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open border « Limits to Growth

Tammy Bruce Warns of the Current Threat to Public Health

Tammy Bruce brought the disregarded issue of public health regarding the border crisis to the Tucker Carlson show on Wednesday, noting that aliens are not screened for contagious illness.

The current open border brings disease which endangers the people of the United States: some, like measles had been eradicated, and others, like Zika and […]

Laura Ingraham’s Border Tour Shows Everyday Invasion Chaos

Imagine American parents were inserting their children into a very dangerous situation in order to help commit a crime — US authorities would arrest the adults for child endangerment in a heartbeat.

However when the perps are foreigners in the process of invading America across the Rio Grande, they receive the assistance of Border Patrol […]

Will Open Borders Welcome Ebola Epidemic into America?

An unfortunate side-effect of unrestricted borders is the entrance of Third World diseases that can then spread throughout the unprotected American public.

One such is Ebola, a mainly African disease that appeared in the US a few years ago when Ebola Tom traveled here from Liberia to get free First World medical care.

Below, a […]

Truck Unloader Robots Attempt to Speed Package Delivery

Here’s a new robot the tech-whizzes have built that will further automate the Amazon-fueled mail-order economy — and eliminate jobs for humans. Apparently Fed-Ex and UPS are cranking up their services to keep up with the delivery business, and they think a truck unloader will be just the ticket to speed the process along.

The […]

Yuma Declares State of Emergency from Mass Border Crossers

The hordes of illegal aliens flowing across America’s open border are having an effect. A mayor in the southern Arizona town of Yuma says his community is overwhelmed. So many have come that shelters have been overflowing and the foreigners are “roaming the streets” which must be frightening to residents just trying to go about […]

Obama’s DHS Secretary Agrees the Border Is in Crisis

The Democrats run the House of Representatives these days, and they are refusing to deal with the border meltdown by claiming the flood of illegal aliens invading the country is not a real crisis, though it looks pretty bad to many — including President Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson who appeared Friday on MSNBC with […]

What’s Happening in American Communities Where Illegal Alien Families Land?

There has been a surprising dearth of news stories about what happens to the local communities of America when crowds of unlawful foreigners arrive from crossing the open border and need social services.

In earlier mass intrusions, such as during Obama’s big welcome, there were news stories about the financial and other burdens on local […]

Border Patrol Projects Apprehension of a Million Illegal Aliens in 2019

The chaotic invasion now occurring on our southern border is disturbing to behold. It’s a reminder that some on the left hope to fundamentally change the culture of this nation using illegal immigration by urging Central Americans to leave home and claim asylum in the US.

Unlike illegal immigration in decades past when mostly […]

Mexico: Murder Rates at Record High

Is there a better argument for a border wall and increased security overall than the criminal nature of our southern neighbor? The open border has admitted millions of basic job thieves (driving down wages for America’s own working class) but has also allowed Mexican crime syndicates to enter and operate throughout the United States for […]

Sick Migrant Kids Get Lots of Attention; US Public Health, Not So Much

Public health is a topic that gets little attention these days except for warnings about self-inflicted problems like obesity and alcoholism. The danger from infectious disease may seem like a distant memory or a Third World trouble. But now, open borders threaten all Americans with communicable illnesses once thought defeated by modern medical science.

The […]

California: Indian Illegal Alien Prepares for His Deportation

The illegal alien sob story genre is indeed undergoing a renaissance as a result of the Trump administration’s tough enforcement. These sniffler sagas are simple to write and are easily embellished with cutesy photos of kids and puppies to make the lawbreaker appear emotionally sympathetic. (Both dogs and children are shown in the video about […]

Surplus Workers (Fueled by Immigration) Decrease Wages, L.A. Times Admits

It’s hard to imagine the Los Angeles Times expressing any negativity about illegal immigration ever, but Friday’s front page illustrated in plain dollars how supply and demand function in the workplace. Since the principle is little mentioned in today’s digital economy, here’s a briefo explanation regarding wages: a surplus of workers drives the payscale down […]