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immigrant workers « Limits to Growth

Software Is Replacing Financial Workers in Large Corporations

This website has examined the expanded use of technology to deprive Americans of their jobs, and physical robots illustrate that workplace revolution very clearly. However, clever software also eliminates many workers, though not as visually. For example, tax software now performs the calculations that were earlier done by human tax preparation experts.

That transformation is […]

America’s Senator Jeff Sessions Connects Smart Machines and Immigration

Senator Sessions wrote an op-ed published on Friday in the Washington Post where he called for a sane approach regarding the number of immigrants America admits. He correctly noted that the changing workplace must be taken into account. When human employees are increasingly being replaced by robots, automation and computers, then the wrong idea of […]

Meet Sawyer the Robot, Baxter’s More Precise Cousin

The company that created Baxter, the $25,000 robot designed to do manufacturing jobs 24/7, has come up with a new machine that is smaller and capable of finer movements. So while Baxter can pack boxes and other simple movements, Sawyer’s more delicate touch allows it to perform some aspects of electronics manufacturing, for example.

The […]

Professor Warns H-1b Expansion Could End Tech Jobs for Americans

Rutgers Professor Hal Salzman was a standout witness in Tuesday’s Senate hearing because of his grasp of the facts and skill at explaining the danger to citizens’ employment from bad policies.

Senator Sessions questioned the professor on the subject of legislation:

SESSIONS: In an article that appeared in US News and World Report you wrote, […]