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border security « Limits to Growth

Border Enforcement Cut, Using Sequester Excuse

How much does the Obama administration despise public safety? Let’s count the ways. First, there is the wholesale attack on the gun ownership of law-abiding citizens, who use firearms to protect themselves and their families.

Then the sequester excuse was used to release thousands of illegal alien criminals slated for deportation.

The latest attack on […]

Measuring Border Security Is Considered

One of the tiny barriers on the national suicide via sovereignty abolition is the idea of border security as a prerequisite to the mass legalization amnesty. Even the great diverse hope of the elite GOP Marco Rubio said that his support for the Gang of Eight amnesty plot depends on the border being secured.


Arizona Rancher: Border Is Not Secure

When the Gang of Eight amnesty Senators outlined a framework for their anti-sovereignty scheme, a basic piece was the commission that would decide when the Mexican border was secure. That board would consist of governors, community members, and attorneys general living on the Southwest border.

An inquiring mind might ask whether those community members […]

Mexico: Fast and Furious Guns Killed Innocent Victims

One might think that guns going to Mexican cartels would be used to murder rival gangsters in the ongoing regional skirmishes over turf in the country. That supposition is not entirely true, according to a recent investigation by Univision, which discovered gunwalked weapons were used in the terrible 2010 Juarez massacre where 16 people, mostly […]

Texas Ranchers Say the Border Is a War Zone

The current administration keeps repeating that the border is secure and nobody is crossing illegally any more (despite numerous indications otherwise), so a recent report from Texas is informative.

Ranchers are the first responders in the alien invasion, and they say it’s still violent and dangerous for all concerned.

The Texas Department of Agriculture […]

Border Report: Illegals Are Still Coming

The recent media reports of illegal immigration decreasing to net zero always seemed a little convenient for Obama. Once the border had been “secured” then Obama could advance his comprehensive amnesty scheme in order to keep his illegal alien base happy.

Another report puts operational border security at only 13 percent. And Obama has admitted […]

DHS Admits Only 13 Percent of Border Is under Operational Control

Well into the 21st century, Washington continues its failure to protect our sovereign borders after decades of broken promises. The feds have spent billions of dollars on failed schemes, and now the result is a miniscule 13 percent operational control.

A score of 13 percent is a failing grade even for government work.

It’s […]

New Report Warns of National Security Threat from Narco-Mex

Serious national security experts say that the southern border is dangerously insecure, and Washington is in denial about the danger, ignoring Mexican narco-terrorism at America’s peril.

Texas border sheriffs participated in a press conference for the roll-out of a new report, Texas Border Security: A Strategic Military Assessment, written by Barry McCaffrey and Robert Scales […]

Obama Allows Mexican Police to Launch Operations from US

This item is definitely for the “What could possibly go wrong?” file. The idea is crazy and dangerous.

First, it is suspicious that this news was released on a Friday in late August, which makes it look like the Obama administration hopes it will pass unnoticed.

The White House spin is that the extreme violation […]

Indoctrination Success: New York Times Incites Illegal Immigration Appeasement

On the propaganda front, the ridiculous idea that Mexican immigration is nearing zero is catching on. The great fount of liberal disinformation is to blame (see my analysis of the recent NYT article New York Times: Mexican Invasion Is Over.)

Michael Barone has taken the notion to the extreme in a recent opinion piece extolling […]

Southwest Immigration Enforcement Overlooked by Napolitano

Earlier this week the DHS announced that Secretary Napolitano would present a new plan to deal with southwestern perimeter crime, called the Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy.

When Napolitano did make her speech in Nogales, Arizona, only drug smuggling was mentioned, at least as reported by the mainstream media.

Is illegal immigration no longer an acceptable […]

Darrell Issa: Update on Gunrunner Investigation in Mexico

There’s been a lack of interest in the media about what Darrell Issa found out when he visited Mexico on Friday as part of his continuing investigation of the ATF gunrunner scandal. So it was interesting to hear a brief report from him on Tuesday.
