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Hispanic « Limits to Growth

Hannity Boards the Amnesty Train

Following the horror of the election outcome, an early amnesty shrieker was Sean Hannity, one of the loudest of the self-appointed exponents of conservatism.

Spare Audio:


SEAN HANNITY: We’ve gotta get rid of the immigration issue altogether. It’s simple for me to fix it. I think you control the border first, you create […]

San Antonio Hispanics Plan Their Own Ethnic War Memorial

A few years ago there was dust up over Ken Burns’ World War Two documentary “The War” coming from disgruntled hispanics who thought that their ever-so-special contributions had been overlooked. Even though the film was completed, Burns caved and added some material to appease the ethnic activists after being harangued at length.

The controversy is […]

Sununu Aligns with Alien Amnesty

To the many establishment Republicans who believe as a matter of faith that a big amnesty for millions of foreign intruders is the key to future popularity, you can add John Sununu, the former Governor of New Hampshire. He apparently believes that the GOP can win the hispander bidding war against Democrats from Chicago.

Sununu […]

Final Convicted Murderer of Teenager Cheryl Green Is Sentenced to 238 Years

It was 2006 when 14-year-old Cheryl Green (pictured) was shot and killed while hanging out with her friends in the Harbor Gateway neighborhood of Los Angeles.

Now, six years later, the final sentencing of the last gangster has come down. So much for the right to a “speedy trial” as guaranteed in the Sixth Amendment. […]

Obama’s Hispanic Election Outreach Pumps Up

In the White House, the re-election brain trust is gearing up to promote Obama as the great friend of hispanics, even though his promise to enact a mass amnesty in the first year of his Presidency never happened. In fact, he was busy with other things that he thought more important, in particular jamming through […]

California: Diverse Populations Are Aging and Need Services

Mass immigration enthusiasts sometimes assert that importing lots of foreigners helps to lower America’s average age which puts a larger percentage in the workforce. But like many immigration claims, that one has never been true. CIS reported in 2007 that “Recent immigration has had no significant impact on the nation’s age structure.”

Plus, just being […]

Arkansas Bishop Reports Hispanic Catholic Incursion in Bible Belt

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor recently met with Pope Benedict in the Vatican, and the subject of immigration of questionable legality appeared to be high on the agenda.

The Arkansas Bishop sounded quite upbeat about hispanic Catholics filling southern pews, after his years of suffering with the preponderance of English-speaking Protestants who have been the major […]

Hispanics Numero Uno in Federal Prisons

Hispanic diversity hit a new high recently. Not only are hispanics the largest minority group in the United States, but they are now the top jailbird population in federal prison so far this year as well.

America continues to be culturally enriched by immigration diversity.

Hispanics new majority sentenced to federal prison, Associated Press, September […]

The New Spiderman Is Diverse

In the latest example of the cruelty of demographic change, Marvel Comics has killed off its Spiderman-Peter Parker character and replaced him with a diverse persona who is half black, half hispanic and maybe even gay in a three-fer opportunity for comic sales.

Can readers also hope to see a left-handed superhero to portray the […]

Increase in Hispanic Voters Noted

The Pew Hispanic Center has a new report on the increasing number and percentage of latino voters, particularly focusing on the 2010 election.

The numbers keep inching up, because immigration-fueled demography is relentless. Still, the enthusiasm for voting remains less than among other groups, e.g. white voters had 48.6 percent turnout in 2010, while 31.2 […]

Census: Hispanics Residing in America Hit 50 Million

The Associated Press called the Census announcement “a surprising show of growth,” perhaps in mock shock. Many who follow the immigration and border security were not surprised by stampeding population growth.

Millions continue to flow across the sieve-like Mexican border and hispanics have lots of babies: demography is destiny, as they say.

Pew demographer […]

San Francisco Sanctuary City Lawsuit Fails

It’s disappointing, though not surprising, that the state Appeals Court has decided that San Francisco authorities cannot be held responsible for the deaths of a father and two sons at the hands of an illegal alien gangster whom the city had protected from deportation. The decision affirms an earlier ruling of one year ago from […]