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traditional environmentalism « Limits to Growth

John Tanton Tribute

Here’s a new video about a vital figure in the movement to restrain US immigration to sustainable levels:

A video tribute to John H. Tanton, M.D. – retired ophthalmologist and eye surgeon and founder of the modern immigration reform movement. Dr. Tanton is publisher and former editor of The Social Contract.

As a strong […]

Liberals Agree: America’s Parks Must Be Diverse

The President visited Yosemite this weekend, so the public’s attention is focused on parks. Naturally, the discussion includes liberal worries that the parks are not diverse enough, and that topic was a front-pager for the San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday.

Liberal outdoorsy types, like Sierra Clubbers, worry that colorful people don’t care about wild […]

Chinese Air Pollution There Spreads Here

The Los Angeles Times had an interesting front page graphic on Wednesday, showing that Beijing’s air pollution is many times that of the famously smoggy City of the Angels.

The chart goes with a news article about the struggle of Chinese people to convince their government to tackle cleaning up their nation’s air, a […]