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Catholic « Limits to Growth

Catholic Elites Rebrand as Defenders of Religious Liberty While Feeding at Federal Trough

Top catholics must be secretly rubbing their hands in glee at Obama’s clumsy handling of the requirement that birth control be included in healthcare plans provided by the church’s institutions like colleges. The controversy has given them a opportunity to pave over the years of bad news concerning child-molesting priests and to refurbish their image […]

Cardinal Dolan Preaches Open Borders

Now that Timothy Dolan has been promoted by the Vatican to Cardinal, he has become more welcome on big media. There is a meme going around that the press-savvy New York cleric could become the first American Pope, which makes him something of a hot property as religious figures go.

One of his favorite topics […]

Catholic Bishops Promote Immigration Lawbreaking as Religious Freedom

The recent contraception kerfuffle and the ensuing debate about “religious freedom” must have made the Catholic church in America feel like it had some moral authority to weigh in on other issues. The debate started when a Georgetown student complained that her university health plan did not include contraceptives because she attended a catholic school.


Arkansas Bishop Reports Hispanic Catholic Incursion in Bible Belt

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor recently met with Pope Benedict in the Vatican, and the subject of immigration of questionable legality appeared to be high on the agenda.

The Arkansas Bishop sounded quite upbeat about hispanic Catholics filling southern pews, after his years of suffering with the preponderance of English-speaking Protestants who have been the major […]

Baltimore Catholic Diocese Attacks Public Safety

In January, I blogged about the San Francisco Catholics crusading against the law-enforcement program Secure Communities: San Francisco Archbishop Campaigns against Public Safety.

Secure Communities is a federal system in which the fingerprints of persons already arrested are run through a federal database to check their immigration status so that dangerous criminals can be deported. […]

Illegals Receive Billions in IRS Cash for Kids; Cardinal Mahony Approves

This story is not exactly news but is a helpful reminder that illegal alien kiddies still get their lawbreaking parents over $4 billion yearly in cash payouts taken from citizen taxpayers. (See House Payroll Tax Proposal Cuts Illegal Alien Windfall, also the CIS report Child Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants.)

In addition, the video report […]

Cardinal Roger Mahony (Friend of Pedophiles and Illegal Aliens) Retires from Church

In Los Angeles, Cardinal Roger Mahony (pictured below) is retiring at age 75 from his position as the top Catholic of the Los Angeles diocese. He leaves behind a record of being a major figure in the Church’s pedophile priest sex scandals and being a tireless booster for illegal aliens. He will be remembered for […]

Vaticrat Notices Islam Demographics in Europe

In Europe, a Vatican official fears the Islamization of the continent. Father Piero Gheddo’s suggested solution is for Christians to have more children.

Wouldn’t it make sense to stop Muslim immigration? Funny how that strategy is not even mentioned.

Europe is becoming ‘Islamised’ warns Vatican official as he urges Christians to have more children, Daily […]

Non-English-Speaking Vietnamese Struggle in the Gulf Disaster

Reporters must be getting bored with avoiding Obama’s failure to act in the Gulf oil explosion, since they are turning to the ethnic angle, with plenty of boo-hooey and suffering angst. It also happens that the MSM notice the diversity slant when there’s a big crime story or other large event. Or perhaps some ethno-org […]

Ohio Patriots Protest Catholic Church for Distributing Matricula Cards

It may not have been the biggest anti-illegal demonstration in recent months, but any time Americans pin the tail on the Catholic church for its fifth-column activities, attention must be paid. Many churches work for the benefit of illegal alien lawbreakers and against law-abiding citizens, but the Catholics are the big dogs leading the pack.


So Long, Father Pat…

I was very sad to learn today that Father Pat Bascio died recently. He was the author of “On the Immorality of Illegal Immigration” a book which clearly explained the moral argument against border anarchy (see my review: Father Pat Bascio: A Rare Immigration Enforcement Voice in the Catholic Church). The upshot was that harming […]

Cardinal Mahony Is Sued over Abuse

Los Angeles’ pompous top Catholic, Cardinal Roger Mahony, recently compared patriotic Arizonans who support border security to Nazis, even though polling shows that 70 percent of voters favor the tough new legislation.

(Funny how pundits wring their hands over the worsening criminal anarchy in Mexico, but when Americans act to preserve public safety in our […]