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Catholic « Limits to Growth

Time Magazine: Catholic Op-Ed Leans on Speaker Boehner for Amnesty

When I was a child, I recall political discussions in my family about whether the Catholic candidate John Kennedy would follow the orders of the Vatican if elected President. My parents were great supporters of President Eisenhower, a Presbyterian, and were suspicious of a possible Pope influence in the White House.

These days, the influence […]

Amnesty Action on the Vatican Front: Pope Is Begged to Use His Influence

A week ago, I reported on the Speaker of the House inviting the pope to speak before Congress, something that has never happened before and would be quite a blow to the separation of church and state. Pope Francis has not yet accepted as of this writing, but it’s hard to imagine he wouldn’t, given […]

Speaker Boehner Invites Pope to Address Joint Session of Congress

No Pope has ever spoken to the Congress before, but the Speaker thinks that it’s fine to offer him a uniquely high honor (and violate the separation of church and state) even though the nation is still majority Protestant (52 percent, more than double the number of Catholics).

What is the purpose of the invitation? […]

Tijuana Tent City of Deported Lawbreakers Alarms Catholic.org

Typically, professional Catholic handwringers fret about Mexicans suffering in Mexico, and conclude it’s America’s fault. The specific Mexicans are deported individuals, so they are willful lawbreakers exhibiting hostility to American sovereignty and to the people of this country.

Tijuana’s tent city of deportees, aka La Mapa, is filled with hundreds of dome camper tents.


LA Times Investigates Anti-Sovereignty Cardinal Mahony, Sort of

Monday’s front page of the Los Angeles Times had a headline that was ever-so-slightly critical of the former Catholic Cardinal who presided over the local diocese: “INTO THE LIGHT, As the clergy abuse scandal unfolds, Roger Mahony’s moral authority — and his legacy — erodes.”

It was part of a feature article that was […]

SunTV: Robert Spencer Comments on the Pope’s Misunderstanding of Islam

There’s little more infuriating than when non-Muslims take it upon themselves to define the “true” Islam — how it’s a “religion of peace” and all the nasty violence is committed by a small minority of extremists. Why should anyone assume that people like George Bush and Bill Clinton have any expertise in Islamic theology? They […]

Catholic Bishop Visits Amnesty Pushers Occupying National Mall

The beautiful and historic National Mall in sight of the Capitol has been turned into a campground for lawbreaking foreigners who demand legalization. By the looks of their ginormous tents, they intend to stay a long while. Why is this permitted?!

But we shouldn’t be surprised. It wasn’t that long ago (October!) that the […]

Cardinal Dolan’s Letter to Speaker Boehner Pushes Amnesty for Lawbreakers

Over in Vaticanville, Catholic elites hope to undermine American sovereignty by promoting amnesty and open borders. One of the top Cardinals, Timothy Dolan of New York, recently blasted off a letter to the Speaker lecturing him on the morality of “immigration reform.”

After all, most illegal aliens are hispanic Catholics, so leadership desires their presence […]

Catholic Bishops Push Amnesty Sunday in Church

On this Sunday, many American Catholics heard sermons recommending that amnesty be given to lawbreaking foreigners who are here to steal American jobs. It’s part of a more aggressive campaign organized by the Bishops to press a “moral” argument for amnesty, despite the inherent ethical weakness of contending that scarce jobs should be taken from […]

Los Angeles’ Mexican Archbishop Is a New Spokes-priest for Amnesty

The list of forces against American sovereignty and citizenship is long and powerful. One of the founding members of the open-borders gaggle is the Catholic church, which wants to import more customers for what it’s selling, to replace the falling attendance among American Catholics. The church even discourages assimilation to keep foreigners dependent on its […]

Pope Will Pray for Invasive Africans, but Has No Apparent Compassion for Italians Who Bear the Brunt

There’s a new Pope in the Vatican, and he is still making a first impression. So far, we have seen TLC, hugs and a simpler lifestyle. He recently announced his first foreign foray, and he chose Lampedusa as the place to display his special papal compassion regarding the deaths of several Africans on their way […]

More Nails in the Moral Coffin of Cardinal Mahony, the Anti-Borders Protector of Pervert Priests

The case of Cardinal Roger Mahony is a reminder that justice delayed is justice denied; if a perp can slow down the functioning of the legal system for years, then memories fade, the urgency to prosecute dissolves and the statute of limitations kicks in. Mahony has been involved in a continuing cover-up of criminal activity […]