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British Authorities Show the Limits of Freedom by Forbidding Treatment for a Critically Ill Child

It’s stunning to see the demise of a most basic freedom — that of parenting — in Britain.

Toddler Alfie Evans was struggling against a brain disease [1], but the British hospital authorities and courts prevented the parents from seeking other care abroad even though it was made available to the family at no cost to the government. The little boy died after a few days off the respirator without a chance at alternative treatment. What would have been the harm?

Nigel Farage nailed the issue when he said, “The wishes of parents in a free society should be paramount. The State should not own our kids.”

Britain is no longer a free society, that’s certain. Socialism plus open borders have been suicidal. Just a few decades ago the Brits were fighting heroically against the Nazis. Now the oppressive state will not permit parents to take care of their own children.

But as Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”