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The New York Times Reveals Its Next Propaganda Strategy against President Trump

It turns out that the whole Russia accusation against Trump was a big scam — no surprise there — so the media now has to cook up a new calumny, since fairly reporting the actual news would be too much like work. Besides, producing leftist propaganda is very rewarding for scribblers since they apparently see their role as twisting political opinion rather than informing the public.

Plus shrieking “Racist!” at someone does not require proof of illegal behavior, just a willing audience of Trump haters happy to be fed inflammatory rhetoric.

Conveniently, the New York Times had an employee meeting recently that spilled the beans of management’s plans of future anti-Trump propaganda that was leaked:

New York Times chief outlines coverage shift: From Trump-Russia to Trump racism [1], Washington Examiner, by Byron York, August 15, 2019

Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the New York Times, said recently that, after the Mueller report, the paper has to shift the focus of its coverage from the Trump-Russia affair to the president’s alleged racism.

“We built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly well,” Baquet said. “Now we have to regroup, and shift resources and emphasis to take on a different story.”

Baquet made the remarks at an employee town hall Monday. A recording was leaked to Slate, which published a transcript [2] Thursday. . .

And some people wonder why President Trump complains about Fake News.

Here’s a discussion on Friday between Tammy Bruce, subbing for Tucker Carlson, and radio guy Larry O’Connor:

TAMMY BRUCE: The New York Times is shifting its coverage from Russia to racism. The paper spent two years as one of the chief pushers of the false Russian collusion conspiracy theory. It has completely fallen apart.

The paper recently held a crisis town hall meeting of its own staff where the paper’s executive editor said the paper is transitioning from suggesting Trump as a spy — you know, because that was fake — to suggesting that he is a racist, which of course is also fake.

Larry O’Connor is a radio show host and a fabulous one at that. He joins us now. Larry, the news over the last two and a half years since the election has been extraordinary, it’s been remarkable and fabulous to be an American.

But then we see remarkable and important American institutions like the New York Times devolve into kind of a Keystone Cop comic book. Can you give us your thoughts on the impact of this and what this really means what we’re facing here?

RADIO SHOW HOST LARRY O’CONNOR: Tammy, it’s a great point. And you know that the fact — you know, remember after the election, the New York Times apologized there. Mr. Salzburger, their publisher apologized to their readers saying, “We got it wrong.”

You know, obviously, something happened in the 2016 election that we weren’t following the voters and sentiment and we underestimated it. And they promised they were going to really get down and just cover the news as it is fit to print because that’s the New York Times legacy.

And sadly, it’s not. Frankly, that’s not the true legacy of the New York Times. They’ve always been an organ of the left. They’ve been this way for decades, and they slipped right back into this pattern.

And it’s more than just getting this story wrong. Mr. Baquet, the Executive Editor in this meeting according to transcripts —

BRUCE: Well, let me stop you there because some of your audience may not know. There is an audio tape of this crisis town hall that was leaked. So, we’re not just guessing at an attitude of what these people said. As an example, let’s bring up one part of what he was saying at this meeting to his staff at the New York Times.

“We built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly well. Now, we have to regroup and shift resources and emphasis to a take on it on a different story.”

You know, Larry, this is not news gathering, you have to usually wait for the news. This is a propaganda planning meeting to decide already what it is they’re going to say and how they’re going to say it. How can we describe it any differently?

O’CONNOR: It’s an astounding admission. I thought a newsroom was supposed to be built around, I don’t know, covering the news.

That should be the priority, but no, they decided at the New York Times that they were going to build their newsroom around covering one story, the Russian collusion conspiracy hoax, which was a hoax and by the way, manufactured by propagandists from Moscow to sow disinformation here in America and was paid for by Hillary Clinton. Thanks a lot.

BRUCE: And Larry, we also know what the new message is going to be, and everyone can just know what the next two years of the New York Times is going to be.

Let’s bring this up, this kind of a final statement from them about what now the plan needs to be. The chief — they’re pushing the Trump racism theme: “Race in the next year — and I think this is, to be frank, what I would hope you come away from this discussion with — race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the American story.”

Now, this remember, is a meeting and the context is how they’re going to shape the narrative, and that’s what they’ve already decided.

O’CONNOR: Yes, and Tammy, the two stories, the Russian conspiracy collusion hoax and this racism story, they have one common denominator, and that is it’s going to pit Americans against each other.

It is going to divide us for the first half of the Trump presidency with this shadow hanging over from before he was even inaugurated.

It painted the picture of a President as a puppet of a foreign government and those of us who support him as stooges of Vladimir Putin that divided us and now this will divide us in racial terms.

The New York Times is working against this country.

BRUCE: Larry, thank you very much. And another horrible thing is the destruction of the New York Times itself. How dare they? Larry, thank you so much for joining us tonight.