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DACA Amnesty Debate Starts Up in Senate

Monday’s Senate discussion about immigration legislation [1] was a rare open-ended debate, so the citizens can’t be sure of the result.

Interestingly, the phrase “through no fault of their own” referring to DACA recipients was heard often during the dialogue [2]. It occurred in longer phrases like “young people who were brought here through no fault of their own” as senators suggested the DACA illegal aliens should receive full citizenship — even though the scenario looks like another sovereignty fiasco reminiscent of 1986.

We are reminded daily that most DACA squatters were transported to the US as minors by their parents, but that doesn’t mean they should be allowed to keep the benefits stolen by mom and dad. If your father was a bank robber, I don’t think you get to keep the loot.

The senators kept hammering on the alleged innocence of the “kids” — another frequent term even though the average age of DACAs is 24 [3].

As Senator Chuck Grassley described the legislation, he observed [4] that “. . .our amendment provides a generous and permanent solution for up to 1.8 million DACA or DACA-eligible recipients.” [WATCH [5]]

But he had nothing “generous” for American citizens, only another Washington hit against national sovereignty.

Last year, Senator Tom Cotton submitted the RAISE Act [6], a bill to cut legal immigration in half, along with Senator Purdue [7]. Now he is on board the DACA amnesty train. In his seven-minute statement on Monday, he used the magic phrase “no fault of their own” three times: