Speeches of Rep. Tom Tancredo

(House of Representatives, Special Orders Speeches)

Sept. 13, 2004: The Face of the Terrorist Foe
Rep. Tancredo isn't afraid to say that the terrorists are Muslims and even remarks, "Some even called it a corrupted religion.".

June 22, 2004: Sanctuary Cities
The subject is how sanctuary city policies protect criminals and endanger citizens.

April 2, 2004: Our Porous Borders
Rep. Tancredo joins with Rep. King of Iowa for a discussion of the growing anarchy in the southern border area.

April 1, 2004: Jobs and Immigration
Rep. Tancredo points out that in the globalized economy, there are literally billions of workers anxious to come here and take American jobs for wages that are sub-living for citizens.

March 31, 2004: The Challenging Question of Jobs Leaving America
Rep. Tancredo discusses the vexing problem of outsourcing and what policy options might help, though rejiggering trade programs does not guarantee more jobs remaining in America. However, he says it is clear that some form of amnesty for illegal aliens is exactly the wrong approach for the jobless recovery.

March 2, 2004: Resolution to Promote the Appreciation of Western Civilization in Schools
Rep. Tancredo presents his proposal that the Congress of the United States believes that all children graduating from schools in this country should be able to articulate an appreciation for Western Civilization.

February 24, 2004: Immigration Policy
Rep. Tancredo reads from the LA Times magazine article "Infinite Ingress" and discusses how multiculturalism prevents children from learning American values in the classroom. He also pitches his proposed resolution that the Congress of the United States wants to encourage all schools in this Nation to produce children who will be able to articulate an appreciation for Western civilization.

Tom Tancredo, July 16, 2003: Immigration Reform
Rep. Tancredo discusses the many crime victims of illegal aliens, using ImmigrationsHumanCost.org as a resource for names and stories.

Tom Tancredo, July 14, 2003: Critical Issues Facing America
Rep. Tancredo speaks generally about foreign threats to western civilization and discusses H-1B visas in detail.

Tom Tancredo, July 9, 2003: Immigration Problems — Sanctuary Policy and Crime
Rep. Tancredo explains how permissive immigration policies, such as the sanctuary policy, actually welcome criminals and put innocent Americans at risk.

Tom Tancredo, June 18, 2003: Illegal Aliens Taking American Jobs
Rep. Tancredo discusses how the millions of illegals are displacing citizen workers, from blue collar to college-educated professionals.

Tom Tancredo - Special Order Transcript - June 9, 2003
Rep. Tancredo uses this Special Orders speech to focus on low wages and how they are destructive to the Social Security system.

Tom Tancredo Speaks on the House Floor, April 29, 2003
This hour-long Special Orders speech continues the ongoing stress and devastation experienced by Americans who live near the border because the government refuses to provide enforcement for the region. Later in the hour he analyzes multiculturalism.

Tom Tancredo Speaks on the House Floor, April 8, 2003
This hour-long Special Orders speech discusses environmental devastation in particular, and notes how organizations like the Sierra Club have been absent.

Tom Tancredo Speaks on the House Floor, April 2, 2003
Another hour-long Special Orders speech about the growing anarchy on the border.

Tom Tancredo Speaks on the House Floor, March 4, 2003
This is a Special Orders talk of an hour, discussing the many problems on the border, where the violence and chaos are only getting worse.

Tom Tancredo Speaks on the House Floor, June 7, 2001
This Special Orders talk is an introductory one on the need to control immigration.

Short speeches from Rep. Tancredo
Shorter talks here, some spotlighting border residents who are suffering greatly because the government continues to allow immigration chaos in that region.