Berkeley Illegal Alien Rally April 10, 2006

On an overcast Monday, a couple hundred open-borders supporters (and their far left and Palestinian friends) held a little get-together on the UC Berkeley campus as part of a "National Day of Action.


Here's a typical crowd shot, showing a gaggle of people favoring the Mexican invasion, Palestinian rights (which usually means the eradication of Israel) and amnesty for all.


This fellow brought a picture of the virgin Mary.


A few members of the campus Republicans came to show support for borders and legal immigration.


There were plenty of Mexican flags, despite some organizers' directives to bring American flags. The US flag shown here is being held by one of the campus Republicans.


"We want a world without borders." Well, that's honest.


Need a little reading material? Ye olde classic Communist Manifesto plus more recent works.


There were plenty of leftist fashion statements, despite the unseasonably crummy weather. This girl's t-shirt reads "Guerrilla" — like she spends her summers with Subcommandante Marcos. Right.


This woman's little poster is done the Stalinist worker style.


Che lives — in the t-shirts which today's fashionable Marxist likes to wear.


Is this girl is a college student? Whatever, she can't compose a grammatical phrase of four words for a protest sign. Pathetic.


Masks remain a popular fashion accessory for armchair revolutionaries.


Here are some border-friendly stalwarts who braved the annoying leftists.


This is a very Berkeley image — the rainbow flag of gay rights with Che Guevara.


After about an hour of speeches and chants of "Se si puede" it started to rain, so I called it a day and headed off for a much needed libation.


All photos and commentary by Brenda Walker.


© 2006 Brenda Walker All rights reserved.