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Germany « Limits to Growth

German Official Fired for Honesty about Islam

Hearing the truth spoken in public about Islam is not popular among Europe’s elites, even after all the violence and other hostility, so the messenger is likely to get punished.

Thilo Sarrazin, a former finance minister, published a book this week critical of the effects of Muslim immigration in Germany titled Deutschland Schafft sich ab […]

Muslim Immigration Condemned in Germany

In Washington, a gaffe can be said to occur when an influential person tells the truth.

In Germany, a similar sensibility prevails. A ruckus has been brewing up since last year when Thilo Sarrazin (pictured below), a board member of the Bundesbank, expressed unkind (but accurate) assessments about Germany’s Muslim immigrant population: “A large number […]

Germany Recruits Turks to Police Muslim Immigrants

A few weeks ago, I posted two videos showing the alarming situation in Berlin and other German cities where Muslim neighborhoods are dangerous places for police to enter: No Go Zones Are Noted. Muslim immigrants (who in Germany are mostly Turks) regard those areas of large Islamic population as being ruled by sharia, not the […]

No-Go Zones in Berlin Are Noted

Young Muslims continue their violent behavior across Europe. However the media appear shy about saying directly that significant numbers of Muslim immigrants are barbaric thugs, pursuing sharia through rioting and anarchy.

Vlad Tepes blog posted a TV news report from Berlin, where police are struggling to maintain order in certain areas with high levels of […]