LimitsToGrowth Archive


March 2005
Border Patrol Places Billboards   [3/31/05] Border Patrol Billboard
On March 25, the Border Patrol announced five new informational billboards inviting citizens to be more active in contacting the agency. On March 29, the government said it would move 500 agents to the Arizona sector.
    Could the arrival of well over a thousand concerned citizens on the Arizona border have anything to do with the sudden attention to an ongoing national security crisis? As Tombstone organizer Chris Simcox remarked on Lou Dobb's Tonight:

    Well, Lou, it's a shame that it takes this kind of activism by Americans to get the president and Congress to secure our borders. Letters, letter-writing and sending e-mails and showing up at town hall meetings didn't seem to do any good, so we decided to send the president and Congress a firm mandate from the people that, you know, we need more. It's time.
The borders are far from being secured yet, but the Minuteman Project has brought more attention to this national Achilles Heel than anything else. It's going to be an interesting month.
    Also, here's a photo slideshow of the border from Yahoo.

Immigration plan's assumption on unskilled workers contested   [3/31/05]
Here's a rare and welcome examination of the obvious result of having millions of excess workers in a labor market: supply and demand takes effect and wages are depressed.

    In Atlanta, house painter Moises Milano says competition for jobs is so stiff among immigrants that house painters' wages have been flat since he came to the United States in the late 1980s. They're still $9 an hour, he said, which would mean they've actually fallen significantly when adjusted for inflation. And yet many more aspiring house painters arrive every day from Latin America.
A drywaller said, "In 1987, I was making $4.50 a board." Now the rate is $3 a board.
    The article also includes a quote from open-borders cheerleader Rep. Chris Cannon in which he brags on hiring illegal aliens:
    He talked about his decision to replace the roof of his house. The low estimate, he said, came from a contractor who "uses labor that I suspect is not here legally."
Hey, can we get an interior enforcement agent to go after this lawbreaking lawmaker who has violated his oath of office?
Terry Anderson on CNN     With Congressional members like Cannon, it's no wonder that America's blue-collar workers are getting it in the neck. Jobs that once provided a middle-class living may now be minimum wage or less, so hard-working citizens are now struggling to make ends meet, if they can find work at all. Listen to what Terry Anderson had to say on the subject when he appeared on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight on March 28:
    "I know at least 50 construction workers who are out of work now. Why? Because they've been displaced by illegal aliens. Do they still want to do construction work? Yes, they do. Those men were put on this earth to work with their hands and do construction work, but they cannot do it, because illegal aliens are going in there and working for a third of their wage. It's not fair."
Terry Anderson is a auto mechanic in South Central Los Angeles who was so alarmed by the effects of the illegal alien invasion on his community that he became an activist. He now has his own radio show on Sunday nights which can be heard online and in the LA area.
    Finally, Gallup pollsters report that a majority of Americans disapprove of President Bush's handling of immigration.

Interview with Victor Davis Hanson   [3/30/05]
One of LTG's favorite authors discusses the crisis of illegal immigration in our country and what needs to be done:

    Liberals who hire illegal nannies, gardeners, and handymen, and who go to upscale restaurants with illegal cooks and dishwashers, need to be confronted with liberal criticism: By subsidizing cheap illegal labor, are you ensuring poor American citizens will not have jobs, will not be able to organize and unionize, and will not be able to compete for entry-level jobs? What is so moral about hiring illegal aliens to dig trenches on construction projects in Los Angeles when 30 percent of African-American youth are out of work and headed for trouble? We need to be honest: Hiring hard-working illegal aliens from Mexico is a way for an employer to say, "I don't want to deal with the hassle of hiring our own unemployed, welfare recipients, the parolees, or the uneducated."
Similar good sense throughout.

CAIR's War on National Review   [3/30/05]
NR has capitulated to the fifth column Council on American Islamic Relation's demands that the magazine cease advertising books which are critical of Islam and Mohammed. CAIR is a leader in the destruction of American free speech under the excuse that any faultfinding of Muslims is religious discrimination.
    Even liberal Senator Charles Schumer has stated that CAIR has ties to terrorism.

Border War   [3/29/05]
The New Republic tries to do a hit on Tom Tancredo with the usual accusations. The author charges the Colorado rep of "whip[ping] up a new xenophobia on the GOP right" and similar drivel. But Tancredo is too interesting for TNR to bury in lies, and quotes show him to be thoughtfully mainstream, not extremist:

    "It's the Samuel Huntington perspective. Who are we? That's something we need to work on. America is wrestling with an identity crisis. Part of it is a result of what I call the 'cult of multiculturalism.' The idea that there is nothing — nothing — of value in Western civilization, that we have nothing to offer the world, that we have nothing to offer as a viable society, that everything we have is bad and ugly.
        If we are truly in a clash of civilizations, if Samuel Huntington's right about that, which I happen to believe, then it is important for us to understand who we are. What does it mean to be part of Western civilization? Are there inherent values that are worth anyone's allegiance?"

Immigration Blog   [3/29/05]
Tireless author Michelle Malkin has just created a new immigration blog with a group of writers. It is off to an excellent start and looks like it will be a great addition to the many websites working to save the country.

What Are Islamic Schools Teaching?   [3/29/05]
Scholar Daniel Pipes notes Muslims' repeated surprise at the various discoveries that violent jihad, anti-Semitism and hatred of America are being taught in Islamic schools around the United States. Again and again, Muslim leaders are "shocked, shocked" Casablanca style that sedition is being taught to the little kiddies.

The Civilization of Dhimmitude   [3/29/05]
The important book Eurabia is analyzed at length here by Prof. Bruce Thornton of UC Fresno. The book posits the idea that since 1973 Europe has consciously chosen to align itself with the Arab world, a choice which now looks insanely self-destructive and has required a degree of appeasement not seen since Munich. See also the author's brief explanation.
    Thorton cites the prescient Camp of the Saints by Jean Rapail as forseeing Europe's spiritual capitulation and notes that Eurabia calls President Bush's reactions to 911 as the end to decades of appeasement.

U.S. loses again in Mexico 2-1: El Tri fans taint win with chants of 'Osama, Osama'   [3/28/05]
Sunday's soccer match-up revealed once again that, on a planet full of people who hate America, Mexico remains one the the worst. Despite the fact that Mexico is the wealthiest nation in Latin America, as a people they are too corrupt to develop their own society and would rather just invade ours, because it's easier.

Muslims Split over Gender Role   [3/28/05]
Another brave, or foolish, Muslim woman has taken on the liberation of her kind by challenging the tradition that only men can lead prayers. Asra Nomani has challenged the inequality by leading a mixed group in prayer in Waltham, Massachusetts, and pointed out that Mohammed himself designated a woman to act similarly in one instance. But the clericocracy responded with the usual hysteria:

    "This is a misleading heresy and sedition," responded the Islamic Fiqh Academy of the 55-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference.
With her attitudes, Ms. Nomani should probably avoid Saudi Arabia: Sixty Minutes examined the world's most extreme gender apartheid. In a nice touch, the show followed up with a segment about the amazing athlete Pam Reed who has twice won the 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon in Death Valley California over both men and women.

The Most Dangerous Gang in America   [3/27/05]
Mara Salvatrucha, aka MS-13, is the criminal gang of your nightmares. Ultra-violent and with growing numbers of 8,000-10,000 members, the Salvadoran gang is spreading all around America. Their signature weapon is the machete, which is used in brutal attacks to produce a terrorist effect.
    See Parapundit for a detailed commentary on gangs and Hispanic disinterest in education.

Civilians to Watch Border   [3/27/05] Alex Sigura and Russell Silas
Alex Sigura, left, and Russell Silas of Utah are among the more than 1,000 American volunteers who have signed up to participate in the Minuteman Project, a large-scale neighborhood watch on the Arizona border to alert authorities to illegal aliens.
    These undocumented border patrol agents have been called "vigilantes" by the fifth columnists who shriek that defending America's sovereignty is racist.
    On the contrary, the Minutemen are merely filling a law-enforcement vacuum, which is a historical norm when the government doesn't provide basic protection for citizens.

Immigrant rights group wants visas for Salvadoran children   [3/26/05]
Salvadorans residing in the U.S. under the "Temporary Protected Status" (TPS) program are becoming more settled, and therefore more demanding, even though they are theoretically booked to leave Sept. 9, 2006, at the end of their TPS vacation. Plus, no estimate is made of the cost to the overburdened American taxpayer to provide education etc. for the little Salvadoran kiddies.
    Salvador's leaders don't want the TPSers back at all, preferring the expats' remittance cash to their presence. PBS calls remittances "El Salvador's biggest industry." But thoughtful economists have criticized remittance dependence, arguing that billions in easy money does not encourage development and can even depress economic growth in some countries.

500,000 Anchor Babies a Year?   [3/26/05] writer Joe Guzzardi cites his reasons why he believes the usual estimates of anchor babies are woefully understated. There are available statistics, for one thing, plus the large numbers of pregnant foreigners he sees around him in California's San Joaquin Valley.
    He notes the lack of Congressional support for legislation HR 698 which would reform the birth-citizenship law.

Interview with Harvey Kushner   [3/25/05]
The author of Holy War on the Home Front is critical of govenment agencies and other institutions for how they have not responded adequately to the threat of fascist Islam. He is also precise on naming the fifth column elements:

    Islamic extremists constitute a fifth column — a highly organized underground army whose tentacles reach into our colleges and universities; recruit converts in mosques and prisons; and raise money through bogus Muslim charities and drug running operations — in America. They are committed to the most violent goals of Islamic jihad and united in their belief that God wants them to destroy America completely.
He indicts the Left generally and the ACLU in particular for their defense of America's enemies.

All-Arabic Preschool Classes in Swedish City   [3/24/05]
The Fjordman blog continues to alert us to news that is not covered in the western press, in this case more about how Malmo, Sweden's third-largest city, is rapidly becoming Islamicized. The latest affront is that Swedish taxpayers must fund classrooms taught in Arabic in their own country. As the failed experiment with bilingual education in the U.S. has shown, language assimilation is best accomplished with schools teaching the national language, rather than surrendering to extremist groups with a separatist agenda.
    Malmo is also ground zero for the rape epidemic against European women and girls by Muslim men. Yet Muslim immigration continues apace, since Swedish media and elites are apparently more attached to multicultural ideology than to admitting the social breakdown in front of them.

Mexico aims for soccer redemption   [3/23/05]
Mexican jockstraps have been in a bunch since the U.S. team beat them in the World Cup in 2002. What's fascinating is the deep hatred for America just beneath the surface which the sports rivalry reveals. Being the pathetically dysfunctional neighbor of the world's most powerful nation has not been a happy experience for the collective Mexican machismo.
    Remember that a Zogby poll a couple years back revealed that 58 percent of Mexicans believe the U.S. southwest belongs to them. Not that they have done much with what they have, except keeping their billionaires fat and happy. Smaller nations have been major world powers with much less land area, e.g. Japan, Spain and Great Britain.

    Every schoolboy knows about 1848," he says, settling in for a lazy afternoon of serious soccer talk at a local cantina. "When they robbed our territory," referring to when Texas, California, and New Mexico were annexed to the US at the as part of a peace treaty ending the war between the two countries, "that was the beginning."
        Coupled with the fact that tens of thousands of Mexicans leave the country every day for the greener economic pastures north of the Rio Grande, and the game becomes about saving face. "Football is our only equal playing field where we can show 'em," Mr. Gonzales says.
With all the bad water under the bridge, opening the border to this group in particular seems a very dumb idea. They are among the worst prospects for future Americans imaginable, given historical attitudes alone.

Attacks on Jews and Muslims soar in France   [3/22/05]
Ethnic and religious hate crimes increased by nearly 90 percent in 2004. Jews got the worst of it, with 60 percent of violent incidents being anti-Semitic (970 compared with 601 in 2003) and mostly committed by Muslim immigrants. The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, which presented the study, also noted that the violence is no longer reflective of events in the Middle East, but has taken on a life of its own.

Hillary's Election Scam Bill   [3/22/05]
Want to vote, but don't have any legal identification? No problema, if Sen. Clinton's "Count Every Vote Act of 2005" becomes law. Just register at the time of voting, with minimal ID required. She says the legislation will "restore America's faith in the voting process", but of course it would do the opposite, by encouraging fraud.
    Senator Clinton hasn't authored much legislation, so the fact that she would choose to endorse fraudulent voting reveals a lot. The Democrats apparently still believe that the "immigrant" (including illegal alien) vote will put them back in power.

Iraqi Women Killed as Enemies of Islam   [3/22/05]
Death is the sentence imposed by militants upon women who aspire to lead an interesting life beyond household slavery. Islamic militants have killed 20 women in Mosul and a dozen more in Baghdad: their crime was working for a more equitable society.
    Many Muslims are fine with accepting elections as a reasonable cultural change, but equal rights for women is considered unIslamic indeed. For more, see Foreign Policy's important analysis, "The True Clash of Civilizations." The Muslim world and the west both support democracy at similar levels: the real divide is over the issues of gender equality, abortion, homosexuality and divorce.

Race Concerns Damage Murder Inquiries   [3/21/05]
In Britain, authorities are admitting that political correctness has prevented full investigations of "honor killings" there among immigrants. ("Honor killings" are the murders of women and girls by family members for real or imagined cultural slights against rigid social codes, usually in Islamic societies.) What that means in practical terms is that police and teachers have been too culturally sensitive to recognize illegal conduct in front of their eyes.
    Among the politically correct, so-called "immigrant rights" always trump women's rights, even regarding basic safety.

With Mexican Friends Like This Who Needs Enemies   [3/21/05]
According to Counterterrorism Blog, on March 4 an American law enforcement officer from the Transportation Security Administration was beaten up by a couple of Mexican cops who demanded $1,000. He was then thrown into a Tijuana jail until some U.S. Embassy officials rescued him the next morning and brought him home in an armed convoy.
    If that isn't bad enough, the State Dept. has hushed up the shameful incident and blamed the injured man because he left his hotel room. This very disturbing case is another indication that the Bush Administration has a Mexican Agenda that runs counter to its Constitutional duty to protect this nation.
    In more Mexican news, el Presidente Fox recently bragged on his country's improving economy, remarking, "We're ... the seventh largest economy in the world."
    As this website has shown, Mexico Is Rich, and has the resources to develop jobs and a better life for all its people. The question is why Washington has not asked why millions are fleeing Latin America's richest nation.

Raids mark a gain in war on gangs   [3/20/05]
Apparently the illegal alien gang situation has gotten so bad that the feds are finally taking some long overdue action, with ICE officers making over 100 arrests around the country. The gang members are from the notoriously brutal MS-13, who may have hooked up with Qaeda terrorists for mutually beneficial business dealings. Since the MS-13 gang is engaged in alien smuggling, and Qaedas want to break in to the U.S. on the sly, it would be a perfect storm marriage.

Health Dept. Warns New Yorkers about Tuberculosis Cheese   [3/20/05]
Avoid Mexican cheese that isn't marked as being pasteurized. Raw milk "queso fresco" is the dangerous food that can carry the TB bacillus.
    TB is normally passed through the air, but the New York City Health Dept. reports cases there apparently caused by people eating the unsafe Mexican cheese.
    Speaking of tuberculosis, Rep. Gallegly writes that illegal immigration is the cause of the disease's resurgence in the United States as a public health threat.

Red China: Migrants, Economy   [3/20/05]
I missed this article from last December about the working conditions in the People's Republic of China, but it is too shocking to ignore. The PRC has 114 million people in its "floating population" of migrants who work in factory jobs for long hours with no rights.
    Most employees get $50-70 per month for working 49-hour weeks, but may not get paid in a regular fashion: employers often hold wages for two months before paying workers. The weekly Beijing Review reported (12/03) that "72 percent of migrant workers are owed a total of $12 billion in back wages." Many migrants' children don't attend school because of the costs involved.
    No wonder amoral corporations from America and elsewhere are relocating to Red China. The country offers the full monty of police-state exploitation of workers, courtesy of the Communist Party. One billion slave workers looks like a full refrigerator to the CEOs of today.
    Update: An estimated one-third of Shanghai's residents today are of the semi-visible floating population, the poorly educated workers from the country who share little of the city's economic boom.

English only? Not in business   [3/20/05]
Thank your local bank and used car lot for helping in the destruction of America by encouraging bilingualization. Even as the Arizona legislature works to make English the official language of the state, businesses undermine the American community with linguistic pandering.
    Of course it won't stop with Spanish everywhere. Instead of assimilating to the English language, every little ethnic group now childishly demands its share of America's attention, so we can expect more ATMs offering Hmong, Nahuatl and Punjabi.
    Furthermore, language anarchy creates cushy jobs for immigrants as well-paid translators. For example, certified court interpreters in California make $265 per day.

Woman leads US Muslims to prayer [3/19/05]
If Islam ever achieves some sort of reformation to bring it into the modern world, it will be largely due to the efforts of women. However, it is equally likely that brave women striving for a humane Islam will be fatwaed out of existence.
    The act of an American Muslim woman to lead a mixed group in prayer in New York was not welcomed by Islamic traditionalists

    Only a handful of protesters showed up outside the event and they conducted a counter prayer service on the sidewalk, led by a young American man who would only give his name as Nussruh. "These people do not represent Islam," said the clearly furious Nussruh. "If this was an Islamic state, this woman would be hanged, she would be killed, she would be diced into pieces."

    The female-led prayer was so controversial that no mosque would sponsor it, and the service was held in an Anglican church. (No mention is made whether Christians appreciated this use of their church.)

Syrians Caught in US Illegally [3/18/05]
A federal grand jury in Tucson indicted two Syrians masquerading as Americans on March 16. The OTMs were picked up Feb. 18 in the Tohono O'odham reservation southwest of Tucson.
    Syria is one of seven nations designated by the State Department as supporting terrorists.

Norway Rapes Continue [3/18/05]
Blogger Fjordman has been following the scandalous rape statistics in Norway that show the vast majority of rapists are of foreign origin while most victims by far are Norwegian women. More shocking is how these figures have been hushed up by the political and media elites. (See the earlier "Muslim Rape Epidemic.")
    Conclusion: the safety of Norwegian women and girls is being sacrificed to maintain the illusion of a happy multicultural society, while in fact Muslim immigration has been a total disaster, particularly for women's safety.

San Francisco Bay Area's coming crunch: Traffic boom on the horizon [3/18/05]
Population-fueled highway horrors just keep on coming for the once-idyllic Bay Area, where experts forecast a "roadway nightmare of unprecedented scale." By 2030, the nine counties' population will grow by 23 percent, or 1.7 million residents, plus there will be nearly double the number of commuters, 80 percent of whom will be driving cars.

    The Bay Area Council, a coalition of large employers, predicts a "crippling" 152 percent increase in congestion by 2025 unless $20 billion is invested in an aggressive list of solutions it advocates.

    Anyone who lives here knows that getting around is already a nightmare, and that we are full up with sprawling humanity. This is "progress" in the 21st century — growth to the point where nature is paved over and quality of life is eradicated. And in California, virtually all population growth since 1990 has been from immigration.

Update to NAFTA Treaty Is Planned at Texas Summit [3/17/05]
Observant Bush watchers know that Americans should grab hold of their wallets whenever GWB gets together with his special amigo El Presidente Fox because some anti-American giveaway is sure to ensue. The headline shows the upcoming 3/24 confab will be another loser for U.S. sovereignty in favor of the globalist ideology that transnational corporations prefer: if NAFTA will be "updated" that means the Constitution will be downsized, along with the idea of borders and nation states.

The Capital of Gritted Teeth [3/17/05]
One-third of Los Angeles residents plan to leave within five years, according to a new PPIC study. That number is up from just 17 percent in 2003. No mention of the forbidden "I" word (immigrants) but the code words are indicative, e.g. clogged traffic, crime and overcrowding. Despite being jam packed with humanity for decades, the county has added 600,000 additional residents in just the last four years.

Mexico's Man in Washington
It's not inaccurate to say that President Bush has a Mexican agenda. Read the incomplete list of the policies where he has chosen the good of Mexicans over Americans. (Written by the publisher of this website.)

Border States Grapple with Alien Criminals
This article, derived from a Fox News segment, is unusual in that it notes, albeit with unnecessary subtlety, how unemployment among illegal aliens leads to crime. They "come to work" as we hear ad nauseum, but when the streets aren't paved with gold, then other means are found to put dollars in Mexican wallets.

    Most Mexicans cross the border looking for work, but competition is fierce for jobs requiring uneducated, unskilled labor. Many illegal immigrants find themselves far from realizing their dreams.

    "We come over here to find a better life," said inmate Tony Perez, a convicted drug dealer. "Not all of us are here to sell drugs or to do bad things, despite a few that do."

    Furthermore, because of the overburdened bueaucracy, about 60 percent of deportation orders are ignored, permitting many dangerous thugs to walk free on American streets.

Senate Judiciary Testimony of Janice Kephart
Ms. Kephart was an investigator for the 9/11 Commission and was one of the authors involved in writing "9/11 and Terrorist Travel." During her testimony, she remarked, "I think that although we're talking a very good talk right now about border security being national security, we have it very buried in DHS right now."
    She emphasized the importance of verifiable identification:

    The hijackers acquired a total of 34 U.S. I.D.s: 13 driver's license, two of which were duplicates, and 21 U.S.A. or state-issued I.D. cards. It highlights the importance of verifying identity and immigration status when issuing those documents.

    Ms. Kephart also wrote a recent opinion piece arguing that political asylum laws must be tightened up.

Dispensing with Dual Citizenship
Multiculturalism has made loyalty to the United States unfashionable, along with the whole concept of citizenship. It is even hard to get rid of terrorists, human rights abusers and criminals once they have received their U.S. papers.
    A hint about how little today's "immigrants" care about America is revealed in a recent Pew Hispanic poll which found that 90 percent of Mexicans living in the U.S. would vote in Mexico's election if they could.
    Dual citizenship makes about as much sense as polygamy, and should be ended immediately.

Europeans Grow More Intolerant of Immigrants
Among other things, the EU-sponsored study found that 60 percent in the original EU of 15 states and 42 percent in the 10 mainly east European nations that joined the EU last year believed there were "limits to multicultural society." Interestingly, the polling occurred before the November 2004 murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh on an Amsterdam street by an Islamic extremist.

San Francisco Bay Area: 112 Languages Spoken
Information from the 2000 Census is still being crunched, in this case by US English Foundation to prepare a report showing the increasing language diversity in this country. The website presentation has PDF text files and state charts of language prevalence. Press release here. Incidentally, English is the official language of California, not that the status has done us any good.
    Here's another take on the report from Grand Rapids, Michigan, where the coverage is cheerful and celebratory about the common culture breaking down into linguistic balkanization: "We're #1 in Frisian!" The article further notes...

    All told, West Michigan says "hello" in 61 different languages, a glorious and garbled symphony from all corners of the globe.

    As President Theodore Roosevelt observed a century ago, "The ultimate way to bring this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of it continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."

March 13 - Ayaan Hirsi Ali appearance on Sixty Minutes
The courageous Dutch MP was interviewed by Morley Safer about the murder of her friend and collaborator Theo van Gogh for the film "Submission" critical of Islam's normal brutality to women, plus the changes to Dutch society arising from Islamic immigration. This link includes the text of the televised segment, plus a 2-minute video of Hirsi Ali being interviewed. Another online video that includes her is a cover story on PBS's Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly.
    As noted here earlier, she and fellow legislator Geert Wilders have been forced to live in prison-like conditions because of the threats made against them by Islamic extremists. Such is the state of immigration-fueled diversity in the Netherlands.

Zarqawi Planning U.S. Hit?
According to Time magazine, Osama pal Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi has been urged by his mentor to mount terrorist strikes inside the United States, possibly aimed at "soft targets" like theaters, restaurants and schools.

    The bulletin also notes the Iraq-based master terrorist's apparent belief that "if an individual has enough money, he can bribe his way into the U.S.," specifically by obtaining a "visa to Honduras" and then traveling across Mexico and the southern U.S. border.

Residents Speak at Least 35 Languages in Northwest Arkansas
There's no escaping the glories of linguistic diversity, even in rural areas of Red State America. But the real world results are not all salsa and borscht. Living in the Tower of Babel is actually very inconvenient.
    A lot gets lost in translation: "It takes three times the amount of time to try a case when you're working with an interpreter," noted a local judge.
    But because this article is celebratory, there is no mention of the cost to taxpayers of well-paid court interpreters or "bilingual" teachers.

Author warns of Islamic Holy War's 'fifth column'
This editorial analyzes the work of Harvey Kushner, whose most recent book is "Holy War on the Home Front."
    Terror expert Kushner remarked, "In my 30 years in counterterrorism, I have never been more worried about my country."
    As well he should be, since Muslim immigration continues as if 9/11 never happened, and Islamist enablers like the ACLU and CAIR continue to support America's enemies openly.

Under Siege
American citizens who reside near the border in Arizona don't live like the rest of us; they are literally under attack and must cope with the most appalling assaults on property. In fact their way of life has been destroyed by the continuing invasion which our government permits.
    For example, rancher Fred Davis found several of his horses dying of dehydration after illegal aliens locked them in a pasture away from their water supply. (Mexico has no laws against animal cruelty.)

India Offers Cash to Parents to Have a Girl
Misogynist India has one of the worst female-to-male ratios in the world (927 F - 1,000M), and the numbers have gotten worse with the availability of modern medical technology which makes gender selection easy. Pre-natal sex testing is officially illegal in India but the law is little enforced.
    Girls are seen as a financial burden, and the cash is meant to counteract that belief.

Rice to Deliver $10 Million to Mexico
Why is President Bush sending a penny of U.S. taxpayer money to Latin America's richest nation? The Secretary of State has announced a $10 million grant to pay for a microlending program in Mexico as part of her diplomatic excursion on Thursday. Our southern neighbor can well afford to finance its own anti-poverty operations because Mexico Is Rich.
    If anything, the Mexicans should be sending money this way for all the services we citizens unwillingly provide for their illegal aliens.

30 Muslim workers fired for praying on job at Dell
Nashville — More immigrants unclear on the concept of what a job requires. The story includes an online poll asking whether companies should make accommodation for employees' religious beliefs.

Gender bias in IKEA instructions?
The furniture giant is getting criticized for its retro assembly material. IKEA's reason for showing only males putting the furniture together is the problem:

    IKEA, which has more than 200 stores in 32 nations, fears it might offend Muslims by depicting women assembling everything from cupboards to beds. Its manuals show only men or cartoon figures whose sex is unclear.

    Say, did someone consult "Ask the imam" on this important issue?
    More seriously, the incident shows how easily women's rights are tossed aside if it is merely thought that Muslims might be upset.

Bush administration orders states to review cases of Mexicans on Death Row
LTG has lost track of how many times President Bush has conceded American interests in favor of Mexican ones, but there is no question about the number of instances where he defended the welfare of the United States against Mexico: zero.
    Today's insult from the White House to American sovereignty is the Bush acquiescence to Mexican criticism concerning death row inmates who are Mexican. The World Court and the permanent complainers in Mexico City protest that the dozens of murderers did not receive proper communication with their home government. The test case centers around Jose Ernesto Medellin who was convicted and sentenced to death in 1981 for the rape and murder of Jennifer Ertman, 14, and Elizabeth Pena, 16, during a gang initiation.
    Once again, President Bush has advanced the Mexican agenda to the detriment of American law, sovereignty and safety.

FBI Warns of 'Special Interest' Aliens
FBI Director Rober Mueller testified 3/8/05 on terrorism, drug trafficking, gangs and other related topics. "Special interest" aliens come from nations where al Qaeda is active.
    Noteworthy was his mention that Middle Easterners have adopted Hispanic last names before trying to get into the United States through Mexico.

House Hearing Testimony about Immigration Enforcement Resources
The prepared statements from the March 3, 2005, Immigration Subcommittee panel are now online. The persons testifying were T.J. Bonner (President, National Border Control Council), Robert Eggle (father of murdered Park Ranger Kris Eggle), Peter Gadiel (board member of 911 Families for a Secure America and father of a 911 victim) and Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-TX).

Less funds may reduce refugees admitted to U.S.
You know the government is seriously broke when it can't even afford the initial costs of dumping thousands of primitive people like Bantus and Hmong on communities throughout America. But however unfortunate the cause, it is good news for financially strapped local governments to get a reprieve on one of the worst unfunded mandates coming out of Washington.
    This announcement follows the mid-February news that the President had lifted the yearly number to pre-911 levels (70,000) as a result of being personally moved by the suffering of refugees.
    Remember that the money to import these welfare cases is borrowed on the national credit card, now more that $7 trillion in the hole.

Small Businesses: Tiny loans, big impact
LTG has long supported increased microlending in the Third World to improve the standard of living and lessen immigration to the United States. This article describes a successful program in Mexico and notes the connection with immigration.

    BanComun's one full-time employee, Luis Molina, believes the small loans can also cut down on illegal immigration to the United States. "There's a myth about Nogales that people are just here until they can find a way to the states. But there's a generation of people who want to stay" if they can make a living, he said.

    Microlending is a program that has actually been effective in economic improvement across many cultures, plus espousing values of women's empowerment, democracy and environmentalism. It's a far better solution to Third World poverty than admitting a few million out of billions of poor to the First World through immigration.

Street vendors push it to the limit
Foreign push-cart food sellers are totally out of control in Los Angeles even though street vending is illegal. They make food at home in the most unsanitary conditions imaginable.

    [Authorities] target homes where push-cart foods are made, shutting down operations where tamales are cooked on a makeshift stove in the bathtub, lead vats are used for cooking, and hot dogs and mayonnaise used for corn are left at room temperature for days.

    Not only is public health endangered by the city's permissiveness, but honest businesses that pay taxes and buy business licenses are put at a disadvantage. If city government included deportations with their raids, the problem would likely diminish very quickly.
    Of course the whole situation is emblematic of America becoming the Third World by importing it — filthy food on the streets with sickness or death waiting to happen while government looks the other way.

2 Dutch Deputies on the Run from Jihadist Threats
More from the Netherlands about MPs Geert Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali living like prisoners because they criticized violent Islamist extremists. Many Dutch are asking whether it is acceptable for two well know legislators to be forced into hiding because of death threats.
    "The people who threaten us are walking around free and we are the captives," Mr. Wilders said. He still receives emailed threats and there is a computer video with gunfire and a photo of him with a voice saying, "He is an enemy of Islam and should be beheaded." Neverthless, according to Dutch Report he is planning on touring the Netherlands in May to campaign against the EU referendum.
    Ms. Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who has denounced the religion for its violence and sexism, is particularly despised. Muslim women have threatened to murder her, since they believe that would instill more terror.
    But much of the debate has been centered around the MPs' specific living situations rather than the immigration insanity which has gotten the nation to this point. You cannot welcome people who hate western values with a pollyanna belief that everything will somehow work out. It won't.

Child Predator Arrests Reach 5,000; 431 in Northern California
Since July 2003, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has arrested 5,000 sex criminals who prey upon children. More than 85 percent have been foreign national sex offenders of whom over 2,100 have been deported.

"Undocumented Immigrants Recruited to Grow Marijuana in National Park"
Authorities have found around 40 marijuana fields in Sequoia National Park in the last two years, often tended by Mexican illegal aliens. A National Park Service investigator noted, "The illegals just work in the fields but the people who really run them are first- and second-generation Mexican Americans who recruit these illegals."
    Why is there no outrage from the Sierra Club, which is supposed to care about protecting wild places? The armed guards around these fields certainly present a danger to hikers as well. Apparently, the Club's promise to Say No Evil about "immigrants" — bought at a cost of a $100 million bribe from Wall Street investor David Gelbaum — is at play here.

Most Californians Oppose DLs for Illegal Aliens
The well respected Field Poll polled 506 Californians Feb. 8-17, 2005, found that residents are very much opposed (62% -35%) to the state's issuance of drivers licenses to illegal aliens. There is opposition among various groups, including Republicans (86%), Democrats (56%), independents (62%) and registered voters (68%).
    In response, State Senator Tom McClintock said, "Issuing valid state identification documents to illegal immigrants undermines enforcement of our immigration laws." Well, yes.
    On the other side, State Sen. Gil Cedillo, the Energizer Bunny from hell on rewarding lawbreakers with government identification, is openly contemptuous of the will of the people: "This bill has never been popular, and this isn't a popularity contest."

"Let's Not Shake on It"
Here an Islamist male, Muhammed Athar Lila, explains why he won't shake hands with women, all the while insisting that he is not an extremist. Even though he was born in Canada and portrays himself as a modern "laid back" guy, his misogynist religion requires him to deny the social equality of women. He complains of being misunderstood in common business situations as a result. Tsk.
    In addition, he doesn't understand this most basic of greeting rituals, which he describes as "a cry for attention." Au contraire, the handshake in ancient times indicated there was no weapon in the open hand and has evolved into a contemporary expression of respect, in which two people mutually invade each other's space for a brief moment. So Muhammed is accurately asserting his disrespect of women by refusing to shake hands with persons he considers below him.
    This op-ed is yet another proof that a western society can permit large-scale Muslim immigration or it can support women's equality: it cannot have both.

Arthur Chrenkoff Interviews Victor Davis Hanson
Don't miss this excellent Q&A with the eminent classicist, military historian and culture critic. The interviewer's thoughtful questions bring out the best from VDH. One example:

    "Can very wealthy, very pampered, and very leisured Americans still muster the courage to say to a Vicente Fox, 'Sorry, we did not inherit this great country to surrender its borders to you, so you can continue the corruption and expect us to be your safety valve to stave off popular uprisings from very exploited and brave people against your failed system?' Or is that too judgmental, insensitive, culturally chauvinistic, or un-nice."
Plenty more just as good.

Malaysian Immigrant Crackdown
When they say "crackdown" in Malaysia, they aren't kidding. "These migrants and their employers better be warned ... the crackdown is on and there is no turning back," warned the immigration enforcement chief, Ishak Mohamad. More than 20,000 soldiers, police officers and immigration officials are engaged in operation, plus 300,000 "volunteers" — what we would call "bounty hunters."
    Interestingly, the foreigners from Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh perform those icky jobs that Malaysians just won't do, and illegal workers were found to comprise 15 percent of the workforce. The crackdown follows a three-month amnesty, where the illegals could register with the government. Besides being deported, the lawbreakers may also receive canings.


© 2005 Brenda Walker All rights reserved.