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Jeff Sessions – Limits to Growth https://www.limitstogrowth.org An iconoclastic view of immigration and culture Fri, 20 Dec 2019 07:22:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 Jeff Sessions Observes There Is “Zero Chance” of Trump Being Removed https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2019/12/20/jeff-sessions-observes-there-is-zero-chance-of-trump-being-removed/ Fri, 20 Dec 2019 07:22:49 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=18422 It’s pretty crazy that the Democrats were so hot to impeach President Trump — because he was an immediate threat to the security of the Republic or something — but now Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want to send her victory to the Senate.

It’s not exactly news that the Republican-run Senate will not be friendly to [...]]]> It’s pretty crazy that the Democrats were so hot to impeach President Trump — because he was an immediate threat to the security of the Republic or something — but now Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want to send her victory to the Senate.

It’s not exactly news that the Republican-run Senate will not be friendly to the idea of removing a president who has made the economy hum like a bee. Did Nan really think that days of fake testimony from a bunch of snoozers during her inquiry phase was going to convince the public that Trump is a Putin puppet and/or Ukraine has undue influence in the White House?

It’s good to see Jeff Sessions out in public again since he is running for his old Senate seat (as I predicted he might when he was fired). He opined about the dynamics of the sudden withdrawal of the House from going forward with the wacko impeachment process that Pelosi initiated.

TUCKER CARLSON: Jeff Sessions spent decades in the United States Senate before becoming the country’s Attorney General. He’s now running for Senate once again from the state of Alabama from which he joins us tonight. Senator, thanks so much for coming on. What do you make of this? What why are Democrats suddenly telling us after all these years that they don’t want to pass the articles on to the Senate?

JEFF SESSIONS: One reason may well be, Tucker, that they can imagine what it’s going to be like on the floor of the Senate. I remember when the Clinton impeachment went forward, and I was in the Senate.

Lindsey Graham was a congressman and one of the presenters, the managers of the case. They laid out, based on a record in the House, a detailed prosecution basically of three separate felonies that Clinton had committed, and I believe they proved it beyond a reasonable doubt to a moral certainty, and I just can’t imagine what would happen when you end up with one of these vague charges like abuse of power or obstruction of justice.

It all could even be laughable — if they were going to back off, it would be so much better for America had they done it before they voted this impeachment. That does damage to our country to weaken the moral authority and the constitutional requirements of impeachment.

CARLSON: Well it’s also confusing as heck, if I can say, and bizarre — so they spend three years shouting about this, we go through the whole rigmarole of passing these charges in effect and now they’re telling us that they don’t want to press them. So why did they do that? Wouldn’t it have been easier is to keep screeching and not go through the process of impeachment?

SESSIONS: Absolutely. I thought they might even do that. Then it became clear to me, and the articles of impeachment themselves prove there’s not a basis for an impeachment here. It’s just an absolute abuse, and why they didn’t stop before they voted this way I cannot imagine. Now they made it even worse by voting impeachment, and now losing their nerve when they have to present on the weak case.

CARLSON: So you are running for Senate in Alabama, but as noted, you spent literally decades in the Senate. You know virtually everyone in it. So with the deep knowledge you have of the body, tell us how likely you think it is that if these charges make it to the Senate, the president will be convicted and removed.

SESSIONS: I think there’s zero chance. It’s so easy for Republicans to prove and establish, and they will in their speeches and in the record they produce that this is not a justifiable impeachment. The American people need to fully understand this is not a justifiable impeachment. Abuse of power because the president made me angry is not a basis for impeachment. (Continues)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Is Fired https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2018/11/08/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-is-fired/ Thu, 08 Nov 2018 18:21:38 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=17134 It has been obvious for a while that Jeff Sessions was unlikely to last long past the midterm elections as attorney general; still, the suddenness of Wednesday’s dismissal was a little raw.

The history is complicated. Sessions was the first senator to respond to Trump’s seriousness about immigration enforcement and what that could mean, so [...]]]> It has been obvious for a while that Jeff Sessions was unlikely to last long past the midterm elections as attorney general; still, the suddenness of Wednesday’s dismissal was a little raw.

The history is complicated. Sessions was the first senator to respond to Trump’s seriousness about immigration enforcement and what that could mean, so the candidate was grateful for the support. In fact, Sessions helped Trump create his position paper on immigration for the campaign.

Below, in happier times, Senator Sessions joined Donald Trump for a campaign rally in Mobile, Alabama, on August 21, 2015.

Sessions got into trouble when after being appointed AG, he announced he would recuse himself from the Russia investigation facing the Trump administration. Surely Sessions knew that problem was coming, yet didn’t warn Trump that he would remove himself from acting as the AG in anything close to that arena. Why not? Basic honesty would require Sessions to tell his boss how he would respond to the Russia situation.

Ann Coulter had a good idea:

Or Jeff Sessions might run for his old Senate seat, mentioned as unlikely in the report below, but after he rests up and feels better, the senator life might look appealing once again. And he is very popular in Alabama, where he won his 2014 election running unopposed.

After all, Sessions is only 71, which is a kid in Senate years. Here in California, Senator Dianne Feinstein won re-election on Tuesday at age 85.

Tucker Carlson had some comments about the Sessions situation:

TUCKER CARLSON: Well there are always aftershocks immediately after campaigns. The first one of the 2018 mid-terms arrived pretty quickly this afternoon. The president fired his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

For more than a year, the President has publicly criticized and ridiculed Sessions, so it was not very surprising. Now, the president has assured the ability of replacing Sessions with a new appointment since Republicans held the Senate; clearly, he saw no reason to keep him around.

Now, in theory, going forward, Jeff Sessions could challenge Doug Jones in 2020 to reclaim the Alabama Senate seat that he gave up to serve the president as AG. If he did that, he’d almost certainly win. He’s one of the most popular people in the state.

We asked a source close to Sessions and he said that’s probably not going to happen and Sessions will probably just retire into private life. And if he does that, of course, we will wish him the best. But it will be, and we should say this, a loss for the country.

Donald Trump’s longshot presidential campaign succeeded because he promised what so many voters wanted and, yet, what so few politicians were willing to campaign on because they are cowards.

Among his many promises, the most important was his pledge to reverse decades of deliberate neglect and treat our national borders like they’re real, like our country matters. Nobody understood that message better than Jeff Sessions. He understood it immediately.

He was one of the president’s first and most unwavering supporters, I think the first in the Senate, and it was because of immigration. When the president took office, he gave up an essentially lifetime post representing Alabama to help fulfill Trump’s mission.

Sadly, the country was going another way. Within about five minutes of the 2016 election, Democrats decided their defeat was not about immigration or an abandoned middle class. It was instead, you’ll remember, about Russia and the conspiracy between Vladimir Putin and Trump.

Now, Republicans said they didn’t believe that story. And yet, for some reason, many of them allowed Democrats to reframe the entire political debate in the country and make Russia the single biggest issue in American politics.

But Jeff Sessions did not fall for that. He never let himself get distracted from the mission at hand. While everyone else obsessed over dossiers and FISA warrants, Sessions worried about the mission he was hired to do.

He introduced a zero-tolerance approach to immigration prosecution. He treated illegal entry into the United States as a crime because it is a crime. His DOJ issued new opinions to restrict the exploitation of asylum laws in this country.

He fought to strip federal funding of sanctuary cities. Courts ruled against him but he did everything he could to get those things done. His department accelerated the hiring of immigration judges, didn’t get a lot of attention, but it’s a big deal. More cases can be heard and deportations can take place more quickly.

That’s a service to America and also, by the way, to the people being held. On DACA, Sessions’ refusal to defend that program, which is unconstitutional, really, induced the President to end the program.

Sessions wasn’t just effective at immigration though. He rolled back the Obama Administration’s soft-on-crime policies across the board. He pursued tougher penalties for drug dealers that earned the condemnation not just of liberals but of wealthy libertarians, who decided the war on drugs was a total disaster.

This, at a time, when more people were dying every year of drug ODs than died during all of Vietnam. But the decadent decided, “Oh, it’s immoral to prosecute drug dealing.” OK. The population knew differently because their relatives were dying.

Of course, Sessions also ended the Obama Administration’s harassment of local law enforcement that helped drive a surge in violent crime in major cities. If you live in one, you know what we’re talking about.

Sessions did all of this even as the President who appointed him attacked him in public. Those attacks started more than a year ago after one of the President’s public rebukes. We traveled with Sessions just by chance to El Salvador where he was pushing a fight against MS-13. Sessions made it clear he was in the cabinet to get results and would serve as long as the President would have him.

(Begin El Salvador Clip)

CARLSON: He has said again and again in many different forms throughout this barrage that you should have acted differently, you should have not recused yourself from oversight of the Russia investigation. Do you agree with that?

JEFF SESSIONS: Well, you know, I understand his feelings about it because this has been a big distraction for him. But Tucker, I talked to experts in Department of Justice, people who have trained in that. I’m confident I made the right decision.

CARLSON: You said the criticism was hurtful, and the President has made it really clear that he doesn’t seem to want you to run the Department of Justice. Will you continue to run it?

SESSIONS: Well he can make that clear at any time. I serve at the pleasure of the President.


SESSIONS: If he’s — he wants to make a change, he can certainly do so and I would be glad to yield in that circumstance. No doubt about it.

(End video clip)

CARLSON: Sessions wasn’t perfect, obviously. He never seemed like an especially good administrator of a large agency. He sometimes got rolled by his staff. The Russia investigations have shown that FBI and DoJ are deeply politicized. And Sessions never seemed to fully get a handle on the permanent bureaucracy beneath them.

But if you take three steps back, here’s what you see. In an Administration beset with constant leaks and infighting, and people looking out for themselves and only themselves, Sessions was maybe one of the very few people who never forgot why he was there, to make America a better country. We can only hope that his replacement will do the same.

America’s Sovereignty Defender AG Jeff Sessions Limits Asylum Claims https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2018/06/12/americas-sovereignty-defender-ag-jeff-sessions-limits-asylum-claims/ Tue, 12 Jun 2018 13:46:09 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=16625 For those who think the United States should be the welfare office for the world, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recent asylum restrictions are seen with horror. His decision is to end the gravy train of admitting women who claim abuse by the husband or BF got a front-page headline on Tuesday’s New York Times right [...]]]> For those who think the United States should be the welfare office for the world, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recent asylum restrictions are seen with horror. His decision is to end the gravy train of admitting women who claim abuse by the husband or BF got a front-page headline on Tuesday’s New York Times right under the historic handshake photo of President Trump and Kim Jong-un.

In 2007, I wrote a Vdare article Victim Visas — How America Stupidly Rewards Misfortune and Fraud, a shocker then and now. Washington is seriously misguided when it enacts visa programs that value a black eye more than a college education.

But in the decade since, immigration lawyers and anti-sovereignty activists have pushed the criteria ever further into the liberal crazy zone, where a foreign woman can claim abuse and get asylum to the US with little oversight of the truth.

Wait, why is a case of domestic abuse in El Salvador America’s problem? Why can’t they relocate to somewhere in their own homeland?

Lawyer at the Immigration Reform Law Institute Michael Hethmon observed, “Asylum was never designed to deal with those problems. Asylum is not some sort of global make-a-wish foundation.”

Assuming claims are true, there are many millions of potential cases from the piggyman Third World of muslims and hispanics. One study said the majority of Mexican women experience gender violence.

Below, women appreciate public transportation without sexual harassment on women-only buses in Mexico City.

America has a duty to the well-being its own citizens which is diluted by the irrelevant claims of foreigners. On a planet with a growing population, currently 7.6 billion persons, the do-gooder rescue project is becoming even more absurd and should be ended.

It’s racist to assume brown people can’t run equitable societies, although many require reform as happened in the First World regarding women’s rights not that long ago.

Attorney General Sessions’ sensible policy decision predictably caused shrieks from the well paid gaggle of illegal alien lawyers et al.

Jeff Sessions says domestic abuse or gang violence are not legal grounds for asylum, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (reprinted from NYTimes), June 11, 2018

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday made it all but impossible for asylum-seekers to gain entry into the United States by citing fears of domestic abuse or gang violence, in a ruling that could have a broad effect on the flow of migrants from Central America.

Mr. Sessions’ decision in a closely watched domestic violence case is the latest turn in a long-running debate over what constitutes a need for asylum. He reversed an immigration appeals court ruling that granted it to a Salvadoran woman who said she had been sexually, emotionally and physically abused by her husband.

Relatively few asylum-seekers are granted permanent entry into the United States. In 2016, for every applicant who succeeded, more than 10 others also sought asylum, according to data from the Department of Homeland Security. But the process can take months or years, and tens of thousands of people live freely in the United States while their cases wend through the courts.

Mr. Sessions’ decision overturns a precedent set during the Obama administration that allowed more women to claim credible fears of domestic abuse and will make it harder for such arguments to prevail in immigration courts. He said the Obama administration created “powerful incentives” for people to “come here illegally and claim a fear of return.”

Asylum claims have expanded too broadly to include victims of “private violence,” like domestic violence or gangs, Mr. Sessions wrote in his ruling, which narrowed the type of asylum requests allowed. The number of people who told homeland security officials that they had a credible fear of persecution jumped to 94,000 in 2016 from 5,000 in 2009, he said in a speech earlier in the day in which he signaled he would restore “sound principles of asylum and long-standing principles of immigration law.”

“The prototypical refugee flees her home country because the government has persecuted her,” Mr. Sessions wrote in his ruling. Because immigration courts are housed under the Justice Department, not the judicial branch of government, he has the authority to overturn their decisions.

“An alien may suffer threats and violence in a foreign country for any number of reasons relating to her social, economic, family or other personal circumstances,” he added. “Yet the asylum statute does not provide redress for all misfortune.”

His ruling drew immediate condemnation from immigrants’ rights groups. Some viewed it as a return to a time when domestic violence was considered a private matter, not the responsibility of the government to intervene, said Karen Musalo, a defense lawyer on the case who directs the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies at the University of California Hastings College of the Law.


Justice Department Sends Final Warning to Illegal-Alien-Shielding Sanctuary Cities https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2017/10/12/justice-department-sends-final-warning-to-illegal-alien-shielding-sanctuary-cities/ Thu, 12 Oct 2017 15:15:35 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=15726 Are the feds finally getting serious about dealing with sanctuary cities? It looks that way. On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo delivering a final warning to jurisdictions in violation of 8 U.S. Code § 1373 would see pressure brought to bear:

AG JEFF SESSIONS: “Jurisdictions that adopt so-called ‘sanctuary policies’ also adopt [...]]]> Are the feds finally getting serious about dealing with sanctuary cities? It looks that way. On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo delivering a final warning to jurisdictions in violation of 8 U.S. Code § 1373 would see pressure brought to bear:

AG JEFF SESSIONS: “Jurisdictions that adopt so-called ‘sanctuary policies’ also adopt the view that the protection of criminal aliens is more important than the protection of law-abiding citizens and of the rule of law,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “I commend the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office and the State of Connecticut on their commitment to complying with Section 1373, and I urge all jurisdictions found to be out of compliance in this preliminary review to reconsider their policies that undermine the safety of their residents. We urge jurisdictions to not only comply with Section 1373 but to establish sensible and effective partnerships to properly process criminal aliens.”

Below, sanctuary cities cause violence and death. San Francisco’s sanctuary policy directly led to the shooting death of Kate Steinle in 2015 at the hands of Francisco Sanchez, a five-times-deported illegal alien who chose to live in the city because he was protected there.

DOJ issues ‘last chance’ warning to sanctuary cities, Fox News, October 12, 2017

EXCLUSIVE: The Justice Department on Thursday delivered a “last chance” warning to cities suspected of having “sanctuary” policies to drop their resistance to federal immigration officials.

In a notice reviewed by Fox News, the DOJ announced that five jurisdictions “have preliminarily been found to have laws, policies, or practices that may violate” a key federal statute concerning cooperation with federal immigration officials.

They are: Chicago, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia and Cook County, Ill.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a written statement that sanctuary cities “adopt the view that the protection of criminal aliens is more important than the protection of law-abiding citizens and of the rule of law.”

“I urge all jurisdictions found to be out of compliance in this preliminary review to reconsider their policies that undermine the safety of their residents,” he said.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions Speaks Out against Sanctuary Policies https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2017/09/19/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-speaks-out-against-sanctuary-policies/ Wed, 20 Sep 2017 02:47:26 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=15670 The AG travelled to Portland to warn the city about the sanctuary system it recently instituted as being hazardous to public safety. He delivered a speech to around 80 federal officers in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office in Northwest Portland.

It’s not like Portland is a crime-free paradise where normal policing can be [...]]]> The AG travelled to Portland to warn the city about the sanctuary system it recently instituted as being hazardous to public safety. He delivered a speech to around 80 federal officers in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office in Northwest Portland.

It’s not like Portland is a crime-free paradise where normal policing can be disregarded: Sessions noted the uptick of violence, that between 2013 and 2015, the city saw an increase in homicides of more than 140 percent.

Nevertheless, Portland instituted a criminal-protecting sanctuary policy in March.

It didn’t take long for a habitual criminal protected by the Portland’s sanctuary to engage in a horrific crime: in July Sergio Jose Martinez, who had been deported 20 times, raped a 65-year-old woman after crawling through the window of her home. Portland authorities had released him onto the streets in the previous December despite receiving a detainer from ICE.

Fox News’ Jesse Watters provided some important details:

Thirty-one-year-old Mexican national Sergio Jose Martinez has been on a path of destruction in Portland, Oregon, a notorious sanctuary city. Martinez has been arrested 13 times since 2008 in Oregon alone. His rap sheet includes car theft, hit-and-run, criminal trespassing, meth possession, reckless endangerment, burglary and shoplifting. He has criminal convictions in California too, including burglary, battery, theft and obstructing a police officer. The man is described as a transient with a daily meth habit. He has been deported — you ready? — 20 times with at least five probation violations from re-entering.

Despite a rap sheet this troubling, Martinez was still waltzing around Northeast Portland on July 24th. This is when his latest crime spree began. Here are the sickening allegations: Martinez, armed with a knife, entered a woman’s home through an open window, used scarves and socks to blindfold her, gag her and tie her up before sexually assaulting her, punching her and slamming her head into the wood floor. . .

Below, Sergio Jose Martinez, the Mexican criminal enabled by Portland’s sanctuary policy to do more violent crime.

This was some of the background to the Sessions speech, and he mentioned the Martinez case along with several others.

The attorney general starts speaking at around three minutes in the following video:

Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks to Federal Law Enforcement Authorities About Sanctuary Cities, Portland, OR ~ Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Remarks as prepared for delivery

Thank you for that kind introduction.

It is an honor to be here with you all – with the selfless and courageous men and women of law enforcement. President Trump and this Department of Justice understand your mission. He has directed us to support that mission and support you.

As a former federal prosecutor, for 14 years, I was blessed to work every day with federal, state, and local law enforcement. And there is nothing I am more proud of than what we accomplished together.

We are in the midst of a multi-front battle: an increase in violent crime, a rise in vicious gang activity, an opioid epidemic that it is taking an American life every ten minutes, and threats from terrorism—combined with a culture in which family and discipline seem to be eroding further and a disturbing disrespect for the rule of law.

After decreasing for over 20 years because of the hard but necessary work our country started in the 1980s, violent crime is back. The murder rate surged nearly 11 percent nationwide in 2015 – the largest increase since 1968. Per capita homicide rates are up in 27 of our 35 largest cities.

And Portland is not immune to these problems. Between 2013 and 2015, the city saw an increase in homicides of more than 140 percent. In 2015, Portland Police received more than 180 calls related to gangs, including shootings, stabbings, and assaults – the highest number since they began recording that number nearly 20 years ago, and almost double the count from 2014.

You know the tragic consequences of crime all too well.

You know the story of 17-year-old Jose Morales, who was shot and killed with a rifle, allegedly at the hands of local gang members in Gresham.

Or the story of the 17-year-old from Vancouver who was murdered in the middle of the day in Holladay Park. They had their whole lives ahead of them—lives that we and their loved ones will never get to see.

The fundamental duty of this government is to protect the safety and the rights of its citizens. President Trump is a law and order President.

One of his first executive orders was to back our police and another was to reduce crime in America. That is our goal. That is your goal. We must not cave to rising crime. Working together, with professionalism and dedication we can begin to turn this pernicious trend.

To get on the right track, there are a number of things we must fix. A key concern is that some jurisdictions have undertaken to undo our immigration laws through so-called “sanctuary policies.”

Such policies undermine the moral authority of law and undermine the safety of the jurisdictions that adopt them.

In Portland and all over Oregon, here’s how it works right now: once the police arrest an illegal alien and charge him with a crime, they fingerprint him and book him into their jail.

When federal immigration authorities learn that this criminal alien is in a jurisdiction’s custody, our ICE officers issue a detainer request accompanied by a civil arrest warrant and ask the city to either notify them before they release the criminal or to hold the criminal alien long enough to transfer him to federal custody in a safe setting.

But political leaders have directed state and local officers to refuse these requests. Cooperation has been a key element in informed crime fighting for decades.

The result is that police are forced to release the criminal alien back into the community without regard to the seriousness of his crimes or the length of his rap sheet. Think about that: Police may be forced to release pedophiles, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and arsonists back into the communities where they had no right to be in the first place. They should according to law and common sense be processed and deported.

These policies hinder the work of federal law enforcement; they’re contrary to the rule of law, and they have serious consequences for the law-abiding residents of Oregon.

Just two months ago, an alleged illegal alien named Sergio Martinez was arrested in Portland.

Martinez had been deported at least 20 times, and police reports show that he was arrested at least 10 times just this year – accused of everything from possessing drugs to stealing a car.

Federal immigration authorities properly lodged a detainer against Martinez just a few months before, asking to be notified when he was set to be released. But authorities in Oregon refused.

According to the allegations, Martinez then broke into the home of a 65-year-old Portland woman by crawling through her bedroom window. Once inside, he reportedly forced her to the ground, used scarves and socks to blindfold, bind, and gag her, and then raped her and slammed her head into the wooden floor.

These policies do far greater damage than many understand. At its root, they are a rejection of our immigration laws and a declaration of open borders.

These lawless policies do more than shield individual criminal illegal aliens – they also shelter lethal gangs like the Latin Kings and MS-13.

These predators thrive when crime is not met with consequences. This state of lawlessness allows gangs to smuggle guns, drugs, and even humans across borders and around cities and communities.

That makes a sanctuary city a trafficker, smuggler, or gang member’s best friend.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the case of Kate Steinle. She was just 32 years old when she was murdered in cold blood as she walked a pier in San Francisco with her father. Her alleged murderer is an illegal alien who had been deported five times.

In fact, he admitted that one reason he was there that day was that he knew the city had these policies in place.

And just in the last week, 23-year old Abel Esquivel, a popular community volunteer who mentored young people in his San Francisco neighborhood, was allegedly shot to death by two illegal aliens attempting to rob him after he left work.

About three weeks earlier, one of his alleged killers was arrested for an alleged battery, and, despite a detainer request from ICE, he was released. One of the other defendants in the murder case also had an ICE detainer request for him when he was arrested back in May for illegal possession of marijuana and brass knuckles. Both requests were ignored. Both walked free.

And because of these policies and in the face of all common sense, Abel was gunned down in the street by two people who never should have been there.

Sadly, after these tragic cases, the legislature in California—where these tragedies occurred—has now passed legislation to further limit law enforcement cooperation with immigration enforcement.

It is an unconscionable reaction to Mr. Esquivel’s murder to put into law the very policies that got him killed.

They will say that forcing police officers to release criminal aliens back onto the streets will somehow increase community trust. But that does not make sense to me. Would releasing someone who had been arrested 10 times this year into your community give you more confidence in law enforcement?

Would learning that your local district attorney actually charges illegal aliens with less serious crimes to evade federal deportation make you believe they are trying to make your neighborhood safer? Would forcing federal officers to track down criminal aliens on your street instead of safely in the jails make you believe we value your community?

And we all know law enforcement is not the problem.

You risk your lives each day in service of the law and the people you protect.

The problem is the policies that tie your hands. Sanctuary policies endanger us all, and especially the federal immigration officers who are forced to pursue criminal aliens outside of jails and prisons.

Yet, rather than reconsider their policies, these sanctuary jurisdictions feign outrage when they lose federal funds as a direct result of actions designed to nullify plain federal law. Some, including Portland, have even decided to sue this administration so that they can keep receiving taxpayer-funded grants while continuing to impede federal immigration enforcement.

These grants are not an entitlement. We strive to help state and local law enforcement.

But we cannot continue giving such federal grants to cities that actively undermine the safety of federal law officers and actively frustrate efforts to reduce crime in their own cities.

Our duty to protect public safety and protect taxpayer dollars and I plan to fulfill that duty.

The vast majority of Americans oppose “sanctuary” policies. According to one poll, 80 percent of Americans believe that cities should turn over criminal aliens to immigration officials. A poll taken earlier this month of swing-state voters found the same thing: 77 percent support denying federal funds to sanctuary cities.

The American people are not asking too much, and neither is the Department of Justice. Federal law enforcement wants to work with our partners at the state and local level. We want to keep our citizens safe.

And to win this multi-front war against rising crime, we need to use every lawful tool we have. And we need to eliminate all bad policies.

So I urge the city of Portland, the state of Oregon, and every “sanctuary” jurisdiction to reconsider.

And I urge Governor Brown not to sign this law that is in front of him. The bill risks the safety of good law enforcement officers and the safety of the neighborhoods that need their protection the most. There are lives and livelihoods at stake.

Together, we can make our country safer for all our residents—–native born and lawful immigrant alike.

The Department of Justice will not concede a single block or street corner in the United States to lawlessness or crime. Nor will we tolerate the loss of innocent life because a handful of jurisdictions believe they are above the law.

And I know that the Acting ICE Director, Tom Homan, will work tirelessly with his men and women to track down and find these criminal aliens—wherever they may be.

The American people rightly want a lawful immigration system that keeps us safe and serves the national interest.

U.S. Attorney Billy Williams has been eloquent about sanctuary policies: If we’re going to make this community safer, then we have to work together. Cooperation between law enforcement works. It saves lives.

And so to all the law enforcement here— – federal, state, and local— – thank you for all that you do. President Trump is grateful, I am grateful, and the entire Department of Justice is grateful for your service. We have your back and you have our thanks.

Thank you, and God bless you.

Trump Trashing Jeff Sessions Portends Danger Ahead https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2017/07/26/trump-trashing-jeff-sessions-portends-danger-ahead/ Wed, 26 Jul 2017 19:10:38 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=15454 President Trump has been on a Twitter and verbal tirade against Attorney General Jeff Sessions the last few days — as if dumping the AG would solve the president’s problems with the Mueller snooping expedition. It’s sad to see such anger toward one of candidate Trump’s earliest and most enthusiastic supporters.

Below, Senator Sessions spoke [...]]]> President Trump has been on a Twitter and verbal tirade against Attorney General Jeff Sessions the last few days — as if dumping the AG would solve the president’s problems with the Mueller snooping expedition. It’s sad to see such anger toward one of candidate Trump’s earliest and most enthusiastic supporters.

Below, Senator Sessions spoke at Trump’s Mobile, Alabama, campaign rally on August 21, 2015.

Tucker Carlson declared on his Tuesday show that it would be “Nuts” for Trump to ditch the one man in Washington who fully supports his program of law and sovereignty. But it’s worse than that — throwing Jeff Sessions under the bus might make Trump’s vital immigration enforcement constituency take a more critical look at what the president has actually done.

Candidate Trump promised to end the DACA amnesty immediately, but instead has allowed the program to continue and add new beneficiaries who get work permits and an open door to everything America offers.

Plus, there’s been no push from the White House to get universal e-Verify through the Congress which, as a comprehensive job blocker for illegal aliens, would be a very strong preventative for unlawful entry.

Trump’s immigration enforcement failures seem more egregious in light of his rotten treatment of Jeff Sessions. And would the loss of Sessions signal a flip-flop of Trump toward mass amnesty in the near future? The establishment might cut the president more slack if he accepted the globalist agenda of open borders and diminished national sovereignty.  It’s hard to trust Trump when he can cut the strongest immigration enforcer in Washington.

TUCKER CARLSON: (1:20) Unfair to the presidency. Well the Russian investigation is certainly that — it’s unfair of the country too. The whole thing is stupid and disingenuous, as we pointed out many times, and it helps nobody that the partisans who are pushing it, so it’s easy to understand the frustration the president feels. But publicly attacking Jeff Sessions for all of that? That is nuts.

Senior White House staff thinks so too. They have asked the president to stop, so far without success. Meanwhile Sessions hasn’t said a word: his only public comment has been a press release describing his plans to crack down on sanctuary cities. That’s his job.

That’s the point here. Jeff Sessions is doing what he was hired to do, as he has done since day one. Trump ran on securing the borders: Sessions took him seriously and has worked to do that. Trump promised to end Obama’s policy of harassing local police departments: Sessions has done that too.

In an administration in which many appointees act like they have no idea what their boss ran on — ‘let’s import more refugees’ one of them said the other day — to predictable media applause, Jeff Sessions has stayed true to the ideas that got Trump elected. That’s why the left hates Jeff Sessions more than any other member of the cabinet. They are rejoicing tonight and not just because Sessions is suffering and humiliated but because the Trump coalition seems to be fracturing.

The left wants to believe — they tell you this all the time — that Trump got elected because he’s famous and voters are dumb. But that’s not what happened.

Trump got elected because he said true things that everybody else was afraid to say — namely, the American middle class is in deep trouble and elites in both parties don’t care. They’re happy to replace hurting Americans with foreign workers who will work for less and not complain. Voters knew in their bones that message was true because it is true.

Republicans in Washington absolutely hated hearing that, and they hated Trump for saying it because it implicated them — except for Jeff Sessions. Sessions agreed with that message — that’s why he endorsed Trump and left a good job in the Senate to work for him. Which is how we got to this weird and ominous moment where the one guy in Washington who actually believes in Trumpism is being forced out of his job by Trump himself. The president should remember that the ideas he ran on are bigger than he is and will remain that way.

Tucker Carlson: Trump’s Trash Talk about Attorney General Sessions Harms Administration https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2017/07/21/tucker-carlson-trumps-trash-talk-about-attorney-general-sessions-harms-administration/ Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:17:40 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=15444 On Thursday, Tucker Carlson criticized President Trump for his unwise bashing of the attorney general he chose, former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Tucker was responding to the July 19 New York Times article, Citing Recusal, Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Hired Sessions.

Senator Sessions must have seen the position of attorney general as a greater [...]]]> On Thursday, Tucker Carlson criticized President Trump for his unwise bashing of the attorney general he chose, former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Tucker was responding to the July 19 New York Times article, Citing Recusal, Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Hired Sessions.

Senator Sessions must have seen the position of attorney general as a greater opportunity to improve law enforcement, particularly in the immigration realm which has veered into near-anarchy after eight years of open-borders Obama. Sessions likely could have kept his Senate seat indefinitely: one measure of his popularity at home is that he ran unopposed in both the primary and general election in 2014.

On March 22, General Sessions announced that the government would begin to withdraw funding from sanctuary cities that protect dangerous illegal alien criminals.  On April 28, the AG visited Long Island to offer strategies of help for law enforcement officials plagued by gang violence.

Certainly MS-13 arrests are up under the new administration, and Border Patrol agents report greater job satisfaction when allowed to perform their duties (Border Patrol union president says morale at 2-year high under Trump, Washington Times, July 17, 217). So the Sessions’ model of pro-borders law enforcement is already showing results.

It’s clear that President Trump is still angry about Sessions’ recusal, but sniping in the Fake News press is no way to treat him.

TUCKER CARLSON: (0:57) Now take a step back and you can kind of see how this all happened. The president is a 71-year-old political novice, and all of a sudden he’s the subject of a vague, open-ended federal investigation whose goal may be to imprison him and his family. Ask anyone who’s had an independent counsel on this case — and there are a lot of them here in Washington — what that’s like. It’s terrifying. The pressure is soul-distorting. You can wind up lashing out at the people around you, even maybe especially, the ones trying to help you the most.

So that’s probably what’s going on, and yet attacking Jeff Sessions was still a useless and self-destructive act. The first rule in politics, as in war, as in life: don’t shoot the friendlies. Sessions is the closest ally Trump has in this administration, one of the very few who even understands why the president won in the first place. Unlike most political appointees in Washington, Sessions made big sacrifices to work in this administration. A year ago, he’s one of the most popular people in the state of Alabama with a Senate seat he could have held forever. Many on his staff didn’t want him to endorse Donald Trump, but he did anyway, purely because he felt it was important.

Sessions was worried about what an unsecured border and mass immigration would do to America, even though the biggest effects from those wouldn’t be seen until decades after he was long gone from this earth.

So he jumped in and accepted Trump’s offer to become Attorney General. He didn’t do it to get rich and certainly not to become more popular; he instantly became less. You’ll remember that many of his former colleagues in the Senate slandered him as a bigot during his confirmation hearings.

As Attorney General, Sessions has been the rare person in the entire executive branch making actual progress implementing the agenda his boss ran on because he’s a rare person who believes in it. In an administration brimming with opportunists and ideological saboteurs — people who literally couldn’t be less interested in what voters think — Sessions has never lost sight of the lessons of the last election. He’s gone after sanctuary cities, he’s enforced immigration laws, he’s ended the Obama administration’s attacks on local police departments and a lot more. He’s likely the most effective member of the Trump cabinet.

In return, the president attacked him in the failing New York Times — that’s not just criticism, it’s an insult. It’s also a worrisome sign that the president may be forgetting who is on his side. Goldman Sachs did not elect Donald Trump: America’s long ignored middle class did.

Trump voters may find his tweets about the media amusing and well-deserved because obviously they are, but they’re not the point of this exercise: the point is to shine some light on the broad middle of this country, on the millions of normal people who are hurting and who could badly use an ally in power for the first time in a long time.

Now the hope is that what happened yesterday was just a stress-related aberration the political equivalent of yelling at your kids when you had a bad day at the office. If so, it will not be hard to fix this going forward: just pay a little less attention to the New York Times, pay a little more to Matt Drudge.

And for God’s sake, lay off Jeff Sessions: he is your friend, one of the very few you have in Washington.

Murderous MS-13 Gang Terrorizes Long Island Schools as a Result of Obama Policies https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2017/04/29/murderous-ms-13-gang-terrorizes-long-island-schools-as-a-result-of-obama-policies/ Sun, 30 Apr 2017 04:10:54 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=15113 The recent Long Island speech by Attorney General Jeff Sessions promising to crack down on MS-13 gangsters has brought needed attention on the problem. It is not overstating the case to say the foreign gangsters are terrorizing the area: 11 mostly young people have been killed by MS-13 which uses murder as its initiation ritual. [...]]]> The recent Long Island speech by Attorney General Jeff Sessions promising to crack down on MS-13 gangsters has brought needed attention on the problem. It is not overstating the case to say the foreign gangsters are terrorizing the area: 11 mostly young people have been killed by MS-13 which uses murder as its initiation ritual. Kids are afraid to go to school because of the threat of violence.

Judge Jeanine Pirro appeared on Fox News following a quadruple murder by the gang a few weeks ago, describing how they got here: “If you recall they came into this country in 2014 under the Obama administration policy of allowing in those from Central America — El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. I was one of those people saying look, as a DA, MS-13 is from El Salvador; they are without a doubt the most violent gang where initiation involves beating someone to death in front of others. . . They’re in your school, folks, they are in with your children in school.”

It was predictable at the time that when Obama opened the borders to Central Americans escaping gang violence that the gangsters would come right along with them. Why wouldn’t MS-13 and others take advantage of such an opportunity? Anyway, when the government admits an ethnic or national group, the whole diversity package is included.

Below, two MS-13 gangsters brought to America by permissive immigration policies.

An AP story described the terror in the schools that MS-13 diversity has created:

MS-13 street gang grips Long Island suburbs in violence, Associated Press, April 28, 2017

Late at night, when helicopters thrum overhead and spotlights beam down onto lawns, many people here know exactly what’s going on.

“You just think, ‘Oh, God, whose child is it now?'” said Stephanie Spezia, a longtime resident of this suburb in the heart of Long Island that’s caught in the grip of a violent street gang with Central American ties, MS-13.

MS-13 has been blamed for a trail of 11 corpses of mostly young people discovered in woods and vacant lots in Brentwood and neighboring Central Islip since the start of the school year.

The bloodshed in the blue-collar towns has gotten the attention of President Donald Trump, who says it’s the result of lax immigration policies that let too many criminal “scum” slip through.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday gave a speech about the violence to law enforcement officials near a park where the bodies of four young men were found this month bearing MS-13’s hallmarks: repeated slashes from a blade that left them nearly unrecognizable.

Some parents say they’re afraid to let their children go to school. Teens say any perceived slight to a gang member, especially a refusal to join, can mean death.

After one high school warned parents not to let their kids wear anything gang-affiliated, gang members started deciding on a daily basis what colors were off-limits, leaving students to guess what not to wear.

“Kids are losing their childhoods,” said Jennifer Suarez, whose 15-year-old niece was beaten and hacked to death last year. “You can see the stress on their faces as they get ready. It’s like, you know, they’re suiting up for battle.”

So how does a street gang with ties to Central America gain such an aggressive foothold in the suburbs of Long Island?

MS-13, or the Mara Salvatrucha, is believed by federal prosecutors to have thousands of members across the U.S., primarily immigrants from Central America. It has a stronghold in Los Angeles, where it emerged in the 1980s as a neighborhood street gang.

But its true rise began after members were deported back to El Salvador in the 1990s. There, the gang thrived and spread to Honduras. MS-13 and rival groups there now control entire towns, rape girls and young women, massacre students, bus drivers and merchants who refuse to pay extortion and kill competitors.

That violence has prompted a migration of people trying to escape, especially children, who have streamed north because of a U.S. policy allowing people under 18 who arrive without parents to stay in the country temporarily with relatives or friends.

Since the fall of 2013, the U.S. has placed 165,000 unaccompanied minors. Long Island has been a frequent landing spot. Suffolk County, which includes Brentwood and Central Islip, has gotten 4,500. Neighboring Nassau County has received 3,800.

Sessions, speaking at a courthouse in Central Islip, said he believes gang members used this system to come north, too.

“Bad guys know how the system works, and they have exploited it,” he said.

He later met with parents of some of the teenagers killed.

In a recent roundup of 13 MS-13 gang suspects accused of murder and other crimes, seven had entered as unaccompanied minors.

MS-13 is recruiting the unaccompanied children, Suffolk County police Commissioner Timothy Sini said. The youngsters, he said, “don’t have an established social network, at least many of them don’t, and MS-13 is providing that network.”

All told, nearly 200 MS-13 gang suspects have been rounded up since September. Among the tactics Sini has employed have been stepped-up patrols, renewed cooperation with an FBI task force and helicopter sweeps of wooded areas where gang members gather.

Trump, a Republican, has promised to eradicate the gang in the U.S. through strict enforcement of immigration law.

“We are putting MS-13 in jail and getting them the hell out of our country,” he told The Associated Press. “They are a bad group, and somebody said they are as bad as al-Qaida, which is a hell of a reference. … We are out in Long Island cleaning out the MS-13 scum.”

He spoke again about the gang on Friday in an address to the National Rifle Association.

The tough talk has made some residents fearful of law enforcement and the gang. They say it’s not about immigration politics but about making a community safer.

Residents of Brentwood and Central Islip, with a combined population of about 100,000, say the area of modest ranch homes, warehouses and strip malls has always been a diverse, welcoming place for immigrants trying to make better lives for their children.

Some longtime residents say law enforcement bears some of the responsibility for the gang’s rise because it ignored the burgeoning problem for years.

Parents say 4,200-student Brentwood High School lacks the means to help children who are often left alone after school because their parents work long hours. There are few social workers and guidance counselors, they say, and not enough security guards or cameras.

“They can’t walk the halls without fear,” said Evelyn Rodriguez, the mother of 16-year-old Kayla Cuevas, who was found beaten to death last fall.

In the months leading up to Kayla’s death, she was involved in disputes with members and associates of MS-13, prosecutors said. Rodriguez said her daughter stood her ground and ended up dead.

Kayla and her 15-year-old friend Nisa Mickens were walking on a street near their homes when men with baseball bats and a machete attacked them.

Nisa was found dead on a residential tree-lined street a day before her 16th birthday. Kayla, who lived a block away, was discovered in a wooded backyard nearby.

“People, they missed the opportunity to know a really great person,” said Nisa’s father, Rob Mickens, who’s running for the school board to help push for change. “They would have loved to know her.”

Bertha Ullaguari said she noticed her 18-year-old son, Jorge Tigre, going from a good student on track to graduate from Bellport High to someone too afraid to go to school.

Then she got two truancy letters. When she pressed her son, he refused to tell her what was going on.

“Some bad things happened there,” Ullaguari said, her voice trembling.

She had heard he had his tires slashed. There were rumors of gangs.

And then, about two weeks ago while she was driving with her daughter, they got a mysterious call. A girl on the line said Jorge was dead along with three others in a park.

“We nearly killed ourselves from the shock,” said Ullaguari, an Ecuadorean immigrant.

The bodies of Jorge and the three others were found cut, their torsos exposed and hands bound, steps from a playground.

“It could happen to anybody’s child, anywhere,” Evelyn Rodriguez said. “We all need to be aware of this, and we need stand together. Because I don’t want it to be your child.”

America’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions Announces New Border Security Priorities https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2017/04/11/americas-attorney-general-jeff-sessions-announces-new-border-security-priorities/ Tue, 11 Apr 2017 21:33:41 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=15030 The Attorney General made good use of his Arizona border tour on Tuesday by laying out how border protection will be implemented going forward: in short, America’s existing immigration laws will be enforced, not avoided.

AG Sessions spoke to a group of law enforcement officers assembled in Nogales, Arizona.

A few important points: additional [...]]]> The Attorney General made good use of his Arizona border tour on Tuesday by laying out how border protection will be implemented going forward: in short, America’s existing immigration laws will be enforced, not avoided.

AG Sessions spoke to a group of law enforcement officers assembled in Nogales, Arizona.

A few important points: additional immigration judges are being brought on, federal prosecutors are instructed to prioritize crimes committed by illegal alien criminals and the AG himself said, “The catch and release practices of old are over.”

Here is a clip of Sessions’ remarks, with the written text shown further below:

Fox had a segment about the AG’s event on its news show:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks Announcing the Department of Justice’s Renewed Commitment to Criminal Immigration Enforcement
Nogales, AZ, United States ~ Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Remarks as prepared for delivery

Good morning, everyone. Let me start by thanking the brave men and women of Customs and Border Protection, who not only served as our gracious hosts today, but who put themselves in harm’s way each day to secure our borders and protect us.

Here, along our nation’s southwest border, is ground zero in this fight. Here, under the Arizona sun, ranchers work the land to make an honest living, and law-abiding citizens seek to provide for their families.

But it is also here, along this border, that transnational gangs like MS-13 and international cartels flood our country with drugs and leave death and violence in their wake. And it is here that criminal aliens and the coyotes and the document-forgers seek to overthrow our system of lawful immigration.

Let’s stop here for a minute. When we talk about MS-13 and the cartels, what do we mean? We mean criminal organizations that turn cities and suburbs into warzones, that rape and kill innocent citizens and who profit by smuggling poison and other human beings across our borders. Depravity and violence are their calling cards, including brutal machete attacks and beheadings.

It is here, on this sliver of land, where we first take our stand against this filth.

In this fight, I am here to tell you, the brave men and women of Customs and Border Protection: we hear you and we have your back. Under the President’s leadership and through his Executive Orders, we will secure this border and bring the full weight of both the immigration courts and federal criminal enforcement to combat this attack on our national security and sovereignty.

The President has made this a priority — and already we are seeing the results. From January to February of this year, illegal crossings dropped by 40 percent, which was unprecedented. Then, last month, we saw a 72 percent drop compared to the month before the President was inaugurated. That’s the lowest monthly figure for at least 17 years.

This is no accident. This is what happens when you have a President who understands the threat, who is not afraid to publically identify the threat and stand up to it, and who makes clear to law enforcement that the leadership of their country finally has their back. Together, we will drastically reduce the danger posed by criminal aliens, gang members and cartel henchmen.

To that end, the President and I want to do our best to arm you, and the prosecutors who partner with you, with more tools in your fight against criminal aliens. So today, I am pleased to stand here with you and announce new guidance regarding our commitment to criminal immigration enforcement. As we speak, I am issuing a document to all federal prosecutors that mandates the prioritization of such enforcement.

Starting today, federal prosecutors are now required to consider for prosecution all of the following offenses:

• The transportation or harboring of aliens. As you know too well, this is a booming business down here. No more. We are going to shut down and jail those who have been profiting off this lawlessness — people smuggling gang members across the border, helping convicted criminals re-enter this country and preying on those who don’t know how dangerous the journey can be.

• Further, where an alien has unlawfully entered the country, which is a misdemeanor, that alien will now be charged with a felony if they unlawfully enter or attempt enter a second time and certain aggravating circumstances are present.

• Also, aliens that illegally re-enter the country after prior removal will be referred for felony prosecution — and a priority will be given to such offenses, especially where indicators of gang affiliation, a risk to public safety or criminal history are present.

• Fourth: where possible, prosecutors are directed to charge criminal aliens with document fraud and aggravated identity theft — the latter carrying a two-year mandatory minimum sentence.

• Finally, and perhaps most importantly: I have directed that all 94 U.S. Attorneys Offices make the prosecution of assault on a federal law enforcement officer — that’s all of you — a top priority. If someone dares to assault one of our folks in the line of duty, they will do federal time for it.

To ensure that these priorities are implemented, starting today, each U.S. Attorney’s Office, whether on the border or interior, will designate an Assistant United States Attorney as the Border Security Coordinator for their District. It will be this experienced prosecutor’s job to coordinate the criminal immigration enforcement response for their respective offices.

For those that continue to seek improper and illegal entry into this country, be forewarned: This is a new era. This is the Trump era. The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our immigration laws and the catch and release practices of old are over.

In that vein, I am also pleased to announce a series of reforms regarding immigration judges to reduce the significant backlogs in our immigration courts.

Pursuant to the President’s executive order, we will now be detaining all adults who are apprehended at the border. To support this mission, we have already surged 25 immigration judges to detention centers along the border. I want to thank personally the judges who answered the call to help us with this new initiative.

In addition, we will put 50 more immigration judges on the bench this year and 75 next year. We can no longer afford to wait 18 to 24 months to get these new judges on the bench. So today, I have implemented a new, streamlined hiring plan. It requires just as much vetting as before, but reduces the timeline, reflecting the dire need to reduce the backlogs in our immigration courts.

With the President’s Executive Orders on Border Security, Transnational Criminal Organizations and Public Safety as our guideposts, we will execute a strategy that once again secures the border; apprehends and prosecutes those criminal aliens that threaten our public safety; takes the fight to gangs like MS-13 and Los Zetas; and makes dismantlement and destruction of the cartels a top priority. We will deploy a multifaceted approach in these efforts: we are going to interdict your drugs on the way in, your money on the way out, and investigate and prosecute your trafficking networks to the fullest extent of the law.

Why are we doing this? Because it is what the duly enacted laws of the United States require. I took an oath to protect this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. How else can we look the parents and loved ones of Kate Steinle, Grant Ronnebeck and so many others in eye and say we are doing everything possible to prevent such tragedies from ever occurring again?

Let me finish where I started, by thanking you — the brave men and women in uniform who are at the front lines of this fight. I know we ask a tremendous amount from all of you, but know this: we have your back, and will do all we can to empower you and support you in your work.

God bless you and thank you.

Memo on Renewed Commitment to Criminal Immigration Enforcement

Amnesty Opportunist Marco Rubio Says “Hasta la Vista, Suckers” — for Now https://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2016/03/16/amnesty-opportunist-marco-rubio-says-hasta-la-vista-suckers-for-now/ Thu, 17 Mar 2016 01:09:16 +0000 https://www.limitstogrowth.org/?p=13316 How sweet it is to see one of the worst examples of Washington evil get squashed like a bug in his own state, a “humiliating Florida loss” where Little Marco got a measly 27 percent of primary votes while northerner Trump got an impressive 46 percent.

Take that, Amnesty Man! The people won’t forget lying [...]]]> How sweet it is to see one of the worst examples of Washington evil get squashed like a bug in his own state, a “humiliating Florida loss” where Little Marco got a measly 27 percent of primary votes while northerner Trump got an impressive 46 percent.

Take that, Amnesty Man! The people won’t forget lying and treason.

It serves Rubio right. After campaigning as a Tea Party guy, he went establishment as soon as he arrived in Washington as Senator where he immediately began planning for higher office. Rubio forgot about the people in Florida he was elected to serve. In fact, it was recently reported that the mayor of Tampa (the state’s third-largest city) Bob Buckhorn has not met the esteemed senator throughout his four years of serving as the city’s top official. Little Marco was too busy with his new friends in the Gang of Eight (shown below) to bother with carrying out expected duties for his state. The G8 scheming for massive amnesty promised a stepping stone to greater visibility, power and money.

Over in the radio universe, Rubio’s fake charm has always turned Rush Limbaugh’s brain to mush, and his election analysis on Wednesday was more of the same where Limbaugh thought the Senator’s final speech was good and “came from his heart.” Less charitable minds might regard Rubio’s wrapping himself in religion as an emotional smokescreen to cover his recent electoral failures. It was really over the top for him to  remark, “It is not God’s plan that I be president in 2016 or maybe ever.”

How about never? But Rubio has been the obedient pet of open-borders elites, so it’s doubtful they will throw him away after all this investment (for example, $20.3 million for March 15 primaries in five states).

Rubio has great talent in speaking conservative style, even when his actions verge on treason against America to satisfy his unlimited ambition.

Below, Senator Rubio in a prominent position as the speaker at the podium, providing a hispanic Republican face to doubling legal immigration and rewarding millions of invasive lawbreakers with amnesty.

Trump advisor Stephen Miller popped up the other day in a Shark Tank interview to remind us of how truly deeply wicked Rubio acted when he was involved with the Gang of Eight group. That bipartisan bunch worked behind closed doors to construct a huge amnesty bill that was filled with goodies for job thieves and actual criminals. Miller was an aide to America’s Senator Jeff Sessions and recently left to become a policy advisor to Donald Trump. Speaking of Senator Sessions, his list of 10 questions about the G8 bill is a nice reminder of the proposed law that was more a pack of lies than honest legislation.

Miller served in the front lines in the battle against amnesty and, as a result, has a rather low opinion of the Florida senator. The inside picture is even worse than what the public saw. Miller concludes that “Marco Rubio is a man for sale.” Devastating.

STEPHEN MILLER: People were imagining Rubio then in 2010 as the young Republican Obama, that he was going to be this young freshman senator who’s going to unite the conservative movement and be swept into the Oval Office. But instead his career went the opposite direction. Marco Rubio, instead of becoming the Republican Obama instead sought to become the Wall Street Obama, the donor Obama. He got to Washington D C and he aligned himself with all the big donors and special interests who are now funding his campaign.

And so we saw in 2010, everyone remembers, he ran against Charlie Crist and he hammered Crist for pushing amnesty, just hammered him for it. I remember I was watching as I said this Marco Rubio guy who really really doesn’t like amnesty, I mean he’s just attacking Charlie Crist for this amnesty thing. At the time I didn’t know — what you know, what many others know — about his record in the state house killing immigration enforcement bills and pushing in-state tuition for illegals. The national market didn’t really know that. But then after this no-amnesty pledge, the strangest thing happened, Senator Rubio got to Washington DC in 2012, he started pushing the DREAM Act, the same bill that he attacked Charlie Crist for pushing.

And then in 2013 he changed the course of American history forever and the history of his own career when he joined the Gang of Eight with Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and all, secretly guided by Barack Obama. That forever changed the treachery of his career because remember, Barack Obama was a progressive’s progressive. Progressives love Obama because he always stood up for progressive values. What happened when Rubio chose to join the Gang of Eight is he abandoned the Republican base and instead worked for the donors, and this is an important distinction. Obama’s power base was always the progressive voters. Progressives always understood that Obama was on their side. But when Rubio joined the Gang of Eight, he cut ties with the conservative movement and joined the donor movement and became friends with people like Larry Ellison and Paul Singer of the Chamber of Commerce and Mark Zuckerberg and all the other big CEOs funding his big immigration efforts and that created in an irreparable separation from the conservative movement which played out across this whole cycle.

And so what you’ve seen is the unraveling of Senator Rubio’s campaign because nobody in the conservative movement trusts him any more, and trust is an asset that once spent can never come back. When you lose his people’s trust, you can never get it back — very rarely, occasionally it can happen, but he didn’t just violate trust in a small way, he violated it in the most dramatic way imaginable, because remember when he pushed the Gang of Eight bill, he was on your TV screen every single day telling you how great the bill was and how important the bill was and how wonderful the bill was. And everything about the bill was a lie. Everything about the bill was a lie day after day after day after day. Marco Rubio fought hard harder for Barack Obama’s amnesty than Barack Obama fought for Barack Obama’s amnesty.

Think about that for a second, really think about that. Who did you see more on TV in 2013 pushing amnesty? Marco Rubio or Barack Obama? Marco Rubio. I spent seven years working for Senator Jeff Sessions and Senator Jeff Sessions led the fight against Rubio’s immigration bill. And we saw up close and personal just how much Senator Rubio betrayed the American people on immigration. A good example of this is that I was working with, and as you mentioned Senator Jeff Sessions has endorsed Donald Trump, and I’m now Donald Trump’s senior policy advisor and after that Sessions ended up endorsing Donald Trump for president, and I was with Senator Sessions during the Gang of Eight fight and I remember, just to cite one example, there was an ICE officer, Chris Crane, who was the union president, he represented all the ICE officers, so he was an active-duty ICE officer but he was also the ICE National Council President and he wanted to meet with Marco Rubio on behalf of all the nation’s ICE officers.

And we tried and we tried and we tried to get Chris Crane a meeting, and Senator Rubio just would not meet with the law enforcement officers. Think about that for a second. Senator Rubio refused categorically to meet with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, even as he was meeting with the White House and with various immigration special interests. And that tells you a lot about the man’s character or lack of character, and he eventually on the night before the ball dropped met with Chris Crane only because Mike Huckabee called and pleaded with Marco Rubio — Mike Huckabee had to beg Marco Rubio to meet with Chris Crane. And then Rubio proceeded to ignore everything that the ICE officers said and introduced the bill with no changes, having said he would listen to him he said the opposite, and betrayed him just like he betrayed the people of Florida.

But we learned about Rubio’s character during this time and I remember that Senator Rubio was pitching the bill behind closed doors to the Republican conference, and making a series of false claims. I remember attending one meeting where Senator Rubio was pitching a bill to Republican lawmakers and everything he said in the meeting about that bill was false. Everything! And he just said it shamelessly. So it wasn’t just in public — in private meetings he was misrepresenting the bill over and over and over and over again. It came to the point where there was nothing he wouldn’t say to say to pass the bill. There’s nothing! He was a man obsessed, and so now when he talks about the bill he makes it seem like some kind of casual effort — he was a man possessed. I’ve never seen in Washington anybody fight harder for anything that he fought for that bill. He was relentless in pushing it. Barack Obama had never pushed this hard for amnesty as Marco Rubio did. And Barack Obama is the most pro-amnesty president we’ve ever had. That says something about Marco Rubio.

Here’s another part of the interview where Miller remarks, “Marco Rubio has done more to try and cement the president’s legacy than any Democrat in Congress has. . . I believe the Marco Rubio lacks principle and lacks conviction and lacks honesty, and is someone who has pursued the ambition of the Presidency to the exclusion of every other personal and moral consideration. . . Marco Rubio is a man for sale.”
