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Fox Chatterbox Eric Bolling Reveals His Amnesty Plan

Since Donald Trump was elected president, does immigration enforcement now seem too mean-spirited when cute anchor kids might be separated from deportable parents? (Funny how Mexican family values don’t include keeping parents and kids together [1] when there is free stuff to be gleaned from generous-stupid America.)

A February Rasmussen poll headline read, Support for Deportations Plummets [2], although no further details were given in the brief report. Are some supposed conservatives getting cold feet about law and borders when the real thing actually happens occasionally?

During Thursday’s Outnumbered program on Fox News, Eric Bolling, who generally talks up the conservative position on issues, spouted off with his simple rubber-stamp amnesty solution for the illegal alien problem. In a segment where the group’s discussion was focused on sanctuary cities, Bolling just had to share:

ERIC BOLLING: I have honestly a common-sense solution to the immigration issue, and I’ve said this before. The DMVs — there’s probably 50 or 60 of them in each state, maybe 10 or 15 in each state. Create little harbors, make those embassies where, if you’re an illegal, you can walk into this area, the DMV or whatever you call it, and you’re not going to get arrested or deported, but you’re going to get documentation of who you are. It’s not a path to citizenship: it’s a path to legality. You’ll pay your taxes, you’ll be able to stay here, and eventually you can go back to the end of the line to become a citizen.

That program would be very attractive to Mexican axe murderers and cartel criminals: just get a little paper in the DMV and voila — you’re legalized and documented! Sketchy foreigners could essentially get a new identity under the Bolling Plan. Dangerous or useless aliens get to stay and earn American dollars [3], which is what they came for, not to participate in the political process. The ability to work legally is the real amnesty.

Gang background? No problema in Eric Bolling’s DMV Amnesty Plan.