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2015 July 26 « Limits to Growth

Thousands of Invaders Are Walking into Europe, with Little to Stop Them

It’s mid-summer and the weather is pleasant, a perfect time for third worlders to flood into Europe more easily. There has been a lot of reporting about the rickety boats headed north from Africa, but it’s also possible for the intruders, some number of whom are unfriendly Muslims, to walk to the first world, just […]

Is Rick Perry’s Sputtering at Trump an Attempt to Mask His Own Deceit or Just a Media Ploy? 

Donald Trump’s surprise emergence as the Republican frontrunner because of his tough talk about immigration has highlighted the issue and created interesting reactions among the other candidates. Rick Perry has taken to sniping at Trump, calling the billionaire businessman a hypocrite who employs illegals and a “cancer on conservatism.”

Perry says, that as a former […]