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2015 July « Limits to Growth

Ann Coulter Criticizes Immigration from Peasant Cultures to America

Lefties get riled up when anyone suggests that all cultures are not equal, as if the self-esteem of backward aliens might get damaged by hearing such an idea. Note to leftists — the foreigners come for the money, not to feel better about themselves.

On Thursday, Ann Coulter discussed the verboten topic of peasant cultures […]

“Labor-Saving” Robots Mean Job Elimination for Humans

I generally don’t care much for the PBS Newshour’s liberal slant on nearly everything, but must admit they have done good work in examining the automation revolution in the workplace. They have reported important tech news, like one research firm’s forecast that smart machines will perform one-third of jobs by 2025 and have kept an […]

Calais: Invasion Is On as Thousands Rush Tunnel to Britain

The channel tunnel that connects the British island to Europe has become a magnet for thousands of illegal aliens who believe Britain is the most generous distributor of free stuff to foreign moochers. As a result, thousands camp out in Calais, enabled by the free food they receive from French charities, as the foreigners try […]

McDonald’s Introduces Kiosks So Customers Can Have (Money-Saving) Non-Human Food Ordering

The automation revolution keeps picking up speed as the machines get better. Today’s news included a report from Fox Business about McDonald’s introduction of kiosks to replace human order takers in its restaurants. The company saw the writing on the wall last year with the noisy campaign to demand big pay raises for fast food […]

ACLU Promotes Sanctuary Cities through Threat of Lawsuits

Jason Riley, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, is a big time amnesty enthusiast. But his recent piece pointed out a strong impetus for cities adopting sanctuary policies, namely the threat of an expensive lawsuit from leftist monsters like the ACLU. Some cities have been sued for cooperating with the feds to deport criminals […]

Citizens Protest San Francisco Sanctuary Policy That Protects Illegal Alien Criminals

On Monday I traveled to San Francisco to join with a couple dozen other friends of public safety to protest the preventable crimes of illegal aliens. Those crimes are assisted by the policy of Sanctuary Cities, which actively protects illegal alien criminals and allow them to harm and even kill Americans. That government program was […]

Thousands of Invaders Are Walking into Europe, with Little to Stop Them

It’s mid-summer and the weather is pleasant, a perfect time for third worlders to flood into Europe more easily. There has been a lot of reporting about the rickety boats headed north from Africa, but it’s also possible for the intruders, some number of whom are unfriendly Muslims, to walk to the first world, just […]

Is Rick Perry’s Sputtering at Trump an Attempt to Mask His Own Deceit or Just a Media Ploy? 

Donald Trump’s surprise emergence as the Republican frontrunner because of his tough talk about immigration has highlighted the issue and created interesting reactions among the other candidates. Rick Perry has taken to sniping at Trump, calling the billionaire businessman a hypocrite who employs illegals and a “cancer on conservatism.”

Perry says, that as a former […]

Pew Poll: Republican Voters Notice Washington GOP’s Obama-Friendly Governance

Did the GOP leadership of the House and Senate think that party voters wouldn’t detect their consistent failure to oppose Obama policies of crazed overspending, globalized trade and immigration amnesty, among others?

A recent Pew survey shows the support of Republicans for GOP behavior has dropped like a stone — down 18 percent (from 86% […]

New Publication: How Immigration and Refugee Resettlement Are Used as a Weapon against America

Below is a five-minute video worth your attention, titled the Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America. It is from the Center for Security Policy and is a preview of a 65-page monograph of the same name.

The last 18 months of Obama’s term look to be filled with extreme […]

Amnesty-for-Enforcement Swap Is Not New

Breitbart (normally a fine news source) seemed surprised that a dim administration apparatchik, ICE Director Sarah Saldana, recently remarked during a hearing that an amnesty for millions of foreign lawbreakers was the price required for any kind of immigration enforcement.

Below, during an April hearing, ICE Director Saldana shows the standard index card list of […]

Congressman Mo Brooks Submits Bill Requiring Government to Collect Illegal Alien Crime Data

More than a decade ago, when I began a website focused on illegal alien crime victims, ImmigrationsHumanCost.org, it didn’t take long to understand that the government was not interested in revealing the extent of lawbreaking foreigners’ offenses against Americans. The most basic statistics just weren’t available.

Ann Coulter has pointed out the same lack of […]