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cost « Limits to Growth

Did MS-13 Infestation Tip Mendota, California, to “Worst City” Designation?

There are many American cities and towns that have been worn down by crime, open borders and globalization to utter devastation, so it is no small achievement to be judged as Number 1 Worst.

Below, Mendota in California’s Central Valley was 98.6 percent hispanic according to 2010 Census, with 50.3 percent foreign-born persons, 2013-2017.


Leader McCarthy Recognizes Crime Victims of Illegal Aliens

Last week, the House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy gave a 10-minute floor speech which included a long (but necessarily incomplete) list of Americans killed by illegal aliens.

Of course, every crime committed by an illegal foreigner should have been prevented by immigration enforcement, but wasn’t. A top job of government is to protect the citizens […]

Maine Town Is Overwhelmed by Expensive Asylum Seekers

There’s plenty in the news about foreigners crossing the US border by various means but little concerning what happens to communities where they land in excessive numbers. One exception is the attention given to a Maine town that got stuck in the do-gooder trap — be generous to a few and then word gets out […]

Non-Crisis on Border Is Getting Worse

Former CIA analyst Buck Sexton appeared on the Tucker Carlson show on Monday to report from a recent visit to the southern border on what’s going on there. The border zone situation is “getting worse” as Sexton said twice because the thousands of demanding invaders have “overwhelmed the system with lawlessness.”

Below, foreigners (right) carry […]

Why Are Residents’ Negative Views about Illegal Immigration Disregarded?

Tucker Carlson had an important question for his liberal guest on Friday: why is it that foreigners are permitted to create chaos in the nation where they land and make life more difficult for locals? He can ask that question because thousands of caravanster hispanics from Central America are camped out in Tijuana, Mexico, annoying […]

World Immigration Today: Millions Want to Move to a Different Country, but the Majority of Residents Don’t Want Them

According to a recent Gallup poll, more than 750 million people worldwide want to leave their home nations for jobs and free stuff elsewhere, from caravansters clambering over the Texas border to Africans crossing the Mediterranean to reach Europe. Naturally, the United States is the top choice of the world moocher contingent — lucky us.


“Mexico First” Pundit Claims Caravansters Deserve Their “Dream” of America

Talk about a blast from the past — seeing Mark Steyn discuss border enforcement with Juan Hernandez, the one-time advisor of Mexico Presidente Vicente Fox, brought back memories of someone best forgotten. A dual citizen of Mexico and the US, Hernandez also advised John McCain during his failed presidential campaign — perhaps not the senator’s […]

Tucker Carlson Observes Elite Washington’s Continuing Preference for Illegal Immigration

The Center for Immigration Studies has a new report out about the continuing costs of illegal alien moochers titled Births to Legal and Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.. As always, the dollar cost for open borders is high. As Breitbart News headlined on October 10, Illegal Alien Births of Anchor Babies Cost U.S. Taxpayers $2.4B […]

Baltimore: Catholic Church Issues IDs for Illegal Aliens, and Police Recognize Them

Vaticrats have long had delusions of governance, extending even to the United States. In fact, it’s not the first time the anti-borders church has handed out fake identification for illegal aliens whom the church hopes will be suitably grateful: last spring it was a Dallas catholic church handing out rudimentary fake IDs.

In years past, […]

Peter Kirsanow Explains the Extent of Illegal Alien Crime

There’s been a lot of stupid talk from liberals recently following the murder of Mollie Tibbetts that illegal aliens and foreigners generally commit fewer crimes than US citizens. The talking points are typical propaganda of the left, designed to advance the Democrat agenda of open borders and replacing traditional Americans with foreigners who prefer big […]

“All Africa Is Here” — Many in Illegal Migrant Flow Now Enter via Spain

One of the oddities of European geography is that a tiny bit of Spain exists on the African continent in the small communities of Melilla and Ceuta, as shown in the map below.

Naturally, these spots are a target for invasive Africans hoping to arrive in the freebie paradise on the mainland. Spain has […]

New York Times Fears Immigrant Citizenship Is under Attack

Mass immigration brings so many negatives that they are hard to track, but one important one is the continuing denigration of American citizenship. Any earthling who can crawl across the undefended Mexican border will likely qualify eventually, thanks to the efforts of hordes of leftist anti-sovereignty organizations and mainstream media that lobby constantly for “immigrant” […]