presidential campaign is just too easy to report, so full of personal conflict and colorful quotes — they can fill hours and hours 24/7 of cookie-cutter programming […]

Germany Budgets 17 Billion Euros for Illegal Aliens

Open borders don’t come cheap: the care and feeding of the new mostly Muslim residents will ding the German taxpayers around $18.6 billion in 2016 according to estimates.

Meanwhile, the state of Saxony (the capital of which is Dresden where PEGIDA protests started) reports that “migrant” crime has risen by 47 percent in one […]

California Offers Another Freebie for Illegal Aliens: Healthcare for the Kids

Nobody should be surprised that Democrat-run Mexifornia has enacted free-to-them healthcare for illegal alien kiddies, and Gov Jerry Brown is ever so pleased with his liberal generosity with the taxpayers’ money. “All in all, I think the people of California can be proud of the work that’s been done,” Brown said.

An estimated 170,000 immigrants […]

Initial Amnesty Costs for Processing Are Toted Up

Judicial Watch has dug up some figures about the immediate costs of Obama’s imperial amnesty and they are high, nearly half a billion dollars annually just for the paper pushing.

You wouldn’t expect government rubber-stampers to work in less-than-deluxe offices would you?

Below, the administration rented this office building in Arlington, Virginia, to process millions […]

Nebraska Hispanic Sob Story of Poverty Is Headlined

Sunday’s Omaha Herald has a front-page article railing against worsening hispanic poverty in the state, with an appropriate sob story graphic of an adorable dark-eyed child with a bag of spuds. So subtle.

But wait. Nebraska had the second-lowest unemployment rate in the nation as of November, just 3.1 percent, compared with the national […]

Obamacare Harms Citizen Workers by Implementing Financial Advantage to Hire Illegal Aliens under Amnesty

Illegal aliens have a lot for which to be thankful this season, given that Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty will give work permits to at least five million foreign job thieves. Plus, the President’s cornucopian package includes Social Security and Medicare even though the he claimed his amnesty wouldn’t cover benefits that cost taxpayers billions of dollars […]

How Many Trillions of Taxpayer Dollars Will Obama’s Amnesty Cost?

On Friday, Lou Dobbs chatted up the topic of the executive amnesty with former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who called the action “a tremendous step backward for the nation.”

Dobbs brought up the aspect of taxpayer cost first thing in the segment, quoting the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector, an expert on welfare and immigration costs.
