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minorities – Limits to Growth https://www.limitstogrowth.org An iconoclastic view of immigration and culture Thu, 18 May 2017 00:31:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 Chinese Characterize ‘White Left’ as a Slur https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2017/05/17/chinese-characterize-white-left-as-a-slur/ Thu, 18 May 2017 00:25:13 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=15196 Tucker Carlson finished up Tuesday’s show (5/16) with some interesting remarks about America’s leftist culture as observed from Red China, which knows something about ultra socialism and its excesses. It seems the term “white left” has become an insult in the People’s Republic and refers to the increasingly nutty expressions of leftist identity politics as [...]]]> Tucker Carlson finished up Tuesday’s show (5/16) with some interesting remarks about America’s leftist culture as observed from Red China, which knows something about ultra socialism and its excesses. It seems the term “white left” has become an insult in the People’s Republic and refers to the increasingly nutty expressions of leftist identity politics as practiced in the US and Europe.

Unfortunately nobody pulled that video clip out of the show, so you can click to near the end of the whole show below (37:42 to be precise) to watch or just read my transcript below:

It’s interesting that the far left looks just as insane from abroad to ChiComs (!) as it does from up close here in the US.

TUCKER CARLSON: The Chinese have a new insult you often see in online political arguments between Mandarin speakers: the word is “Baizuo”— its literal translation is “white left” according to political scientist Chenchen Zhang who wrote about the term in a recent open democracy piece. Members of the white left are, in the view of the Chinese “biased, elitist, ignorant of social reality and constantly applying double standards. . .”

“They only care about topics like immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment. . .” and have “. . .no sense of real problems in the real world. . .” They’re people obsessed with political correctness to the extent they “. . .tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism. . .” and on top of that they say the white left “. . .pity the rest of the world and think they are saviors.”

Hmm, sounds like the Chinese are watching pretty carefully. The term first became popular two years ago to describe Angela Merkel and her decision to welcome more than a million third-world immigrants to Europe. Chinese students and job seekers complained they had to work very hard to stay in Europe, while unskilled migrants could simply show up, claim asylum and get welfare. Chinese immigrants to the US, meanwhile, see themselves penalized by affirmative action and wonder why they’re paying the price for historic wrongs that other people committed, which is not a crazy question by the way.

One Chinese internet user described the white left as quote “a spiritual epidemic that will destroy the West and destroy China — if we’re foolish enough to follow their lead.”

As Donald Trump once noted of the Chinese: “They’re laughing at us.”

He may have been more right than he knew.
