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Wisconsin Writer Stirs Up Wausau Hmong Issue 20 Years Later

In 1994, the Atlantic monthly published an article by then-reporter Roy Beck that was a wake-up call about extreme immigration diversity being foisted on America: The Ordeal of Immigration in Wausau. I remember reading it around that time and thinking Hmmm…

Now a pro-immigration writer has looked under the Hmong immigration rock, and he probably shouldn’t have gone there. There are immigrants who respond readily to the program of assimilation and become successful, and then there are the Hmong.

Roy Beck’s article illustrated the social disruption that happened when boatloads of rather backward Asians was dumped in a midwestern city. (NB: tribal Hmong are nothing like high-achieving Chinese immigrants.)

On the diversity scale among immigrants admitted to America, the Hmong tribe is surely near the top score of extreme behaviors, including shamanistic medicine, horse-eating, animal sacrifice, marriage by capture, polygamy, disinterest in obeying the law, a highly misogynist value system, and a dislike of education for women.

A Hmong immigrant was convicted of mass murder, a crime that occurred near Meteor Wisconsin, about 140 miles from Wausau. On November 21, 2004, Chai Vang trespassed on a private hunting reserve to shoot deer. When the owners asked him to leave, a dispute broke out and Vang shot eight Americans, killing six, with four shot in the back.

During the trial, Vang said the hunters deserved to die because they disrespected him. Apparently Hmong don’t observe private property where hunting is concerned, so a “culture clash” was cited by the media as an excuse for the brutal mass murder. Vang was sentenced to life in prison, with no parole.

Back to the present, the current writer admits there were diversity tensions back 20 years ago but asserts that difficulties have been sorted out now, so that means there was never a problem in the first place, observing the Beck piece “seems not so much prescient as dated.” It’s a backwards circular argument and not convincing.

If the Hmong really have progressed from their primitive cultural state, that’s good news.

But as Roy Beck asked, Why were the people of Wausau forced to accommodate such a difficult group that citizens as a whole did not want?

How Wausau’s immigration fears failed to come true, By Robert Mentzer, Wausau Daily Herald, December 7, 2014


“It all began simply enough, when a few churches and individuals in Wausau, Wisconsin, decided to settle some Southeast Asian refugees during the late 1970s. To most residents, it seemed like a nice thing to do. Nobody meant to plant the seeds for a social transformation.”

So begins “The Ordeal of Immigration in Wausau,” a landmark magazine story detailing a moment in Wausau’s history that might have been its lowest point in the now 40-year history of the Hmong in central Wisconsin. In 1994, when the story was published in the Atlantic Monthly, Wausau was just barely beginning to heal from a bitter, polarizing fight about how schools should deal with the rapidly rising population of Hmong immigrants.

A “60 Minutes” profile followed the story in the Atlantic. Where the magazine story was lengthy and well-crafted, the “60 Minutes” profile was a blunt instrument. The pages of the Wausau Daily Herald were filled with reactions, clarifications, hand-wringing and a strong sense of resentment at the way the national media outlet had used Wausau as a symbol for a larger debate, caricaturing the city in the process.

Twenty years later, though, even the Atlantic Monthly piece seems not so much prescient as dated. Its predictions didn’t come true, and it’s shot through with a sense of racial anxiety — southeast Asians are taking over this fine white city — that feels gross.

The author of the piece, Roy Beck, achieved national fame from it, and its publication set him on a career path that would make him arguably the nation’s leading anti-immigration voice, as founder and director of the advocacy group NumbersUSA. In a profile this month, The New York Times called him “perhaps the most powerful member of the small but vocal movement that has helped scuttle every effort at an immigration overhaul for nearly two decades.” Continue reading this article

UKIP leader Nigel Farage Opines about the Pressing Issues of Law and Freedom

The leader of the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage, is a rare politician calling for a moratorium of immigration, because of the harm to society as he remarked: “Four million net migrants in the last 13 years to Britain represents an astonishing social change, and one that people simply don’t want.”

When the Swiss voted in a national referendum to limit immigration, Farage observed that the outcome was “wonderful news for national sovereignty and freedom lovers throughout Europe.”

A Daily Mail headline from Sunday shows the rapid demographic change in Britain: The changing face of Britain: A child in Birmingham is now more likely to be a Muslim than Christian. How’s that for welcoming the enemy of western civilization?

The Daily Caller has published an interview with Farage, hosted by Ginni Thomas, who does semi-regular chats with interesting people.

Farage is refreshing to hear because he is happy to speak his mind, with no niggling politician apologies for anything deemed controversial, like culture. He calls “four decades of state-sponsored multiculturalism” in Britain a failure.

Click here to see the auto-start video of the 24-minute interview.

Farage rues the lawlessness that immigration has brought, like polygamy and FGM which are not prosecuted in Britain. He believes preserving a nation’s cultural identity is more important than the economy.

When asked by Thomas for tips for Tea Party conservatives, Farage thought they might have to leave the Republican party to be more influential. The GOP has not been the voice of working people the way Reagan was. Most voters are not business owners or investors and those citizens are looking for a party that will represent their concerns.

Farage opposes gay marriage, but argues that the UK has effective civil partnerships. He fears the EU court may require churches to conduct gay marriage ceremonies.

Nigel Farage: An Emerging Leader Unafraid To Take His Country Back, Daily Caller, September 14, 2014

Although Democrats often play to their base, modern Republicans seem ashamed of the 40% of registered voters who support the tea party. Likewise, similar constituencies felt ignored in the United Kingdom — until Nigel Farage and the UK Independence Party (UKIP) entered the political realm.

Farage has been a Member of the European Parliament since 1999 and his party is now showing surprising growth as middle-class Britons rebel against the EU, open borders and an oppressive government.To put it simply, Farage wants to take his country back!

In an exclusive 24 minute video interview filmed on September 4 in Washington, D.C., Farage exudes self assurance, spunk and principle as a leader unafraid of  the European Union “the emperor has no clothes.” From reading the tea leaves in Europe, Farage believes fewer people are enamored with the growing, centralized, bureaucratized state based out of Brussels.

Asked about his view of America’s stature in the world with President Obama, Farage said, “I’m a guest here and, don’t want to be rude, but it looks a little rudderless.” Referring to Obama as a “lame duck,” Farage said it “seems to me the chap is on the golf course every day. In terms of respect or fear of America, it is diminishing with this President.” Continue reading this article

Congressman Smith Composes Enforcement List

Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) has compiled a fine to-do list of immigration enforcement strategies that would help if they were the implemented instead of a multi-trillion-dollar amnesty trough of goodies for lawbreaking foreigners. Among the items, several are suggested upgrades to existing laws plus a couple new ones, including ending the odious anchor baby magnet.

There could have been a few more. Let me add my suggestions:

=> Lower the overall number of legal immigrants to 100,000 annually, maximum. That should be more than enough to serve the interest of the American people.

=> Lower the number of refugees to 10,000, since many, if not most, are scammers or economic immigrants. The refugee ceiling in 2011 was 80,000 despite America’s terrible economy. And because of their extreme diversity, refugees are high maintenance persons costing taxpayers a lot of money.

=> Punish illegal entry. First time gets a month in the slammer required. Each additional entry would increase incarceration by six months. The prisons wouldn’t be expensive hotel accommodations designed by Raza lawyers, but rather Sheriff-Arpaio-style jails with tents and 40-cent bologna sandwiches — cheap!

=> End dual citizenship. No more polygamously fractured national loyalty.

=> End immigration from Special Interest Countries that are said to “promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members.” Why welcome spies and enemies? Aliens from the officially unfriendly nations (also called Specially Designated Countries, SDCs) get extra security checks to enter or immigrate. Why allow any immigrants from those places when presumably plenty of nice people want to become Americans?

=> End the diversity visa, period. We have more than enough diversity already and don’t need to import more.

Okay, now for Rep. Smith’s list:

Immigration enforcement key to success, by Lamar Smith, USA Today, March 4, 2013

Amnesty advocates argue that our immigration system is broken and can only be fixed by legalizing millions of illegal immigrants. But they ignore the real problem plaguing our system today: lack of enforcement of laws already on the books.

America has the most generous immigration system in the world, admitting one million legal immigrants every year. There is a right way and a wrong way to enter our country. The right way is to play by the rules and wait your turn, not cut in front of the line and ignore the law. Better border and interior security will benefit American taxpayers and workers and make our communities safer.

But even if the border itself is secure, that doesn’t mean that individuals won’t continue to gain legal entry and remain in the country illegally. That happens when those on student, visitor or business visas don’t return home after their short-term visa has expired. They account for 40% of all illegal immigrants, more than four million people. Border security must go hand-in-hand with interior enforcement. Congress can take numerous actions to reduce illegal immigration at the border and inside the country. Some of these merely require that the government enforce existing law:

• Require employers to only hire legal workers. This will reduce the magnet of the easy availability of jobs that entices many to enter illegally. And it will reduce the competition for scarce jobs that hurts legal workers. More than 425,000 employers have signed up voluntarily for E-Verify that ensures that prospective hires are legally authorized to work in the U.S. And 99.5% of legal workers are confirmed immediately.

• Increase work-site investigations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to make sure employers are hiring legal workers. This will protect jobs for unemployed or underemployed Americans. Unfortunately, work-site enforcement is down 70% under the Obama administration. Continue reading this article

Britain: Muslims Exhorted to Mooch Government Benefits for Jihad

Vladimir Lenin famously remarked, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Britain has gone a step beyond, namely providing generous welfare for self-proclaimed enemies of the nation who have sworn to destroy the traditional society and institute brutal sharia law. Muslim immigration has allowed this travesty to proceed.

News reports have been burbling up for years about moocher Muslims living in luxury, including extra bennies for polygamous wives of Muslims and a raft of welfare goodies for notorious jihad preacher Abu Qatada. The government is too terrified by political correctness to fix it.

(At least we don’t do such stupid things in America. Oh wait, the government is no longer checking prospective immigrants about whether they are likely to become a public charge, aka go on the dole.)

The latest insult is public jihadist Anjem Choudary being filmed saying Muslims should mooch as much as they can from the infidels in order to pursue Islam. He used to occasion to again state the Muslim intention to conquer the West and institute brutal sharia law everywhere. Choudary himself receives £25,000 a year in benefits from the unwilling British taxpayers.

Muslim preacher urges followers to claim ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’, Daily Telegraph, February 17, 2013

A Muslim preacher is secretly filmed urging followers to take benefits from the state to fund a holy war.

Anjem Choudary was secretly filmed mocking non-Muslims for working in 9-5 jobs their whole lives, and told followers that some revered Islamic figures had only ever worked one or two days a year.

“The rest of the year they were busy with jihad [holy war] and things like that,” he said. “People will say, ‘Ah, but you are not working’.

“But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar [non-believers].

“So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance. You need to get support.”

He went on to tell a 30-strong crowd: “We are going to take England — the Muslims are coming.”

Ridiculing the daily lives of UK workers, Choudary said: “You find people are busy working the whole of their life. They wake up at 7 o’clock. They go to work at 9 o’clock.

“They work for eight, nine hours a day. They come home at 7 o’clock, watch EastEnders, sleep, and they do that for 40 years of their life. That is called slavery.”

Choudary, a father-of-four, claims more than £25,000 a year in benefits, £8,000 more than the take-home pay of some soldiers fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to the Sun, which covertly filmed the preacher at three meetings. Continue reading this article

Geraldo: Romney Is a Secret Mexican

We can already see the liberal media’s array of smears forming up against likely Republican candidate Mitt Romney, including dog cruelty! Apparently the Irish Setter traveled in a dog carrier on top of the family car during a trip to Canada. (I’m guessing the car was filled up with Romney kids with no room for a big pooch.)

Another animal image was conjured up by Texas’ Rick Perry, that of “vulture capitalism” in describing Bain business practice. Very colorful, Rick! The newsroom apparatchiks are grateful.

One of the more unlikely and nonsensical propaganda forays is the idea of Mitt’s grandfather was a secret Mexican and Gov. Romney won’t fess up to the skeleton in his closet.

Hispanic booster Geraldo Rivera recently complained on Fox News that Romney’s tough immigration enforcement stand doesn’t square with his grandfather fleeing Utah for polygamy-friendly Mexico: “How can you talk about all these Mexicans and never mention that your father is one of them and your grandfather is one of them?” (More at Newsbusters.org.)

Somehow I doubt that granddad went native, and don’t think photos of Romney relatives in sombreros and serapes will be appearing any time soon.

However, it is likely that the public will hear much more about Romney’s polygamous background from the press than we ever learned about the Obama family polygamy.

Drunk-Driving Obama Uncle Tries to Slime Arresting Officer

One symptom of media that are hopelessly enamoured with Barack Obama shows up when they refer to his drunk-driving illegal alien uncle Omar (pictured) as the half uncle, an expression which is new to me. (See article following.) Perhaps that is helpful way to sort things out in Obama’s polygamous family, which can get complicated very quickly. Uncle Omar is the half brother of the President’s father.

The terminology does tend to distance the lawbreaking uncle from the exalted penumbra of the President.

A recent wrinkle in the Uncle Omar story has been his request for the driving record of the arresting officer. Say, what? Uncle Omar nearly crashed his truck into a patrol car and was driving with a blood alcohol level of .14 percent. This latest move is a desperate lawyer’s trick to distract.

Fellow officers pointed out that the ploy is no way to determine guilt or innocence in a case of drunk driving.

Cops rip Obama uncle’s defense, Boston Herald, January 13, 2012

Defense attorneys digging for something to latch onto in a Framingham cop’s driving past are being bashed by the police brotherhood who argue the bust of President Obama’s half-uncle on a drunken-driving charge is the issue, not the officer’s history behind the wheel.

The Framingham cop who arrested Onyango Obama has about a dozen on-duty accidents — mostly minor — to his name, according to records requested by defense attorneys and obtained by the Herald yesterday.

But the paperwork on patrolman Val Krishtal shows none of the dirt defense attorneys said they had hoped to dig up, and cops around the state are saying Obama’s legal team is barking up the wrong tree in its attempts to strike the Aug. 24 traffic stop by painting Krishtal as out of line.

“It’s sort of discouraging” said James Machado, a Fall River police sergeant and executive director of the Massachusetts Police Association. “I understand defense attorneys taking tacks and questioning police officers’ integrity, but to bring someone else’s record out there? What influence would that have on him doing his job? If you have motor vehicle violations, you can’t give out citations?”

Obama’s lawyers, P. Scott Bratton and William L. Harvey III, requested the records after learning Krishtal had totaled his cruiser in November, smashing into a stone wall en route to a report of shots being fired. They say the patrolman may have been driving too fast just before the Obama stop, in which the president’s uncle turned into traffic, cut the officer off and forced him to slam on his brakes. Continue reading this article

Obama Uncle Update: Mysteries Remain about Illegal Alien Kin #2

It’s been a few days since President Obama’s illegal alien uncle was arrested for drunk driving in Massachusetts. Since then, information about the man has been burbling out.

Uncle Omar, aka Onyango Obama, aka the brother of illegal alien welfare moocher Aunt Zeituni, resides in a pleasant-looking house in Framingham, where he was known to host backyard barbecues. He recently worked at a liquor store, where he got in trouble for selling alcohol to minors, but was not deported.

Omar’s comfy lifestyle makes it hard not to notice how easy being an illegal alien in America is these days. It’s amazing anyone bothers with the troublesome legal immigration process, given the time and money involved.

Interestingly, Uncle Omar was ordered repatriated to Kenya in 1992 but somehow the feds never got around to enforcing the deportation order, even though he didn’t appear hard to find, since he had a home, a car and a job.

Inquiring minds want to know more about how Uncle Omar got a Social Security number, which helped him get a Massachusetts DL a couple decades back.

The CNN report below has some fascinating details, including a helpful diagram of the Obama polygamous family tree, which may require a second viewing. The reporter chose his words carefully and did not use the word polygamy however, which would have reminded viewers that the President is part of a curiously diverse African family. Additionally, legal talking head Toobin says that drunk driving is not serious enough to get Uncle Omar deported — that’s the elite view from the back of a limo where occupants are protected from drunk-driving illegal aliens.

Official: Obama Mass. kin ordered deported in ’92, Associated Press, August 31, 2011

President Barack Obama’s uncle, an illegal immigrant charged with drunken driving last week, was ordered by an immigration judge to leave the country almost two decades ago, a federal official said Wednesday.

The official said a deportation order was issued against Onyango Obama in 1992. The official spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to release details on the case.

Obama, who’s from Kenya, is the half-brother of the president’s late father. He has pleaded not guilty to operating under the influence of alcohol and is being held on an immigration detainer.

An immigration detainer, used by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to identify people in jail or prison who could be deported, is a request to another law enforcement agency to notify ICE before releasing the person from custody so ICE can arrange to take over custody.

Obama’s immigration attorney, Margaret Wong, of Cleveland, declined to comment on his case or on how long he has been living in the U.S. illegally.

The White House also has declined to comment.

Obama, 67, was arrested last week in Framingham, where he has lived for years, about 20 miles west of Boston. He had made a rolling stop at a stop sign and nearly caused a police cruiser to strike his sport utility vehicle, police said. After being booked at a police station, he was asked whether he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail, they said.

“I think I will call the White House,” he said, according to a report written by Framingham police. Continue reading this article

Obama Illegal Alien Relative #2 Surfaces

President Obama’s illegal alien uncle, Onyango Obama (pictured), showed up a few days ago when he nearly crashed his SUV into a Framingham police car whilst in a state of inebriation. For his phone call, he wanted to ring up the White House. Oops!

And now, the mug shot has appeared. The internet is so informative.

This makes #2 on the list of Obama’s illegal alien relatives. We already knew about the welfare moocher (Aunt Zeituni) who lives off the taxpayer in rather luxurious style in Massachusetts. Efforts to have her deported somehow fizzled when the case came before a friendly judge, who granted her asylum based on the idea she would be in danger in her Kenya homeland. In fact, remaining relatives seem to be doing fine and are minor celebs in their communities.

The man in question, Uncle Omar, is Aunt Zeituni’s brother.

The President has lots of relatives. (See the now-incomplete graphic from an exposition in New York magazine, The Obama Diaspora.) The math works out that way in polygamous African families. Daddy Obama had four wives, some at the same time. Add kiddies, and the cast of characters gets confusing for us simple monogamists.

The situation could work out well for Uncle Omar, since he may well be covered by his nephew’s executive amnesty. After all, Uncle Omar has lived here for decades (albeit illegally) and is not a known axe murderer. He could get a work permit, or perhaps go straight to the welfare office, since he is no longer young.

Naturally you have to go to the foreign press to get good coverage:

Barack Obama’s uncle has been arrested and held as illegal immigrant, The Australian, August 28, 2011

BARACK Obama’s long-lost “Uncle Omar” has been arrested for alleged drink-driving outside Boston and detained as an illegal immigrant, The Times can reveal.

The arrest ends a mystery over the fate of a relative that the US President wrote in his memoir had moved to America from Kenya in the 1960s, although the circumstances of his discovery may now prove to be an embarrassment for the White House.

Official records say Onyango Obama, 67, was picked up outside the Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, at 7.10pm on August 24. Police say he nearly crashed his Mitsubishi 4×4 into a patrol car, and then insisted that the officer should have given way to him. A report filed with the Framingham District Court said that a breathalyser at the police station registered his blood alcohol at 0.14mg/100ml of blood, above the state limit of 0.08mg.

According to a local newspaper, Mr Obama was charged with driving under the influence and driving to endanger, as well as failing to use a turn signal. He was detained as an illegal immigrant because the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement has an outstanding warrant for him because he was previously ordered to be deported to Kenya.

The Times has established from his birthdate that Mr Obama is the Uncle Omar mentioned in President Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father. In the 1995 book, President Obama writes of “the uncle who had left for America 25 years ago and had never come back”. Continue reading this article

Obama’s Kenyan Granny Wishes He Would Convert to Islam

Funny, when Obama was campaigning for President, the useless lying media portrayed his Kenyan grandmother as being Christian.

Now he is elected and it doesn’t matter so much that he has plenty of Islamo-relatives among his polygamous family back in the old country.

Granny must regret that her grandson has strayed from the family faith, and wishes he were bowing down to Mecca five times a day, to get back in touch with his African roots.

Barack Obama’s grandmother ‘prays he converts to Islam’, Daily Telegraph, November 25, 2010

Sarah Omar, 88, who was on hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, told the Al-Qatan Saudi daily: “I prayed for my grandson Barack to convert to Islam”.

The paper said that Ms Omar was in Saudi Arabia on pilgrimage along with her son, Mr Obama’s uncle Saeed Hussein Obama, and four of her grandchildren.

Ms Omar told the newspaper that she could only discuss hajj matters and would not comment on Mr Obama’s politics.

The family appeared to have been hosted by the Saudi government for hajj. Saeed thanked King Abdullah for his “kind hospitality,” the paper said.

US opinion polls in August found that as many as one in four Americans believe that Mr Obama is a Muslim, a claim categorically denied by the White House which has maintained that he is a “committed Christian.”

Isn’t it nice that granny received the presumably grand hospitality of the Saudi king for the hajj? Meanwhile Obama’s Aunt Zeituni claimed and got asylum in America by saying she had a reasonable fear of persecution if she were to return to Kenya. Apparently she thought receiving a full platter of American welfare benefits was better than royal treatment back home.